Chereads / living with bts a bts fanfic / Chapter 4 - congratulations

Chapter 4 - congratulations

-jimins pov-

After a long hours bus ride the bus breaks down. We are still half an hour away from home.


RM is calling me. Hello. where are you we are all waiting. I know I know the bus broke down it will be another 10 minutes the tier is being changed now. Jimin replied. Don't be long! Then the phone ends.

We can can always walk Sophie said. Not a bad idea I haven't walked round these areas before.

It was a lovely warm evening. The sky was blue with hardly any clouds. The sun was just starting to set.

We was just on the other side of town.

This way sophie shouted. Pointing towards the high Street. Jimin I'm a little hungry can we get something to eat. I will cook when we get home how about a snack. We saw a van about a quarter of a mile away he was selling mochi. How about something sweet I said.

Yess! Perfect let's get some. We got five pieces each and carried on walking.

Hey jimin. Yes?

Isn't your nickname mochi? I blushed yes it its why you ask.

Its just funny.

What is?

She giggled mochi eating mochi hahaha.

Actually that's quite funny, good one.

We got to the hill near home and I stopped. What's up Sophie said. I'm teird from all this walking. Your supposed to be this kpop star that dances all the time and a little walking tiers you ? Yes I'm sorry I'm a little unfit. Well as from tomorrow morning we run for an hour before work. AN HOUR? yes an hour it might be just jogging first but we will get to run. Fine as you wish.

Get on my back. No I can't let a girl carry me. Just do it. No. Yes your teird and I'm helping you. She bends down and I get on her back she struggles a first to stand but she was able to lift me.

God! How did you do that. Easy your quite light. Not heavy at all she replied.

From now on my priority in our free time it's to make you fitter this will increase your stamina which means you can perform better and gain muscle mass which means you will have Abbs. This will be better because it will make your fans go crazy.

Overall its a great benifit so then next time you can carry me up the hill.

Sophie dropped me as we got to the front door at the apartment block. Jimin do you mind helping me get a few things from my apartment. I will also change as I'm sweating. Sure no problem I replied.

Whilst She changed and I grabbed her toiletries.




Shhhhh were down stairs just getting a few things not be long turn off the lights and wait for us.

Gotta go. I ended the call.

Sophie are you nearly ready.

Yes, one second. She replied.

I carried her bags upstairs.

We opened the door and switched the lights on.

-Sophies pov-

I switched on the lights.

Congratulations everyone shouts. Rm is holding a cake saying 'congratulations secetery Sophie'

Awwwww guys you shouldn't have. Anything for a good party jhope replies.

before we start I've wrote you a speech for you to say live on our channel, this will help stop the romours and you'd be able to seen in public with us. I will also end it to the new so people will know. Rm stated.

He switched on the camera and started recording. Hi everyone I would like to say that bts does have an 8th member and I would like her to introduce herself.

Hello army and everyone watching. Yes I am the 8th member of bts... Well actually I'm not I don't sing but I'm there secetery. I have done this live stream today to address some rumours spreading about me. I'm not dating any of the bts members and yes they all still remain single. I'm basically their servant. You might get jealous as I will be with them almost every hour of every day, but don't threat Ill say it again I'm not dating any of them they are my friends in fact my brothers. Today when you saw me out with jimin... We wasn't on a date Rm said I needed some new clothes because I wasn't stylish enough when becoming their secetery. Which I fully understand as I only wear hoodies and joggers. So I asked jimin for help me makeover as he was the most stylish out them all. Also yesterday I had broken up with my boyfriend that I had been with for 2 years and these guys were doing their best to cheer me up. I have not intension on dating. We are neighbours I live down stairs that's why they offered me to be their slave as I don't live far. I hope you guys understand... Thank you I will do my best to look after them and I purple you.

Everyone says goodbye and waves and rm turns off the camera.

Now I will post it on all our social media with the caption ' a wonderful surprise'

Now that's done let's party rm said.

We'd been partying for several hours now. 

Can I ask you guys a question...

How did you know about me getting the job?

We didn't we got told you were being offered it earlier but we didn't know if you was going to accept, but we ordered the cake this morning hoping you were going to. Taehyung replied.

Guys you are so sweet thank you for helping me out so much.

We have a question suga shouted.

Yes and what might that be ?

Are you actually from a rich family.

Suga! Don't be intrusive! Rm got angry.

Haha I don't mind why don't you search me.

Wow! You are!! Jungkook got excited.

I wonder what it's like to be brought up rich I bet it was amazing.

Actually I hated my childhood yes I got everything I wanted don't get me wrong we lived in a mansion but kids my age only wanted to know me because I was rich they never cared about me. I hardly saw my parents as they was always working so I basically called my nannie mother. When I got to high school I didn't have friends because I couldn't trust people so I asked to move to a rich school. I met a few people there but when we left we never kept in contact. I got sick of everything being braught for me and done for me I wanted to do things for my self. so I asked my father if I could move away and start a new life so he brought me this flat. Im sorry but my father did background checks on you guys to see if you weren't criminals.. I knew you were popstarts but I didn't move in this buling because I was a fan. I like that fact that i was living with people that was famous made me feel at ease as the paparazzi know you and not me... My father the most famous business man in Europe and I wanted to get away from that. So I kept a low profile. Im sorry I never told you or introduced myself.

RM- we don't care if your rich or poor we will keep you as our sister.

I looked at jimin... Plz don't tell lana any of this.. I haven't told her and I don't plan to yet either I don't want her to judge me like others.

It's okay you should invite her round and explain about the other day plus your with us and she saw me so... She knows who we are. Jimin replied.

Okay can I borrow your phone?

Jimin passes me the phone.


hello, its lana I'm using sophies phone for a bit of you need her you'll have to wait till she gets a new one.

