Chereads / living with bts a bts fanfic / Chapter 1 - The betrayal

living with bts a bts fanfic

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Chapter 1 - The betrayal

Living with bts

I had been shopping all day and my feet were killing. I'd just gone to Victoria secrets to buy a new pants and bra set for my boyfriend. You see we have not really been having sex recently, I'd been so depressed. I discovered that I couldn't have a Child with him. I don't know why because we are both firtil it's just evertime we try it never happens. My doctor said the only way it was going to happen is if I had ivf treatment and I told him no its not ment to be, for us to have a child. But I really do see my self having one. I never told him. Infact I never told anyone not even my best friend lana. So I thought I'd spice things up tonight as it is our two year anniversary well being together. His name was Vernon and he was from a kpop group called seventeen. I have been dating him secretly. My father braught me an apartment where the riches live. There for people suspect he lives in the block and not with me this way we got away with it as paparazzi are forbidden in the building.

Me and lana decided to have a little break for walking and sat at the fountain out side Victoria secrets where she worked. I passed her a bento box I'd made especially for her and me.

awwww, thank you so much she said in a sweet voice.

Then she hugged me. I smiled. I passed her some chopsticks and we dug in.

oh shit is that the time.

- Sorry lana I'm gonna have to go

lana- it's okay, you misses have a good night, I love you

bye love you bye I shouted as I ran away.

My apartment is only about 10 minutes walk from town. I put in my headphones and put on some kpop. I'm not really into kpop that much but I was obsessed with bts.Bts are the band that live above me they are a world sensation. I even collect merch but that's locked away nobody knows about it. I started listening to kpop because my sister loved them and she's no longer here anymore, I haven't lived in South Korea long I'm actually English and only been living in Seoul for 6 months now and I need away to help me with learning Korean and kpop is one of the best ways to and when bts moved in a couple of months back they gave me some tickets to go se them so I took lana no offence to my boyfriend and all but it was the best concert I'd ever been to.

The only thing when walking from town is my apartment block is at the top of a steep hill and it kills your legs. I stop at the bottom and pull out my phone I switch the song to kill this love by blackpink, that song always got me moving. I ran all the way to the block and took out my earphones. I open the door to the building and then the one to mine.


I screamed at the top of my voice.

I dropped my bag.

are you alright shouts jimin as bts run down the stairs.

Jimin comes down first.

I stand there in shock

I hear him shout

you get your clothes on. And you mister he grabs him by the neck and chucks him outside, the girl follows him stay out! If I see you back again I will hurt you

I fall back on to the stairs crying (my head in my hands).

jimin- GUYS! Go back upstairs please-

Jimin sits beside me. He puts his arm around me and pulls me in. My face lands in his chest.

Crying my eyes out

-why, what have I done, why do I deserve this its been two years, I've wasted so much I even moved here for him. -

Jimin turns my face towards him with his hand and wipes away my tears with his thumb. He stands up and holds out his hand. I look up to him.

jimin- I'm just about to go and cook some food if you would like to come he says softly.

-no thank you, I think I will stay here

jimin- I'm telling you to come, I think it will make you feel better ,he says with a little force in his voice.

So I grab him by the hand a follow him up the stairs.

As we got to the door of the apartment I stopped.

- are you sure I'm not intruding on anything. You don't even know me

i said this nervously looking towards the ground.

Jimin put his hand on my chin and moved me to look towards him I know exactly who you are darling and winked. I blushed.

As he opened the door I got nervous, bad butterflies in my stomach it felt like I was going to be sick. I'd never really spoke to these before..

I sat down on a black leather sofa that looked really expensive, something I was actually scared of sitting on. When I sat there other 6 guys were staring at me like I was the first women ever to be in the house... Was i? I asked my self.

jimin -What would you like to eat

rm -I think our guest should pick

-I think I want rice cakes

Jungkook whispered I wouldn't do that if I was you.

just like your grandma did, I always wanted to try them. I sharply replied.


Everyone looks at jimin.a tear grew in his eyes.

jimin-how did you know... My grandma ment everything to me and them rice cakes

... he said trying to hold his tears back

I played the game... In your mini game it's starts with you delivering rice cakes for your grandma and the love of dance, I'm so sorry I should of never of mentioned it... Don't cry.

jimin- thank you I will cook you anything

He wiped his tears and got on with cooking.

