Mu Millie didn't speak she nodded her head she looked up to see him smiling at her he winked at her. Which brought Mu Millie crashing back to earth she pulled her hand hid it behind her back she looked around her all her family looked happy she smiled sheepishly. She thought what has gotten her into why did she behave this way. It's like she knows him how?
As they all sat down Grandpa talked about their business Mu Kai responded to talk about business as well for some stupid reason Mu Millie understood everything she didn't know why then she remembered it was second life she worked in Fengs office for a long time maybe that why? Mu Kai talked about a project that he was working on he would sign the collaboration tomorrow.
Mu Millie remembered that there was someone she didn't remember the name of the person or the company who invested in this same project they lost a lot of money they almost went bankrupt they then moved to America never to be the heard of again. She remembers Feng Chou telling his father about this and told him that the gentleman that was conned by the underworld lord was working with corrupt officials in the government. Together they conned him out of billions they also tried to kill him and Mu Jade saved him.
Mu Millie looked at him she needed to stop him from the same mistake this time. She knew it was none of her business but if she was to marry to him she had to save him from bankrupt. As she was sat next to him she grabbed his hand as she spoke:" I would like to say something about your signing tomorrow please don't sign it they are fraud they are working with the underworld lord name of Meng Lou he and his men are also in the government where your paperwork is coming from but it's all illegal document that doesn't hold weight in the courts you end losing billions. They're only after your money it's a dummy company front for the underworld lord Meng Luo they make it look legitimate by using corrupt officials which are receiving bribes from them" she smiled as she realised what she said how could she explain how she knows about all of this?
They all looked at her she hadn't spoken all this time that is the first thing she says. She looked so serious when telling them even her Grandpa Mu Jade listen he knew of this Lord Meng Luo and knew that he was corrupt as they came and he was every ruthless he didn't care who he messed with if this the case he will personally deal with him for messing with his family.
Mu Kai was just looking at her she was holding his hand tightly while she told them this he was so happy that shed spoken even if it was about his project but he was happier she was holding his hand the warmth and heat that was building inside of him he always knew Mu Millie was made especially for him she was his one and only. He had waited for her his whole life he was proposed to many times many families wanted to join in marriage but he turns them all down turning into an unapproachable ice king. His parents didn't even think he would find the girl he wanted to marry.
when Mu Kai found out Mu Millie was married he was devasted he vowed he would never marry unless it was Mu Millie. When he was called by Grandpa Mu Jade he was over the moon he didn't care if she was pregnant so long as he got his beloved he was happy? He didn't tell his parents he raced over he would tell them once he had placed a ring on Mu Millie finger and making her his forever.
Mu Jade listen to Mu Millie he asked:" little bun how do you know this even I will have to investigate about this" he was surprised he has his assumption but to hear it from his granddaughter he was surprised pleasantly.
Mu Millie was puzzled how do I explain this:" erhm the thing is I heard it from erhm the thing is I just know I can't reveal my source just believe me please" she looked at them all pleading for them to believe her?
Mu Kai spoke he saw Mu Millie flustered:" okay if you say so I believe you and I won't sign tomorrow then I will look into the companies background as well" he patted Mu Millie on the head.
They all looked surprised they couldn't believe that Mu Kai was this easy to persuade he gave in to Mu Millie if the information wasn't correct Mu Kai would lose Billions Mu Jade had to make sure:" are you sure Kai this is a lot of money if don't sign tomorrow" he looked worried.
Mu Kai:" it's good Grandpa I will listen to my wife" he smiled gently at Mu Millie.
Mu Millie looked at him and thought who's your wife when did I agree hey I was just helping you I still haven't received my deal no wedding until they agree on it buddy! don't count your lucky stars just yet.
She looked around and tried to summon Nanna she looked around no Nanna Mu Millie got up excused her self went to the downstairs restroom. She summoned her Nanna. Finally, Nanna appeared she looked at Mu Millie and smiled. Before Mu Millie could even ask.
She hugged Mu Millie:" I can't believe this never since time began the ancestors have been challenged and not only that they also agreed so Mu Kai must be very special and they desperately wanted you to marry him I am so happy your mother and grandmother send their love to my sweet child" she chuckled happily.
Mu Millie was surprised, to say the least:" really they agreed oh should ask for other things as mother and grand be allowed to also be my guardian angels it's a shame well oh never mind this will do for now so I believe there is going to a wedding then and also I can start planning my vengeance to a limit, of course, their retribution will be served in parts beginning, middle, end wow Nanna this is great" she sighed with the blessing of the ancestors as well maybe it was going to be okay.
Anna walked out of the bathroom everyone was waiting at the dining room waiting for so they could all dinner as she walked in there was the room next to Mu Kai she went and sat down she excused her lateness they all smiled and they are it was the first time Mu Millie had run to puke her guts out during dinner may she thought he is my good luck charm after all she wonders what the future would bring?
Mu Millie didn't know that her big yeah and you wait and watch was heard in the dining room they all wonder why Mu Millie was so happy.
The rest evening went rather well Mu Millie began to relax finally she talked to Mu Kau like they were old buddy's catching up on old times mostly Mu Kai was telling her how she would follow him and Mu Taichung around and when she got tired she would sit on the floor and cry he was going back for he would carry her on his back. Mu Millie pretends not to remember it she remembered all she also told him that he was her prince who would come on white horse to marry her she was his princess. She also remembered making him promise all sorts but he never said no he always said yes to her. Mu Millie count believes how easy it was to talk to Mu Kai why? Mu Millie didn't notice that all her family had left them on there own talking.
Mu Kai spoke:" Millie I want to register our marriage tomorrow, the quicker the better and we will celebrate with a church wedding after the babies are born if that's okay" he smiled he was thinking I can't let go of this chance I have to take it he wasn't prepared to let her go this time so long she belong to him he would make her fall in love with him.
Mu Millie looked at him and thought that was sudden! She looked lost she soon came round because she had made a deal with ancestors so even if tomorrow in a couple of days it wouldn't make any difference now Mu Millie looked up and smiled she didn't speak but nodded her approval. She smiled shyly away she didn't know what else to say this was happening too fast just like last time she prayed that it won't be like last time. Inside she was shaking she was stepping into the unknown there was magic in the air who knows what lay ahead she only silently prayed that it would be better than her last marriage?
Mu Kai walked over he leaned down and kissed Mu Millie in the lips out of the blue she looked up in shocked she was electrocuted by the kiss which left her shocked her hers were wide open she was holding her breath in her brain It was like fireworks had gone off everywhere. Her eyes widened in shock she looked at Mu Kai she touched her lips she was kissed before but nothing ever made her feel like this what's he doing to her. She was still in thought she didn't even know when Mu Kai had left.
Mu Kai looked at the Mu Millie he smiled and thought that is just the beginning your my queen and I will always treat you like my queen I have waited for this and the quicker your mine the better you always belonged to me I don't know if you know we have always belonged to each other. I wished I had come earlier so in at the first person to marry was me I am sorry I was late but I am here to take of you now.
Mu Millie was lost in thought when her Auntie came and patted her back:" sweetheart he is gone but I see you realise he his the soulmate you were meant to be " she smiled her foolish smile just like Nanna.
Mu Millie left ran to her room she was so embarrassed did her family see him kissing her and her dumbstruck into a statue?
Nanna appeared again she looked at her granddaughter and smiles she saw her happy which made her happy.