The goblin was up to the usual, chewing up the bones of the ash goblin, waiting for a stick, and moving ash into a pile in one area of the larger cave.
Almost a day from the goblins awakening, a curious happenstance occured, a weird growth thingie sprouted in the large cave. The weird glowing vine seems to have grown it from seemingly nowhere. And it had the audacity, the sheer amount of naivety to dare inhabit his pit? Perhaps it is a weapon? Sticks do not know better, and they are weapons, and have been know to have been accidentally smacked into a smaller goblins skull around 20 times or so. But it is not a stick. That is all the goblin needs to know. BECAUSE if it is not, IT KNOWS OF ITS TRESSPASS INTO HIS HOLE! Wait, is it food? The goblin takes a whiff, and its eyes widen in euphoria. It smells great, even greater than the ash goblin. Immediately the goblin tears at the dirt and vines to free the small growth. It frees the small rough sack and scarfs scarfs it down. A nap is in order, after all, all real goblins sleep for 16 hours a day.
Rising slowly and drowsily the the goblin slowly looks around for anymore morsels. But how odd, there are none. It seems that when there is no bad dust, the food grows! He glares hatefully at the once empty, now ash filled pits. The pits cleary were deceiving him to not let him grow the food! He curls his claws, and snatches his rock. (He seems to have misplaced the smaller one) He rears back and slams a mighty blow to devastate the nearest scheming coward pit..... and smashes his toe instead. The goblin screeches in total agony! Oh the horror, the brave goblin attempted to protect his cave, and was beset upon by evil wizard pits! They have most likely cast foul magic to cloud his mind and torture his soul, as all goblins know, a goblin cannot miss if he not messed up by magic. Ever. Any goblin who squeeks otherwise will get the STICK! This goblin swiftly adapted to his circumstances. Quickly he runs away into the larger cave. Naturally performing a tactical retreat and preparing a pre-planned ambush. Ha, truly, this goblins intellect knows no bounds.
The goblin looks around his new cave. (The smaller cave was claimed by the warlocks pits) He gets to work, and takes a nap, as all true goblins would after a successful battle.
Awaking to naught but his own thoughts, the goblin rises slowly. He observes his surroundings. His weapon had been destroyed (Accidentally dropped) with the battle of CavePit So thinking, well, no goblin worth their salt thinks, so doing, the goblin searches for a stck. Alas the pit warlocks have not only stolen his cave, but also cursed his luck. Needless to say, no stick was found. Alas a goblin is a resourceful creature, and can make do with the quite meager rock he found. The rock was most definitely a part of a larger rock, as will roughly flat, and about half the size of his palm. Although it was nice and pointy, as all goblin weapons should be. Along with his exertion an appetite is formed. He has no true hunger, but the instinctual goblin need for more demands he always have excess. He again does and forfoes the thinking part. He naturally does and a recollection of his thought, and clearly not a think! Any one caught snitching is getting a beatdown! He came from a pit. The wizards were pits. Is he a wizard? He attempts to do magic, and he gloriously covers himself in powerful magic armor and prepares his arcane energies to smite his foes. Of course he really just fell asleep and is dreaming. He shall sleep the remainder of the day, because of course all goblins worth their salt know when to sleep; always.