- Jimins point of view -
I open my eyes to see that I have slept the whole night with Sophie next to me. A smile rushed to my face, I couldn't get it off. The boys have gone to practice so we were alone. I slowly sat up so I wouldn't wake her. I moved the hair away from her mouth and smirked. I moved away as I didn't want her to think I was being a perv.
-stomach rumbles -
I go to see what we have for breakfast. We had some chicken left over from yesterday, so I will make some chicken porridge and some egg pancakes.
Sophie yawns
'hey you up? I made breakfast
I said nervously rubbing my hand behind my head and smiling.
sophie- wow! This looks tasty
well eat up, we've got a busy day ahead I added. I've decided today I'm going shopping for some new clothes. I've not decided what yet.
I sat down opposite Sophie to eat my breakfast.
sophie- so what we doing today? -
-I replied with shopping. I haven't been out in public for a long time... I will wear a mask and glasses and a hat though. So people don't recognise me. It's sunny outside so it will look normal. -
sophie- Okay that's fine she said smiling. -
I quickly finished my break fast and went to get changed.
- Hey why don't you go downstairs and shower ill meet you in about half an hour.-
She agreed and left.
I showered and threw on a pair of jeans a tshirt and a denim jacket I also put on the hat mask and glasses and headed down stairs.
-Sophie's pov -
As I opened to the door to my apartment I felt a huge wave of depression fill me. The last time I was here I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. I didn't want to enter but I had to! I need to shower and change. In stead I closed the door and sat on the floor. I felt like I was going to burst out crying. I don't know what was up with Me I never felt this bad after a break up. It must be that I caught him in my own house with another women. At this point I'm never going to trust anyone again. I hear a voice. What you doing down there. I looked up and saw jimin nealed besides me. I can't do it I can't go in. Hey its okay, pass me your hand jimin held out his hand. I grabbed it he wiped away my tears. Let's go in together. I stood up and took a deep breath. Jimin opened the door. We stepped in, it wasn't so bad now was it. You go shower while I find you some clothes. Deal? Deal I replied. I quickly showered and put on my robe I walked into the bedroom drying my hair with the towel then I saw jimin staring at me. I coughed. Sorry I will leave jimin said blushing. Please stay outside I said as I don't feel comfortable being alone in here. Jimin agreed and shut the door behind him. I looked at the outfit Jimin had picked for me and it was so cute. It was a short off the shoulder dress with flowers on it. A small black handbag my mothers necklace it was thin with a heart in it and some flat shoes to go with it. I got dressed and shouted jimin in. How do I look I said as I gave him a twerl. You look great theres something missing though. Jimin sits me at my dressing table he put my hair in a pony and left out my fringe. Close your eyes please I'm going to do your make up. I'm not the best but I learned a few tricks when being in tour sorry if you look like a clown.
He put some foundation on a bit of shadow on my eyes followed by miscara and lipstick. He spun me round put his hands on my shoulders. You can open them now. I think you look beautiful. Thank you so much for doing this for me. I really appreciate it.
He kisses me on the hand, my lady he says as he bows and I curtesy and blush. Let's go. I lock the door behind us.
-Would you like to walk or take a taxi into town. -
jimin- I think I will walk its a lovely day- jimin says also its rare to go outside.
As we are walking jimin pipped up asking for my house key. Why would you want that.
jimin- For a while you'll be staying with us. I'll move all your things into my room. I'll take the couch for a bit.-
-No I couldn't let you do that I'm the guest ill take the couch- I replied.
jimin- No way I could never let a girl sleep on the couch.-
- OKay! I have a solution... I have a sleeping bag so one of us can get on the floor and one in bed and rotate. Okay that sound fair. -
We started walking down the hill towards town we was getting to know each other asking random questions.
-So where are the rest of the lads - I asked.
jimin-Oh they went to practice.-
- Shouldn't you be there ?why don't we go?. -
jimin- No no they said to take today of to look after you. They are sweet boys I tell you. You should get to know them more. They are really good people and will become good friends to you. We all will help you out in need now and always be at your side. I will not let you get in that state again. To be honest i have never really had a girl cry at me or on me before and I didn't like it. Promise me this will never happen again. Anyone who treats you like rubbish, you should take them out your life streight away. That's why I have a comfortable life. -
As we was walking and talking I didn't realise we was already in town.
-I agree with Everything you was saying. It's just I'm a sensitive and a too nice person and struggle with things like that. I can't even let anyone down.-
I sighhhed.
It will all be different now you have me around! Jimin grabbs my hand.
I try to pull away but the more tighter he got.
jimin- Hey stop act natural people are looking. -
-I will if you let go of me I replied. -
jimin- Never! From this day on I'm keeping you in my sight. -
Jimin let's go.
