As they drove out of the city into the countryside Mu Millie got worried and her super brain started thinking of all sorts of scenarios of what was about to happen mostly horrible thoughts occurred she didn't know this man she only met him once so how could she know if he was a good or bad, whether it is a friend its foe. Although her guts were telling her she was safe. She couldn't risk it she had died before for being too gullible.

Mu Millie didn't speak it wasn't like she didn't want to ask hundreds of thousands of questions, but she didn't know where to start. She observed all the markings in the road and on the sides of her in case she had to escape and come home she would remember the way.

Although she knew it was her brain working overtime she just didn't trust the man sat beside her as her husband it wasn't his fault he hadn't done anything but her past two Life's left her unable to trust him he would have to earn it.

Mu Kai looked over she observed Mu Millie since they left he knew she had questions. He watched her as her face change depending on what she was thinking he found her very cute he wants to pull her cheeks but he knows he was being childish. He also knew she wasn't asking him knew she was nervous and shy as well. He knew she didn't know him in this lifetime.

What she didn't know that it was his second life too he had watched her closely in her last life he watched her being tormented and being sold being violated being used and abused but at that time he was held back by his code of being a warlock he couldn't intervene in her affairs she had to come to the Mu's residence before he could step in that was the deal with his ancestors.

he would tear this world apart he was so guilt-ridden that he couldn't openly step out and help her even this time he was held back when she married Feng Chou he knew the man didn't love her like last time he would abuse her he didn't know what went on in the resident of the Feng's but he knew it wasn't good. He wonders would she ever share her past life experiences with him?

Mu Kai didn't expect her to just fall in love at first sight but that was wish full thinking on his part. He wished she did it would make a lot easier for him he did mind waiting for her to fall in love with him. He had heard from Grandpa that how hard Mu Millie life had been in this lifetime. So he knew he would have to work harder to gain her trust.

So that's why he was going to this ritual without his or her family present it would just the two of them hoping Mu Millie it would understand that he was someone she could trust and rely on he would be with her for the rest of his life through thick and thin through hard and good times through happy and sad moments he wanted to share every moment with her. He wanted her to knew he was not going anywhere he would protect from everything that came her way from this day forward. He would treat her like his queen.

Mu Kai finally broke the silence:" hey Millie how about you tell me a little about your self I can call you Millie can't I " he smiled.

Mu Millie looked at him she rubbed her hands together nervously she didn't know where to begin her life wasn't brilliantly was the total opposite:" yes, you can call me Millie what would you like to know about me Master Kai" she looked nervously.

Mu Kai sighed and thought this is going to be harder than I thought he would have to do rapid questionnaire round:" okay let's start with your education tell me what you studied and how was your experience of going to college and then university what did you study? oh, call me Kai or hubby"? He thought that's a start.

Mu Millie looked and thought okay I can do this and I will call you Kai, for now, you haven't earned the hubby title yet:" well I studied at xxxxxxxxxx college then I went to xxxx xxxxxxx university on a scholarship that I earned when I was in college with my result I was picked out of 100 students because I was ahead of my age group I was mostly with older kids so it was hard to make friends. And I study business studies and culinary cuisines too because I love cooking " she didn't tell him that she was a born genius so she moved ahead of her peers and enter university while they were all in the last year of high school she asks didn't tell him that she completed Masters and her PhD she thought she would bragging too much.

Mu Kai noticed when she talked about her education she smiled there was a sense of proudness he knew she hadn't told all of her achievements like she had done her Masters and her PhD but why isn't she proud of her achievements. He knew there was more to his Wifey but he was willing to learning slowly and take what she was given she is properly shy that's why she didn't tell everything:" that's is remarkable that is one of the best university in the country " he smiled.

Mu Kai asked:" so how did you support yourself you family help you I hear it's very expensive to live there" he knew the Chan's didn't pay for anything it was her Mu Jade that paid for her college and university fees saying that it was a scholarship and also paid for accommodation but has never lived there he was trying to get Mu Millie to open up a little.

Mu Millie looked at him and thought huh! what kind of questions was that without thinking she answered:" no! my so-called family didn't help me out they wouldn't pay for me to go to such an expensive university, they weren't that good to me, I worked two jobs and I tutored students to pay my way threw college and university" she remembers how hard it was she couldn't afford to stay in the dorms they were too expensive, she didn't know they were already paid for and other girls were taking advantage of the situation. Her And Fen rented a one-bed falt that they both shared because they were in the same boat she also got a scholarship but Fen was worse of than her so she would help, her out too little did she know that later this same friend would become the murder of her son.

