Mu Millie looked up what did he mean is he all hers he was made for her but she isn't pure or a virgin any more not to say she had a relationship with not one but two men well if you can call one night with Feng Jo sort of relationship, not a consented one but one, all the same, will he be alright with that she thought she should tell him the truth from the beginning so that there are no surprises later on, not to say that the biggest factor was she was carrying someone else children would he still accept?

She looked up at her Nanna and smiled she didn't know why she felt every nervous right now all said and done she was walking into a contract of two people spending a lifetime together was she ready for this her first marriage was a disaster, from the beginning to the end to say the least. Would she be able to make this work or would she always looking over her shoulder would she able trust Mu Kai a 100% or would he pop a surprising relationship with a lady I offended or his family may be whom I have never met, she thought long and hard and decided baby steps she would get to know him first then she would let her guard down?

Nanna smiled she pointed to box on the table Mu Millie walked over she looked at it the life it the box was old it had beautiful embodiment on it she opened it to find a broach with a beautiful gold outside purple amethyst inside it looked familiar where had she seen this before it felt she owned once upon a time but how? and why? What the hell was going on?

Mu Millie looked at the box then at her Nanna:" Nanna what's with this broach does it belong to My mother or does it come down from generation to generation is that why I feel connected" she looked at her Nanna for answers.

Nanna smiled gently in surprise she did know whether Mu Millie would be able to feel it's energy:" sweetheart this is passed from the ancestors it is something from your all of our lives it was your ancestors and through time it has appeared only when a gipsy witch is about to get married to her husband are going to be joined in marriage, it what's binds you to Mu Kai he has the amethyst neckless apparently and that's why the ancestors have been so keen on the wedding this is something that was written in the stars along time ago before you two were even born. These two amulets have joined you two as one see you are meant to be you're a little late but least you made it this time " she chuckled at the thought of two soul lovers meeting what she did tell her was that this amulet has only ever appeared twice since time began and for it to appear again it meant that this reunion was blessed by the heavens above it's something you hear in fairytales never to be seen but now that's coming true and in this day and age when magic is just myth.

Nanna was told not to tell Mu Millie any details just enough to get her to marry Mu Kai. because of Mu Millie past life and a few bad judgements on Mu Millie wasn't able to meet so that's why she always died a tragic death only to be reborn in the same dilemma of being married to Feng Chou and losing her children and her own life they were very tragic lives that she led and the cruelty of Feng Chou worsened over time Nanna was sure he was a demon prince there was no other explanation why she always somehow always tended to be linked to him he somehow always appeared in each time frame as her husband first.

Because she wasn't able to meet Mu Kai she was reborn so this was this time was a blessing in disguise the two starlit lovers were meeting again over time and space it was so romantic Nanna wanted to squeal and scream in the joy she always loved romance novels but this was too romantic never in her wildest dreams would she thought her granddaughter would have such a beautiful story to tell her grandchildren.

The night passed neither Nana left nor Mu Millie slept her sleep was lost with the thoughts of what Nanna had told her she couldn't rack her brain around the whole rebirth and now the lover over time and space she was sure this did not happen in real life she was sure she had slipped into an alternate plane yeah that made more sense or she had slipped into a coma and was now dreaming?

Mu Millie knew she was just fooling her self come 11.00 o'clock tomorrow she would be married to Mu Kai:" oh crap! Nanna, I didn't think where am I going to live when I am married I don't want to leave this house I have only arrived and started to get to know my family oh Nanna! I didn't think this through can I change my mind oh what! have I done this all the ancestor's fault they rushed me why did I say yes for I am so confused" she paced around the room she was so worried now what should she do should she go and talk to Grandpa I sure he could come with a solution and she would have the babies very soon she wanted to be close to her family she was scared now too.

Mu Millie looked at the time it was 8 am she barged out of the room straight into her brother's room without knocking he was walking out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist he was using the other towel to dry his hair he looked at Mu Millie in surprise:" hey piggy/bunny what's up why are you here this early in the morning everything okay babies okay" he looked at her puzzled.

Mu Millie walked over she grabbed Mu Taichung hand brought him over and sat him on the bed she sat next to him:" can I ask you a question, please" she looked at his face seriously.

Mu Taichung looked worried:" sure you know you can ask anything" he was a little confused.

Mu Millie:" where do I live once married" she looked at him with her big bright emerald eyes which were now threatening to flood its banks.

Mu Taichung chuckled:" here of course where else is that what you worried about? You always ready burst the dams hey bunny I'm sorry nobody told oh Grandpa decided it was best if he moves here with us! you and Mu Kai you will stay here the babies are nearly due too as well Mum and dad were worried you won't be able to cope on your own and I can keep a close eye on you too" he chuckled and rubbed the top of Mu Millie head.

