The story takes place in an alternative timeline from ours. In this world, monsters known as Landers roam the world.
There are 4 types of Landers known.
1- An Earthlander- Usually found on the surface, they come in various shapes and forms, these Landers are graded from S rank through to E rank. With S ranked being the strongest and E ranked being the weakest. The origins of these monsters are still unknown. Only C rank and above are able to manipulate earth.
2- Sea/WaterLander- WaterLanders are only found underwater. These Landers are graded from C rank being the lowest and S rank being the highest. They possess the ability to manipulate water and some of the higher-ranked are able to survive on the surface for weeks without water.
3- AirLander- AirLanders are the rarest to spot because they are mostly A rank and S rank. They possess both Earth and Air since they evolved from Earthlanders. Volcanic AirLanders are able to manipulate fire, making them one of the strongest beings on the planet, they are also commonly known as dragons.
4. Ordels- Landers that are in human form. Strength typically varies.
The Art of the Orizambi
After years of living in fear of Landers, humankind got a weapon to fight against the Landers. Humans new possessed a new type of energy or power, called the Orizambi. Orizambi can be genetic or non-genetic. The Orizambi gives enhanced speed and strength. And this new type of energy created the elemental bind, the ability to use the elementals. Although people had different types of affinity for an element, one can possess multiple elementals. Over time, people started to use Orizambi for different kinds of techniques. But not everyone has an elemental.
Devices are weapons that only an elemental can use. Devices normally help elementals to hone and control their power better. Devices come in different forms, but mostly as either swords or katanas.