-So where are we going. -
jimin- I'm taking you to buy new clothes. So throw away your old ones. -
-I don't want new clothes. -
jimin- Well your having some and I'm going to pick them. I'm good with fashion. We will get you gucci clothes. Louis vitton bags. What ever you want.-
We had been shopping almost 2 hours and we had hardly picked anything other than a handbag and a pair of heels.
Im hungry jimin said.
jimin -Let's go to a place I used to eat when I was young. They had the best noodles in town.-
When we arrived I realised it was where lana worked and she was on shift today.
Hey jimin do you mind if we don't eat here.
jimin- Why not I love this place, don't you like noodles. -
-Yes i do but... -
jimin- No buts then we are eating here.-
I felt like I was going to be swallowed up by the floor.
We walked in I saw lana so I hid behind jimin. A table for two please server. Lana came over with two menus. I turned and hid my face.
SHHHHHHH!! Lana everyone's looking.
You know this girl jimin whispered to me.
-All embarrassed - yes she's my best friend.
jimin -Don't care about me but who are you.- Jimin took off his hat and mask.
Lana dropped the menus out her hands and now everyone was staring at us whispering.
'who's she' 'I never seen her before' cameras were clicking.
I'll explain later lana. How I have no phone remember. I got out my phone and removed all contacts and gave it to her. I'll call you later.
-Jimins phone rings -
the phone ends.
Well we have a problem and we have to go. Jimin sounded very nervous.
-Hey what's up I ask.-
jimin- I don't know but it sounded urgent and angry. -
The car pulls up. Mean in black suits and blacked out glasses walked out one chucked me a black coat and black glasses, put these on. I put them on and got in the car.
We sat in silence all the way. Jimins legs were shaking.
We pulled up to a very tall skyscraper. With big hit entertainment wrote on the front.
The security guard opened the door for us to get out. There were security guards everywhere. My legs started to shake.
It's okay be calm jimin said softly.
We went through two giant double doors before we got to some metal gates and on it you had to scan your finger prints. But the security guard let us through. They didn't follow us anymore. We entered a lift and jimin pressed the but right at the top floor 223.
We were alone.
jimin - I'm so sorry for dragging you here. He sighed. I think this is because I went out in public. I never get to do what I want.-
I pat him on the shoulder.
-It's okay. -
PING!! Thes doors opened to the lift. Where here. As we was walking down the corridor we saw the guys waiting out side the office. You guys here too jimin asked. No where here to see you be scolded replies jungkook.
You son of a bitches. Jimin breathed deeply before entering the room.
I'm sorry sir he said bowing his head.
Ma'am are you poor. Do you want his money, I can give you money if you need. Said the manager.
-No sir I don't kneed money. -
Prove it he said.
-I gave my phone away earlier to my friend. Jimin may I borrow yours? -
jimin -Sure.-
I logged in to my bank and shown him account.
-From my father sir but I won't use it, only if I was in serious trouble. You see my father is a big business man that does deals with presidents and really high people all over the world. My father is actually one of the most richest. You see my sister passed away 3 years ago and I couldn't cope at home I needed a fresh start. So I brought the apartment with my now ex below bts, obviously at the time they didnt live ther. Actually I only introduced my self yesterday. I found my boyfriend of 2 years in my bed with another women. If it wasn't for jimin re-moving him I don't know where I'd be. -
So... Your saying your this broke rich kid that refuses to use daddy's money... The manager replied.
I handed him my I'd,
- Google my name if you don't believe me. -
My gosh it is true. Well I have a solution. Why don't you work for me... You'll get paid well.
As long as I'm around these 7 amazing guys I don't kneed much money.
Fine. Even better you can be there secetery.
Me and jimin looked at each other. SECETERY?
Yes you'll have to do as they say and please day and night, it's no problem for you though as you live in the same building. Also another thing I'd like you to do a live broadcast on bts account stating that your there secretary and that there's nothing to worry about as there will be romance scandels and it will take a while to shift them. It's Friday now so I'll see you first thing Monday morning.. Come with bts in there limo, no need to take a bus or anything.
meet secretary Sophie she will be working with you from now on. All the boys start hugging me and shaking my hand. Taehyung and junkook pick me up throwing me about.
Guys you can all go home now Sophie just stay a minute so we can sign a contract.
I will wait outside jimin shouts.
-It looks like our jimin got his eye on you It doesn't seem like a new crush either, jimin doesn't usually like anyone and for some reason hes takes a shine to you, usually if a girl speaks to him he politely declines. he's so sensitive and sweet. We all wondered if he was gay. -
-Don't be silly sir, we're best friends that's all. -
I don't think so, but don't get love involved with work or media keep it behind closed doors.
I signed the papers took mine and left.
Weres the rest of the guys.
They went home jimin stated. Let's take the bus home, I haven't been on a bus since I finished school.
Sure I replied.