Hey stupid it's me...

Haha sorry I didn't know...

Would you like to come round for a bit I would like to talk with you, I also want you to meet some of my new friends.

Sure ill be round soon..

Make sure you dress nice.

Good bye and I ended the call.

Whos lana? Jhope asked.

Did you all see the live stream earlier of me and Jimin the restaurant. Yes! They all replied. That's the girl that was shouting at him.

Oooooh I like a feisty girl rm shouted. Actually I don't think it's a good idea her coming... She's like a big fan.... And actually her bias if you rm...

Do you have a bias jungkook asked.

Well I like you all...

Don't lie everyone has a bias who do have most pictures on your phone...

Well I have to have pictures of handsome guys on my phone lol and I don't want to say...

It's fine we don't mind it won't hurt us in anyway..

Well I start to blush actually I mostly have jimin. Every one look at him. Jimin blushed really me? He said. yes!

Why me? He replied.

Well since I first moved in you have always been nice to me... You was the first to introduce yourself.. You always passed me my mail in the morning. Whenever you saw me you always said hello with a smile. You would always do thing to lighten my drowsy day. Also you even helped me when I needed it most and I'm most grateful for that, so thank you for making my life better.

Wow! You put so much thought into that I'm glad you feel that way! He said nervously.


Hey I'm at the bottom of the hill.

Okay ill come meet you now.

I ended the call. 

Rm- do you want me to come with you, as its dark out and you have been drinking... 

well if she saw you she will freak. 

well she will see me when she comes here so whats the differnce. 

well why dont you wait be hind the front door so when i open it you will be there. 

okay lets do that.

we put on our shoes and headed downstairs. 

rm sat on the bottom step of the stairs out side my flat. i went out to meet lana. 

-rm's pov-

As she walked out the door I locked it behind her. Thought that would be funny.

After 5 minutes she came back knocking.

Let me in please, I just stood there laughing. To be honest it was hilarious. The boys ran down stairs. What going on suga said clulessly.

I just locked them out hahah.

Come on it cold Sophie shouted whilst banging. I'm going to wake the whole neighbourhood in a minute.

Jimin - Don't be mean and let her in.

fine spoil sport.

I opened the door.

When the door opened I saw the most beautiful girl in front of me she had big blue sparkly eyes. Her hair was blonde. She was tall and skinny. She wore a blue dress with a pearl necklace.

wow... I said. I couldn't stop staring.


Shhhhhh you'll wake the neighbours. Let's go in side and I will explain. Sophie exclaims

She went up first.

I pulled jin back she's like an angel. The most beautiful thing before.

Jin- you could have a chance here. Go for it.

I followed them up.

Hello I'm Rm I guess you already know Me but I thought I'd introduce my self to you.

-Sophie pov- 

Lana it's okay calm down have a drink. I pours her a shot of soju and she necked it. Is that better? Yes she replied.

I everyone my name is Lana and I am a big fan of you guys.

Taehyung- I know Sophie said you was a n rm Stan is that true.

She nervously laughed and looked ant me whilst staring at me.

Why did you tell them. Why embarrass me like this.

I nervously laughed whilst rubbing the back of my head.

Jungkook - wow Sophie your just like jimin

I blushed. Am I?

Jimin - is she?

Jungkook- yes!

We looked at each other and laughed.

Lana- so Sophie what did you want to talk to me about.

Well.... I left Vernon.

Lana- YESSSS! I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

Rm- you didn't like him?

Lana- no, he has a good voice and all don't get me wrong I like there music it's just I didn't like him as a person, he's quite a flirt. I knew him for years. Since we were young he used to have a few women. But when he met Sophie he changed but he was a bit nasty with her so I started to dislike him. So why did you two break up?

Well.... I walked in on him cheating on me with another women. If it wasn't for jimin I don't know what I would of done. I screamed when I saw him and jimin shot down from upstairs and dragged him and her out, that's how I met these and for a couple of week while I deal with this ill be staying here.

Lana- wait till I see him now! Hell be dead! (she got angry)

Hey calm down its okay, as long as I have you lot I'll be fine.

Lana- so we're are you sleeping.

Me and jimin already sorted it. Well be taking in turns with the bed whilst the other on the floor in sleeping bag.


hey calm down the door will be open and it's fine nothing will happen, I promise. Its just I can't go back into my apartment because all I can think about is that, so jimin asked me to stay here for a while. He even has my keys.

Lana- you don't even know him but you trust him?

Yes with all my heart... He saved me from my life turning to miserie. If it wasn't for him I'd probably wanted to end my life so I have may thanks to him and the rest of the guys for saving me.

Rm- how did you and Vernon meet. May I ask.

Well I met him through lana you see I used to work with her at the noodle shop down in town. He used to come in a lot on her breaks and she introduced us one day, I should of guessed the signs when he was flirting with me when we first met. I didn't know he was a flirt. We got to know each other as he ate regularly at the shop. Then he asked me on dates made me feel special and that's how we got together.

Lana - I wish I never introduced you to that jerk.

Anyways lana I have good news to tell you.

Lana-oh geees your not pregnant are you, you look like your putting on a few pounds.

What! No! Noway! I turned and looked at everyone. Am I fat?

Ot7- no not at all

Good well I'm now working for big hit and I'm bts personal assistant. They trew me the Party to congratulate me.

Jungkook - it was all jhopes idea you should thank him.

Thank you so much jhope hopefully I can return the favour one day for you.

Jhope- you sure will.

We'd been chatting and partying for a while now lana had fallen asleep on the couch and jimin had already gone to bed. I was very drunk I stumbled through to hall way to the bedroom and crashed onto the bed and fell asleep.