Sam was having a hard time with his personality to find anyone to hang out in this new world. Sam decided that to get stronger and get enough power to match his friend Leon, he would adventure to a different state for a while. He decided on the closest location so that he could be back if Leon needed his help, which was the Isles of Prism. Which were home to the King of the Isles, a famous pirate by the name of Hunter Prism, some called him the King of the Pirates, but his official name is The King of the Isles of Prism, which were discovered by his great-grandfather, Winnifred Prism.
However, while Sam's journey to the Isles was going, Jenifer was struggling to gather enough power to overthrow the kingdom and form a new sovereign state, she instead gathered followers in secret after 'throwing away' the Duke of Mosspoint. She was forming a secret society, the strongest secret society in the kingdom was currently fighting with her's for power over the throne. Jenifer and her society called themselves "Azure's Eye". Which was gathering followers at exponential rates, and soon they began pressuring the strongest secret society and pushing them into the light of the kingdom's authorities.
Jenifer was feeling powerful, she was controlling who did what and how they did it, they all bowed down to her. She then started using her knowledge of how religions were formed and began spreading her ways, throughout the society and the commonfolk. Her religion was called 'Azura' (A-zhr-a) and the religion was centered around the fact that the gods came down and bestowed a gift upon the humans, by gifting them a blessed human whos lineage was to remain blessed through their life and hailed as god's prophet of that generation. Jenifer, who majored in religious studies was happy in her accomplishments.
Sam strolls along the pier looking for anyone willing to take him from this kingdom to the next, The Isles of Prism named after their explorer, William Prism, The Pirate King. Sam heard of this kingdom shortly after leaving the inn in the small town that Leon was at, he set off by paying a coach to drive him to the port town closest to the kingdom. After finally arriving, he was here in front of this old man who was offering to take him to the capital of the Isles of Prism.
Sam sighed and looked around but no one looked like they were going to leave so after a long day of searching the port he walked back to the old man who was now lounging on his boat calmly "Fine, I'll accept your offer, but I'm not rich and if you die midway it's your fault." The old man tipped his hat off of his head to grin up at Sam, he grinned a little longer then gestured for Sam to get on "Yeah right, if I die then who's gonna drive ya?" Sam smiles and hops the boat which rocks a little as he hops on, but once it steadies out, the old man stands and unties the boat and heads out to the open water "Don't you need to prepare or something?" Sam looks at the old man who sits back in his chair and laughs "Boy, I've been preparing all day, waiting on you."
Jenifer was having completely different problems than Sam was having, she was struggling to handle the influx of messengers from nearby powers. Some were proposing alliances and others were trying to denounce them, but all of them were trying to control her by tying her down in responsibility. She laughed them all off except one, which was the declaration from the highest-ranking slave traders, they were stating that they will be enslaving any who continue to support this religion and its secret society.
Jenifer knew exactly what to do, she looked at the messager and gestured for him to come closer to her. Once he was close enough she leaned out and kissed him, he flinched and fidgeted about. Jenifer smiled and put a little magic into the man, who then looked stern at Jenifer as she waved him off and he nodded and walked out of the room. Jenifer sighed as she smiled almost wickedly, right as one of her advisors walked up with a plate of food for her, as she reached for it, her right-hand woman slashed the plate in half with her shortsword "Ma'am, that plate of food was poisoned. This man was trying to kill you!"
Sam was laying back and looking up at the stars that lit the sky for them in this bright night when the old man walked up and sat down next to him "I finished redirected the ship towards the small island town of Hulmark. Which is known for its ale and it's pirate-infested bars." Sam looked up at the old man and gave a puzzling look "Why are we going to Hulmark instead of the capital?"
The old man laughed and waved him off "You'll know when we get there, so why do you need to go to the capital?" Sam looked at the old man skeptically but gave an answer "To find some adventure, and why would you wanna know old man?" He sat up and looked at Sam as he scoffed and laid back down "You can call me Briggs, and I was just asking kid, so what do you do for a living?" Sam sat up and looked at Briggs "Why are you asking so many questions about my life? Can you tell me some about yours too?"
Jenifer was now walking towards the city officials in the city's main hall, the servent was forced to eat the food first to test if it was poisonous and once he collapsed they took him away. During that exchange, Jenifer had a bright idea and soon left the secret society's base in the direction of the city main hall. where all the highest-ranking officials will be. She opens the doors and walks into the middle of the meeting as all of the men turn to look at what happened. Jenifer had put on a dress and sat down on the edge of the table and propped one of her legs onto the table letting all of the men watch.
Once she is done, she walks out of the room as all of the men are fully under her control, they sit down and continue their meeting as Jenifer smirks and turns around walking towards the exit of the building "I'm coming for you Leon, I will have your heart in my hand and personally crush it." She laughs as she has another good idea, and once she gets back to the base, she approaches one of the guards and gestures for her to follow.
Sam wakes up and looks up at the sky, the sun shines brightly against his face. He sits up and looks around, he sees the ship is docked and Briggs is loading ale and food into the ship "You're finally awake Sam, you need to get your ass up and help me carry these boxes." Sam stands and helps load the ship, once they finish Briggs sits down and wipes some sweat off of his face "Thanks, we've still got some time before we have to leave so come on kid, let's stop by a bar."
Sam doesn't usually drink, but the old man deserved it so Sam agreed and they went to a nearby bar, once they got inside a man sitting at the bar looked over and smiled "Look everybody, its old man Briggs! Did you find your daughter yet? Its been, what? 3 years and all!" All the bar patrons start laughing as Sam looks at the old man who frowns and Sam steps in front of him "Kid, do you not understand? That old man is tricking you, he asked you to help him because he can't find his imaginary daughter anywhere."
Jenifer has the guard women stand across from her and uses her magic to control the guardswomen and then release control and try again. She kept doing this all day until the guardswomen spoke to her "This is more than my regular duties ma'am, I need to get back to guarding." Jenifer sighs and walks up to the guardswomen and walks around her seductively "Fine, then what if I promise you a good night in return for helping me?" The guardswomen flinch and Jenifer puts her leg between the guard's "G-goddess, you shouldn't speak that way to a l-lowly mortal like myself."
Jenifer smirks as she knows she got her on the hook and she pushes the guardswomen against the wall and kisses her neck, the guardswomen grits her teeth then sighs "Fine, I will help you, Goddess." Jenifer smirks again and backs off of her "Then stand there a little bit longer for me, and I'll make sure you never regret it." The guardswomen stands and once Jenifer finishes her training for that night, she pulls the door shut and locks it as she then takes the guardswomen armor off and pulls her to the bed.