Class: World Breaker
Genie was discovered in 1422. It is contained in site 2. It's in a glass case surround by four iron walls. Genie is this black humanoid figure. Having only a humanoid shape. Its body is completely black. It grants three wishes to an individual person.
The Genie appears when you play a silver flute with a G in the center of it. When you play the flute, the room you're in suddenly get flash by a white light. When it stops the Genie appear.
When all wishes have been granted. A light white flash the room. When it's done the Genie disappear.
Wishes have been tested. Not all wishes are allowed. You can't wish for more or unlimited wishes. You cannot wish for anything that involve SNE 001 A, B, or C. You can't wish to be the strongest.
Test have been done to test the individual.
SNE:001 D File #24
A prisoner and a scientist go into the room. The scientist pulls out a gun and shoot the prisoner. When the prisoner is confirmed to be dead. The scientist pulls out a flute with a G on it. He plays the flute. The room get flash by a white light. When it stops, SNE:001 D appear.
The scientist wish for the revival of the dead prisoner in this room. SNE:001 D nods and wave its hand. The prisoner gunshot wound heal, and the prisoner get up.****File End****
SNE:001 D File #33
***Skips beginning section****
The scientist wishes for the Genie to be release. SNE:001 D nod and break apart. Out of its ashes is a dead man. It looks like a man from the 1700s. The ashes begin to surround the scientist and attach to him. The ashes capture the scientist inside it and it become SNE:001 D again.
It seems this SNE can change host when ask to release the current host. Only select human host. ****File End****
This is one of the candidates for the SNE:001.
The real one is unknown. Only 4 SNE have been given this title. Cause of the mention in the Real SNE:001 file.