Mu Millie dams burst the tears flowed happily:" really I am not going anywhere I didn't want to I just got here thank-you " she hugged her brother.

Mu Taichung chuckled at his silly piggy/bunny he could understand that Mu Millie never belonged anywhere so this was the real home he wasn't willing to let her move out and neither was Grandad and his mum and dad so they persuaded Mu Kai to move here with them plus he travelled a lot so it was better for Mu Millie too she needed the family close by now the babies due date was approaching.

Mu Millie now noticed that her brother was sat with her with only a towel on she looked away:" sorry bro I was just worried I will leave you to get dressed and see you for breakfast I am starving" she was hungry she could eat the whole fridge.

Mu Millie left leaving a Mu Taichung looked at her retreating and chuckling she was sure a unique individual no wonder Mu Kai loved his sister so much he begged grandpa to let him marry her Grandpa was going to let him anyway but he was seeking how genuine he was it was one hell of the scene? he was glad she came to live with them.

While he chuckled at remembering the whole scene play out in his mind he walked over to his closet took his clothes out there in his cupboard was a picture he had hidden and 2 letters one was a hospital report the other was a letter in the most beautiful handwriting the photo was him and a beautiful girl they looked so happy. He picked the picture up and smiled then he turned the picture over placed it back angrily he closed it and put his clothes on walked downstairs into the dining room where Mu Millie and his mum and dad and Grandad was waiting he smiled this his family this is where he belonged he wouldn't change them for the world.

Mu Millie was happy she was hungry everyone looked at her Mu Millie pure her cereal to eat she didn't want to look at the meat or eggs they made her want puke her guts out so she went with the safe option.

Mu Jade spoke:" sweetheart when you ate we need to talk and then you also need to get ready to the marriage register your marriage okay little bun" he smiled.

Mu Millie looked at him what was it so long she didn't have to leave the house she wasn't bothered with anything else she looked at her brother and smiled.

Mu Taichung smiled at his piggy/bunny as well he knew she was happy about staying more than her marriage but he was still going to tease her:" so you eager to get married looked at you smiling as the sun rose from the other side today" he looks at Mu Millie.

Mu Millie looked up she didn't realise she was smiling:" don't I smile everyday big brother" she looked at him as to say stop teasing.

Mu Taichung saw his greens light to tease more:" well, today there is an extra beam that seamed to appear" he smiled at Mu Millie.

Mu Millie:" I am happy not because I am getting married but because I will be staying hereafter marriage" she smiled even more.

Mu Taichung looked at her he was happy she was staying too but he was going to let her go so easy:" yeah that's all well but you have an extra bounce in your smile today I see but don't think for one minute you will be able to bully my brother in law" he wanted her to say more.

Mu Millie looked at her brother what was he getting at:" well I know I am getting married it was the right thing to do as you all suggested as for bullying aren't you suppose to take your sister side " she looked at him with big sad dotey eyes she was she played along with him.

Mu Taichung:" and who suggested it dear piggy/bunny don't you like Mu Kai I mean he is good looking he is rich he educated and did I mention he is good looking" now he had her.

Mu Millie:" well Grandpa, Auntie, Uncle you even and Nanna said it was in my best interest and if he is that good looking you can marry him I don't mind really big brother you can have I am not buying today's" she spoke without thinking but she didn't realise she had said, Nanna. And he was selling her to be husband!

They all looked up Mu Jade and Mu Huan looked at each other than at Mu Millie they didn't say anything they had both thought the same thing though they would ask her later.

Mu Taichung didn't pay attention to what she had just said he was given a glare from Grandpa he stopped he knew he couldn't continue. Although he wanted to he was seeking his little piggy/ bunny opening up.

Mu Millie finished her breakfast and followed her Grandpa into the office she hadn't been in the office before so this was exciting she walked in she was amazed it was liking taking a stepping back in time there was an old oak table and a very comfortable leather chair the bookshelf on the side was from the same old oak it was piled with books and folders there were two comfortable chairs in front of the desk Grandpa gestured Mu Millie to sit down which she did. It remained her of the movies when the child is called to the dean's office because they are in big trouble.

Mu Jade wasn't one to beat around the bush he got straight down to the point:" little bun have you seen your Nanna ghost here" he looked at Mu Millie face he wanted to see her reaction it would also be his answer and the reaction from Mu Millie face confirmed it was the case he didn't want to make things awkward for Mu Millie.

Mu Jade:" little bunny I understand if you can't tell me I know about your Nanna abilities as well so I know it is passed on to the women-only and I also know sometimes you can see the ones that have passed on I had a feeling the other day when we gathered when young Master Kai came that your Nanna was around and I have sensed her more since you have arrived so I am guessing that you have connected to gipsy side" he smiled.