Gen looks around the room and sees John's little satchel under the map. He must have dropped it trying to hide. Out of curiosity, Gen reaches in it and pulls out the stone chip for Leo. He looks shocked. He pulls a stone ring from his shirt and compares them. The ring was the same as the edge of the stone chip. Rexar enters the room and meows, getting Gen's attention.
Rexar sits in front of the exit tall and firm. Gen notices the mark on Rexar's shoulder and reaches for his neck.
Gen: huh... Now that's interesting, isn't it?
Rexar trots to John behind the boxes and Gen follows. They've made eye contact.
Gen: aaaaaaahhhaah!!! What the hell!?
John: that's my question!! Jesus!! You gotta scream! Holy hell, my ears.
Gen: god. I didn't expect to see you at all yet.
John: yeah. It's not funny when you see yourself without a reflection.
Gen: I don't have a reflection. That makes it worse.
Rexar hisses and stops their banter.
Gen: what's the cat's problem?
John: he said "knock it off. He's getting a headache."
Gen:... Pfft. Kehaahahekekeh.
John: what?
Gen: eh~. Something tells us we're gonna enjoy playing tag with you, alfather.
Gen's eyes change from black to red and his face changes from serious to playful. Johns heart sinks in his chest as he realizes Gen still had the Leo stone in his hand.
Gen: don't worry. "Gen" is only a reflection. A name from the girl you saw.
John noticed the change in his voice. There was more than one person talking.
Gen: a simple "mirror".
John:... Then who are you?
Gen: he knows us.
Gen looks to Rexar who was bushy tailed the moment gen spoke in a new voice.
Rexar: mirage. The Gemini of your father. And the first pillar.
John: okay~. Officially weirded out.
Gen: well. We'll see how dedicated you are to the role soon. But for now, we can play with you for a while.
The room soon fills with black smoke and John and Rexar find themselves in a dark alley. It was eerily quiet. Not even wind passed between the walls. John started to quiver with goosebumps.
John: what the heck was that about?
Rexar: mraow~.
John: what..!? Oh. For... COME ON!!
Rexar: maow~...
John: I can't understand you, dammit!
Rexar: maw.
John: shit! He took your stone. Uh... Okay. Relax. Relax. Breath... And... Think.... Breath and think. What do I do?
Rexar sits in front of John and closes his eyes. Little blue stars float around him and settle in the air. Rexar looks to John again. John immediately follows his example and sits to meditate. Blue stars float and settle on the ground around them and with a burst of air, scattered throughout the area.
John can hear the city. Voices everywhere. Laughter from the far end. Cries from the nearby walls. Everything was open to him. He opens his eyes and makes eye contact with Rexar. He seemed to be smiling at him. Rexar stands and trots to the other end of the alley. John follows him.
Back in the worn out building. Gen sat one of the boxes with John's satchel in one hand and the two stones in the other. He remembers seeing John or Rexar in the room. He looks to the satchel. All that was in it was the one stone with the Leo sign on it. He remembers seeing it before and touches his neck. Maini had traced the mark on his neck for him since he can't see it himself. A double pillar mark of some kind. The sign for "Gemini".
Maini returned to Gen with a bag full of items. Gen looks to her blankly.
Maini: what's wrong, Gen?
Gen: nothing.
Maini: Hm? Oh! Did you see that guy I told you about!? Did he leave!? Gawd you should've seem him! It would've been like looking in a mirror for you!
Gen:... *chuckle*
Gen takes the bag from Maini, pats her head and heads back out.
Maini: hey! Wait a minute! If you see Caya tell her to talk to Zao about Hensley. He'll be in his lighter gear in the morning.
Gen: I'll be back.
Maini: huh?
Gen leaves.