Chereads / SSPDMC / Chapter 2 - SNE:001B

Chapter 2 - SNE:001B


The Backward Clock

Class:World Breaker

The BackWard Clock was first find in London in 1887. It was then transported to site-7. Site-7 hold many SNE

The Backward Clock is a giant clock that tell time Backward. It was said to be create by a man that had many mystery about him.

The Backward Clock can make you go backward if you are in 4m from it. If you stay their for a while. You will never existed cause of time. You will revert back to dirt cause it made you go back pass zero.

The Backward Clock is power by sunlight. If it have enough sunlight. It can make the entire word go back. Till Earth never existed. It turn time backward with whatever it interact with.

It was classified as world breaker for this reason.

It almost happen in 2019.

SNE:001B File#36

The ceiling was broken for 24 hours. The world start to turn back. We begin to repair it. We would wear and use SNE:045. The world start to turn to ice. The ice age was coming back. But we finally repair the roof. The world start to turn back to the current year. Everyone came back.

The BackWard Clock is put in a large black box. The black box is surrounded by metal plates. It is in the lowest part of the site after file #36 incident.

The Backward Clock is only allow access to S class scientist.

This is one of the candidates for the SNE:001.

The real one is unknown. Only 4 SNE have been given this title. Cause of the mention in the Real SNE:001 file.