Chapter 32 - 32: NANNA IS MY GUARDIAN ANGEL (4)

As Nanna finished her chant she saw the light disappear in the of Mu Millie chest she smiled gently and thanked the Lord that they could carry there bloodline on it was a secret only passed down to the women of the Rabellini Rom clan it was hidden from the men because the last man that found out he used for his evil gain causing a lot of destruction almost ended the Rabellini Rom line of women when found out the women were burnt at the stake for been witches that we're practising the forbidden arts. The last women to be a slaughtered by the people that caught her cursed that there wouldn't be any women born in this clan because they were ones held accountable for being caught they would be no one ever again she thought that this clan betrayed them as the gentlemen belong to there clan but layer on after few generations there was a breakthrough when Nanna Great Great Grandma was born but only one female per generation is born.

Nanna was glad that Mu Millie was asleep through the whole process she was worried she would cause a big fuss and not accept this hidden life she wouldn't have understood this at all and especially in this day age, there was no such thing as a white witch power to the normal eyes. If they were found out most like they would be experimented on by scientists. So they had to keep deeply hidden secret. Her daughter didn't want anything to do with her gipsy side she lived her life oblivious to it all. But Nanna was lucky her granddaughter hadn't accepted it without causing too much fuss or may become she remembers she has been reborn the reason for that was because she was born special. now she had to teach her how to use it for good deeds only. Otherwise, it would change into dark magic which is not good it was very dangerous the enemies would come to take her to use for evil deeds.

Nanna was wondering whether Mu Millie biological father was a warlock and if he knew of his history or not if he had any amulets around if so would he give them this daughter. First, he would have to acknowledge her as his daughter before they could even find out. Also, Mu Millie's maternal granddaddy would he allow Mu Millie to meet him. They still remember that dreadful day when Mu Millie mother found out the truth and it broke her daughter's heart and then she found out she was pregnant but she told her mother to hide the truth from her father it would cause trouble and embarrassment for their families. Nanna thought about and thought she would try and communicate through Mu Millie and talk to him.

Mu Millie started to stir a little she opened one eye and looked around she saw her Nanna looking at her then she opened both eyes and smiled at her.

MunMiliie:" Nanna I had a strange dream there was all these women surrounding me and hugging and congratulated me telling me I was related to them and I was now one of them what did they mean what exactly is happening since I have been reborn it's like I got sucked into some fantasy and reality vortex either I am going crazy or it feels like I am dreaming I must be still in a coma" she looked at her Nanna hoping she could answer.

Nanna looked at Mu Millie and smiled she thought to her self she has been accepted by the ancestors and been blessed they will now protect her from all the evil people surrounding her.

Nanna smiled:" well that's a good thing sweetheart you saw your ancestors and they have blessed you and your children they will help protect you from bad people a woman has rarely been accepted while she is pregnant you are carrying some special children these children are blessed by the ancestors to the Lord as bestowed great mercy on us" she was very happy.

Mu Millie was a bit confused if I can't do anything bad how will they protect her she nodded it still didn't make any sense to her she would later try and tap into her inner strength like the old lady in her dream showed her and see what would happen she was confused and muddled she didn't believe in magic, spells, witches she never read this kind of books either okay maybe one or two this was something that happened in children fantasy books there was no such thing in real life but she was going to try anyway or to see what would happen and what she did she have to lose it would only prove if she was crazy or not.

Nanna told Mu Millie that she would be going now it was almost daylight she would see her at night or hold the amulet and whisper her name she would appear only Mu Millie would see her nobody else so she had to careful it would like she was talking to her self she chuckled as she told her.

Mu Millie:" what so funny it's not like I don't muter to my self every often" she smiled.

Nanna:" well I was chuckling because your granddad caught me talking to my self I had a full conversation with one of the ancestors about the danger my son was in they seem to know beforehand when he heard my conversation he rang your Uncle to find he was at the place where the gunfire was taking place we could hear the shooting my heart was in my mouth through the whole ordeal but I didn't realise it was a film shoot they were doing and when it finishes your Uncle told us I was so angry with he got his ears pulled when he comes home and tried to hide behind your mum at first she protected him until I told her to want to happen she pulled his ears for me so sometimes they can put us in a predicament" she looked at Mu Millie.