Everyone else looked at me 

- wow! how did? you ? you must be special, he hasn't even made them for us - says taehyung jealously.

jimin- calm down everyone, she's been through a bad time and I'm just trying to be friendly besides your all getting some

As jimin cooked the boys were chatting and I was sat in the corner thinking about the rough day I have had and how nice these boys were for inviting me into the house.

jimin- FOODS UP!!!

And like vultures the guys ran.

-hey! Save some for the guest

jimin replies whilst grabbing a plate full of rice cakes. I hope you like them he says as he passes me the plate.

-do you not want any? I asked in question.

Jimin -I cannot do it, I haven't since I left the shop, I could of been there to help her in her lasts steps

a tear fell down jimin cheek.

-Something I never told anyone before was that I can speak to the dead and I never use my power, but this was time in need.

* I am so proud of who jimins become, he has persuad his dream just as I wanted him to. My sweet boy... Please tell him I'm proud of him and to eat to God dam rice cake... Hes done well got my recipe just right, he's the only person I told that to. And now I want to to tell him to give that recipe to his child and tell them to give it to theirs. Tell him I love and that I am doing well goodbye please treat him well I will come back soon. And I will be watching over him. *

I started to cry.

jimin- what's up with you? Are they not good -

-these are very good I said with a smile on my face. boys sit down, I have something to tell you-

-oooh this doesn't sound good- jin says with his mouth full.

-please don't be scared when I tell you. -

jungkook -Now I am scared-

hey please,

I can ...

I can

suga- you can what?-

I can talk to dead people...

Jhope drops his plate -whhhhatt

Nah you gotta leave says suga

Let me finish right as I was saying I can talk to the dead, but not everyone... Only people that contact me... Also they have to be in the room to do so for example loved ones i cannot summon demons if that's what your thinking ... I've never had a bad sprit before and I haven't had anyone reach out to me in years... I've never told anyone before so I'd like you to keep it a secret...*jimin* I grab his face to look at me. your grand mother was here with me to day

jimin -this is bulshit, I don't believe in this crap- jimin gets angry

-so you don't want to here what she said-

-well okay I will but I don't believe in it-

jimin starts to walk round nervously

She said jimin my sweet boy, I'm so proud of you and for achieving your dream. She said also that you made to resipe just right with the special ingredients. She want you to give the recipe to your children so that you can carry it on.. She also said eat the god dam rice cakes and stop whining she is doing well and she loves you with all her heart and something about me treating you right

Jimin storms of into his room and slamms the door.

-how did you do that rm said nervously -

-it's something I've always done, don't worry I can't talk to demons just loved ones so it's fine, please never tell any body-

I waited a couple of minutes before finding jimin. I knocked on his door walked in and closed it behind.

-hey are you okay. -

fuck off and leave me alone jimin shouts.

so then you don't want to speak to..

-that's no way I raised you, you don't speak to women like that

Jimims grandmother had passed through me

jimin- but how, how can I see you its not posdible

-I'm here and always been. Son I've always been proud of you. I love you deeply. You have made me very happy my boy. I got here because this girl let me. She said you needed me. She has got a good heart you know.

jimin- granny I've told you not to get involved with my love life

-I know you care deeply for her

jimin-I'm just trying to be a good friend

-anyways is time for me to go now I love you sweetie and one more thing have a drink on me tonight... Party hard this girl will need it. Now come here and give grandma a squeeze

Jimin ran and put his arms round her and she kissed his cheek then she walked towards me.

-I'm sorry darling but this might hurt a little

She put her arms on my shoulders and passed through me.

I fell to the floor.

I must of been out for more than five minutes. I started to open my eyes. Jin, suga, jhope, taehyung, jungkook were all stood round me shaking me.

-is this what heaven looks like because if it is I'm staying I whispered

The boys giggled like a bunch of school girls.

-jimin I think she's waking up - jungkook shouted

Jimin pushed passed rm and ran towards me.

-hey are you okay- jimin shouts

-I'm fine it's what happens when spirits pass trough me, that why I don't do it. I just wanted to return the favour you did to me earlier to day

jimin-but that was too much, thank you so much

He wrapped his arms round me

jimin- how can I ever repay you -

he sobbs

-you can start by pouring me and drink. Your grandma wanted us to party and have a good time that's what we shall do.

-whooopppp party! -

ot7 shout as that walk towards the living room.