Chereads / Chasing Pavements (MWS #1) / Chapter 24 - twenty-three

Chapter 24 - twenty-three



"What did I do, Dame?"

The question's meant to be for my cousin but it's moreover a question I repeatedly asked myself inside my head.

All my life, I've never been raised a hand at. If I commit a mistake, I'm told at or scolded at. But, for the first time in my twenty-one years of existence... he raised a hand at me. I held on to my cousin's forearm, a muted cry escapes my lips. Only the sounds of my quiet sobs could be heard.

Maybe he's stressed. He's just stressed, yes that's it. I attempt to convince myself for the wrong doing of my father. I couldn't shake the thought, the memory of my father slapping me. Coaxing myself. Howbeit, it would never justify his doing. Submerged in the depths of my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that my cousin carried me all the way to my room.

Inhale. Exhale. Reminding myself to breathe more often than told.

Damocles esconced my shivering state down my bed. "Do you need anything?" his tone marred with pity and sadness, so much that I hated the way he spoke.

"I ne-need you to call Rosalynn." I said. "Please."

I throttle my knees to my chest. Combing a hand through my messy mane, in an effort to gather my appearance. Letting out a shakey breathe, flux my optics to the tensed body of my relative. He looked astray: eyes cast down, hands in a fist, and his teeth gritted. Neither of us expected this.

"Lock your doors." was all he said before seeing himself out. "I'll call her."

The sound of the door shut calmed my senses. I lift a hand to my cheek, wincing at the pain. The red mark on my cheek was undeniable. Even a blind man could see how harsh it is. I refuted with my mind, I refused to acknowledge the evidence on my face that I've mentioned many times. A tear slipped, as I muffled another sob with my pillow.

A knock erupts throughout my space. I wipe the tears away with my sleeve, only to yield as they fall heavy like rain. I sniff, standing on my two feet. The padding of my steps surround me, Damocles' warning escaped my mind. My hand eventually finding the door knob through my blurred vision, I open the door. Only a fraction of it as I peek out to the intruder. I sucked in air. Stavros Koenig stood with his head down and a fulgent ring in hand.

I flinch as he took a step. "Why are you here?" my voice hard and unrecognizable through my stuffy nose.

"I'm here to apologise."

"What for, haven't you already done enough to cause me pain?"

Accusing him was wrong of me to do, I admit. I wanted blame him, blame everyone except the one who truly did me wrong. Maybe, I was still in denial. But, I refused to see it through.

"Just get out, Stav. I don't need you here-"

"Please, let me explain myself. I never meant to cause you harm, believe me. I didn't know, I was desperate of your sweet yes."

I look away as his eyes found mine. Pushing the door close, only to close it half-way as his foot got in the way. His hand grasps on the my hand. Begging clear in his tone. I'm perplexed, but it subsided as anger rose within my veins.

"Did you even think, even for just a second, Stavros. Did you think?" I blurted out. My words came out like word-vomit, my thoughts coming second. "Why do you even want marriage at this age? You're twenty-five! You have a lot to live for before indulging in a loveless marriage."

"Elixir, you don't understand-"

"No, Stav, it's you who fails to apprehend! I don't want to be married. We aren't even certain if we feel for each other." I clenched my jaw. "We languished in a relationship, that could be well considered as done. All we do is fight, point fingers at each other and little to no communication at all! We make-out, kiss, whatever else. We don't even go on dates, and you want to marry?!"

"Please, hear me out-"

"No!" finality clear in my voice, I slam the door shut. My chest heaved up and down with anger as well as frustration.

Vexation invaded my thoughts, I forgot of his foot in between the door. Grunts of pain could be heard. Faster than lighting, I swung my door open. Gasping at the sight of his crouched state, cradling his injured foot. I bent down to attend to him.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" My hands fidget, not knowing what to do or what to say aside from the word: sorry.

"It's alright." he groans. "I've experienced way worse, an injured foot is nowhere near a bullet wound."

"No, I'm sorry. Let me just-"

"Just help me up," I piped down.

I wrapped an arm around his broad shoulder, he mirrors my actions as I aided him to stand. Confusion quivered my beliefs. I didn't know why I just did that. The hidden anger in me just... bursted. My need to be in control.

"You're so fucking heavy. What do you eat, a cow?" I exhaled. My exhaustion seemed to be entertaining to him as he only chuckles while I throw him at my bed. His masculine body bounced on the mattress.

"Only beautiful women," he winks at me.

Unbeknownst to myself, I blushed. Struggling under his heated gaze, I fish for my phone in the pocket of my silk pajama top. My hands quivered. Turning away from him, my fingers tapped on the screen. Lifting the device up to my ear. It rang and buzzed 'til the recipient finally answered.

"Dr. Klenovich." I said.

Flipping of papers and the faint buzzing noise of the hospital could be heard through the phone. "Yes, Ms. Dimitrious. To what do I owe your call?"

"Please come to the manor. I'm-" I glanced at Stavros, who never turned his eyes from me, from my shoulder. "-in need of your assistance regarding an injured foot."

"I'll be there in a minute." I hung up.

With a sigh, I direct my attention to the innocent-eyed heir that sat on my bed. He reaches for my hand, I didn't protest. I let him bring it up to his lips, placing a small kiss. My pulse echoed in my ears as well as the sound of footsteps. His eyes, I could describe them in many ways. But as of now however, there's only one thing in them as he looked at me: adoration.

"Give me a week, a month or however long you allow me, Elixir. Let me court you. Formally, this time."