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Stuck in a dream

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Chapter 1 - 1

"Sapphire gold! What do you think your doing?!" Sapphires eyes snapped open. "Sorry sir. I didn't get enough sleep and..." she stopped. She knew she wouldn't and couldn't win. She scowled and stared at her feet under the desk. "Does it look like I get sleep?!" He demanded. "With those eye bags?" A boy named Alex yelled. His pack snarled. "I'm really sorry sir." She rubbed her eyes. "Sapphire, this isn't the first time," He said, trying not to get cross. "I understand that you don't particularly like science, but that is still no excuse as to why you keep falling asleep." She wished she could melt away. She slumped down in her seat. "Detention after school." Her mouth hung. She understood, but still. Besides, he didn't. He didn't understand. She felt her classmates eyes melt into the back of her skull. Mr. Al made his way to his desk up front. Sapphires head hung as the lesson carried on.


"This happens too often!" Sapphires mother yelled. "Have you not been getting enough sleep?" Sapphire shrugged. "Have you been getting up early?" She shrugged again. "Can you give me some explanation, child?" Her mom said, rubbing her forehead. A shrug. "Fine. I'm done." She dragged her feet to her room. Sapphire was about to do the same, when her brother, Luke, stopped her. "Listen, you don't have to tell me anything. You don't even have to talk; but you need to tell one of us what is going on. We want to help you, saph. Give us something to help." She smiled. "I will." She said. Eventually.


She sat down on her bed and buried her face in her German Shepard's dog, Roxy. "I don't know what to do," She mumbled. "You understand, right?" Roxy barked, as if to say "yup." Sapphire smiles and scratched Roxys ear. Sapphire got off the bed and walked over to her closet. She grabbed a pen and some paper. An hour later, she had the paper filled with doodles and sketches. The door flew open. "Dinner, sapphire." Her dad said. "I'll be there in a sec." she could hear her dad's loud feet pound against the stairs as he went to eat dinner. Soon, she followed.