you walked on forward , leaving me behind you . You took your own path and left me chasing after you .
But then i stopped one day and let you be .
I let you go , i stopped needing you , i stopped needing someone to always hold my hand
whenever night fell. I stopped being afraid of losing something that i thought i needed to be happy.
Well now i am happy , i choose a different path , i choose to live my life for myself and to stop chasing others who will just leave me behind instead of walking besides me .
Even if i stand alone sometimes , i know that i will never let myself fall .
You told me that i am insensitive , that i left you behind , but when i was by your side .What did you do to stop this distance that was growing , nothing , you did nothing.
And are now blameing me for your down fall ,
its not my problem anymore .
i don't need you , you only ever wanted to close the distance between us when you felt like there was something to gain.