Skeleton King
Class:World Breaker
The Skeleton King was discover in 1805. The Skeleton King is a giant bone structure creature with a bone crown on it's head. It can summon smaller skeleton to defend itself.
It is hold at site-5
It is chain up in the lowest level of the site. The chain that hold it is SNE:115. The Skeleton King is a high level threat that took 8 years to contain.
It was a normal day when a group call Bone Nation try to break out the skeleton king. It almost work as well with the help of -remove data**************-. The bond nation was capture and been put in the reboot facility.
It was stated that the skeleton king almost destroy the earth but was stop by the SSPDMC.
It was put in site-12 with SNE:001A. The Skeleton King would not move and try to back away from SNE:001A. It kinda look scare of it.
The Skeleton king has some form of language it can use. Some people have try tried to translate it.
The Skeleton King has said to be able to pick up anything with ease.
The Skeleton King use it language while near SNE:001A. It was translate to" please forgive me for disturbing you,€£€£€£€£€€. I must leave this place. I need to find a way out. Please don't mind me €£€£€£€£€€.
It isn't known what it called SNE:001A. But it can only be assume to be it real name.
This is one of the candidates for the SNE:001.
The real one is unknown. Only 4 SNE have been given this title. Cause of the mention in the Real SNE:001 file.