Mu Millie tried to imagine her mum pulling her brother's ears it would have been funny side this is what families are all about she envied her mother her growing up in such a loving caring environment. But she didn't want wallow in self-pity. She wasn't sad because the worst was over and this was a new beginning for her too.

Nanna:" Okay it's almost morning you need to get some rest as well it's not good for the babies to up this late too if you need me to call and be careful now as others will also with the same power will all be able to sense you too okay" she smiked and disappeared.

Mu Millie watch the space as she tried to take in want just happen she smiled like a silly fool as well she soon fell asleep she slept like a baby for the first time in a long time by the time she some it was the afternoon she washed and changed her clothes she walked downstairs to find all the family at home. Mu Jade was reading some documents while Uncle was reading a newspaper, Mu Taichung was reading some documents as well Auntie was reading a book on closer inspection she realised it was a parenting manual Mu Millie chuckled at them she was so happy this was her family and hers alone she didn't have to fight for attention to be noticed or hide in case they bullied you.

Auntie looked up and smiled:" hey Millie your awake come on I will make you something to eat" she smiled ashes rose from her seat to walks towards the kitchen.

Mu Jade looked up he smiled:" hello little bun sleep well" he smiled at her. He needed to talk to her but he didn't want to drop a bombshell on her but it had to be done soon before the children were born.

Uncle looked up and smiled:" hey little one hurry up and eat it's not good for the babies to eat late you need to take your medications as well" he patted Mu Millie on the head.

Mu Taichung:" hey piggy/ bunny your awake I heard you wondering around couldn't sleep if you can't sleep and need to chat I always available okay" he smiled.

Mu Millie thought did he hear me talking last night then he is going to think I am lunatic she smiled awkwardly as all the men looked at her with doting eyes.

Auntie walked over with fruits big tray with food on it. Mu Millie took one look she wanted to vomit from all the different smells hitting her nostrils at the same time she ran for the bathroom she puked acidy water because she hadn't eaten anything since last night. Auntie came over with a towel and water. She patted her back gently she spoke we will have to see the doctor about this it can't continue you will have any strength left and you looking after twins so it's going to be harder" she sighed.

Mu Millie had tears from all the throwing up she did but after seeing the love oozing from her Auntie tears flowed more. She hugged her Auntie tightly as she silently sobbed in happiness.

Auntie was taken back she panicked thinking something happened to her.

Auntie whispered:" hey Millie sweetheart does it hurt somewhere what's the matter why are you crying dear" she hugged her worried.

Mu Millie sobbed as she spoke:" no Auntie it doesn't hurt anywhere just happy and I don't know why I want to cry could I just hug you for while" she held on for the love and warmth that felt so motherly. She had only experienced this in never! when she needed somebody to say it was alright you will get through this or don't worry she never had anybody so to have that all now was overwhelming.

Auntie chuckled in relief:" you don't have to cry to hug sweetheart you can hug me anytime you want okay I am available 24/7" she smiled at her daughter silliness. But her heart was so sad thinking what has this sweet child been through.

They stayed like that until Mu Millie calmed down then both walked back to where the men were sat they all looked up at the same time when they saw Mu Miles eyes and rosy flushed cheeks they stood up worried.

Mu Jade:" little bun what's wrong why have you cried" he walked over to take a look is she ill has somebody said something I will kill them he thought?

Mu Millie felt embarrassed she hid behind her Auntie, Auntie chuckled at the worried men:" you would think that you were ones having the babies, not Millie it's perfectly normal for her hormones to be all over the place when your pregnant she will have little outburst here and there nothing to be alarmed about " she didn't want to tell them she was panicked out of her witts when Mu Millie burst into tears her heart hurt so much to see Mu Millie craving for affection.

Uncle followed behind his father to see what had happened. Followed behind by Mu Taichung he looked worried he walked over and pulled Mu Millie out from behind his mum hugged Mu Millie:" hey baby sister you knew you can tell me anything you want I will sort out everything this is a promise from your brother, okay and you have nothing to worry about this your home and this is your family" he kissed the top her head.

Mu Millie likes the sound of your family they were her family in the short time she had been here they made her so welcome and loved that's all she ever wanted.

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