They never turned the heating on so they could safe money she double wrapped her self to keep warm in the winter. They only showered when necessary with little water as possible she washed and iron her and Fen clothes at her workplace where she worked they had a laundry for the staff uniform the couple who owned the restaurant didn't mind. They very nice people to work for they always looked out for Mu Millie And Fen.

They were nice to them both. She only ate a bun and milk for breakfast she would walk every day for 7 miles to and fro from the university then work then home so she could save money, she would have an evening meal at the restaurant and boy! she would stuff her face until she would ready to burst at the seams, the couple who cared for Mu Millie and Fen they would feed them both evening meal before they went home so she would have her fill. The rich children who she tutored would also bring her snacks so she was never strained. The students that she tutored were nice to her so she got by.

The rich kids who she tutored always give her clothes that they didn't need she was very good at mending clothes too and adjusted clothes to fit her and Fen she changed the design to suit them One time she managed to save enough to buy some new clothes and books she needed when her roommate Fen fell ill there was nobody to pay for her so she paid her medical bill in instalments Fen said she would pay her back but never did but still Mu Millie didn't mind she was her one and only friend.

Mu Kai notice Mu Millie voice fade away while she went into a daze but what got him was she looked very sad he had made enquires into Mu Mille past and found out she had a very rough life with nobody there to support her she did everything alone she suffered alone he felt very hurt seeing that he was looking for all this time she was living in such harsh conditions. He hated his ancestors for not letting him step in to help her.

He was angry at himself that he was supposed to love her and cherish her in this lifetime and the past life, but so far he had failed big time he was a big CEO of a large company he ruled with an iron fist he was known as the tyrant prince he looked after everyone he cared about but he failed to protect the one he claimed to love. He so wanted to hug her and tell her he wouldn't let her down this time. She had made it to where she was supposed to be with the ones that would love and cherish her.

Mu Millie looked over at her handsome husband and thought he is good looking is he nice? or cold-like Feng Chou would he be cruel or kind would he take his anger out on her? she would soon find out because she was going to share her life with him for better or worse?

Mu Millie plucked up the courage to ask:" hey Master I mean Kai could you tell me about yourself and who is in your family and bit about your family"? She didn't know whether she was being too noisy but it was a start.

Mu Kai smiled at least she is making an effort he thought to himself:" well let's see I am Mu Kai the eldest child the most handsome one and I am your husband then there is my brother you've met Mu Kim there is my one and only sister Mu Xainfeng then my pretty mother Mu Zangyun my tyrant father Mu Yang My gorgeous Grandma Mu Longing and my best friend my grandpa, Mu Jain their bodyguard's and secretary's but I will introduce them too soon we are a very close family and love each other very much and they will all love you as well" he smiled at the thought of all his family. He wanted to say they will love you as much as I do maybe even more.

Mu Millie listen and felt envious of his family he grew up in a loving home where love was shown it would be nice if she could be part of this loving family too. She was been cheeky but she wanted to know:" and in the family where do fit in," she asked with a slite smile.

Mu Kai smiled:" you are my queen are my beautiful wife and you are a sis in law and daughter in law and granddaughter in law and they will all love you as much as I do my sweet wifey" he chuckled he was so happy she asked him where she fit in at least she wanted to belong.

Mu Millie smiled he called her his queen and wifey she was never called that in the Feng household she was never given a title they all call her Millie or young Madam would they love her only time would tell. What about when they find out I have been married before they will think I am not good enough for their son and chase me out that will be so bad, She had already seen the way Mu Kim frowned upon her when they met for the first time he wasn't sure now whether his family would love her or not?

Mu Kai noticed that Mu Millie smiled at his answer he was making progress he wanted her to knew where she stood in his life she would be his only love. He would make the happiest women alive he would give everything in his capacity she was his whole world.

Mu Kai looked they had arrived at their destination:" We have arrived my lady" he chuckled.

Mu Millie looked out they're were parked outside and old house but it was a beautiful house it was big very big. She looked at Mu Kai then back at the house it seems familiar like she knew it? she knew for a fact in her two lifetimes she had never been here. But why did it give a vibe that she knew this place very well? It was inviting her in lovingly.

Mu Kai walked over and open her door he put his hand out so Mu Millie could hold on and get out which she did she smiled at this person he was being a true gentleman. He didn't let go as they walked to the house. The door was opened by the Butler he was an elder gentleman who bowed down at seeing them. They both bowed back surprising the old man he smiled at them.

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