Chapter 6 - 6: SHOULD I JUMP OR NOT(6)


Chan Millie" if you can I will come down and face the consequences regardless of it being bad as it's always been all I wanted was to live a peaceful life with dignity but you stripped it all away slowly and left an empty shell" she looked at the ground she is going to land on.

Chan Millie continued" I still didn't complain thinking that's the way you just are but then I see you being so nice to others in your house and the cruelty just for me I still took it all thinking it's just me but I learn it's not me it's someone else's punishment that I have been receiving all this time" she sighed at her misery.

Chan Millie carried on" if you can reverse all the misery then I can change my mind otherwise see you on the other side! no!"She yelled " actually I hope never I never want to see ever again it's too pain full looking at you reminds me that I am weak I couldn't even protect my children I am just a useless human being I feel disgusted at the things you did to me I've had nightmares about it" she finally looked up to the sky's as the tears made it blurry to see anything but she felt good she had released the burden on her chest.

she didn't care whether she went to hell or heaven so long as she got to see her mother she could barely remember her face she was only 5 years old when her mother died the photos had been burnt by her stepmother and the ones she saved were destroyed by Feng Chou to torture her. There was one more reason she would never forgive Feng Chou ever.

Chan Millie knew he wouldn't respond but she stupidly waited for an answer hearing silence behind her and the sobbing of her sister and the wind rustling around them.

She closed her eyes and leapt off the building liked she was diving into a swimming pool as she fell she turned her self around to look to the sky she saw Feng Chou hand catching the air he stared in horror as she fell she closed her eyes she didn't want to see his face as she felt the wind in the hair on her skin it had never felt so good it felt she was free of the worldly affairs? She smiled.

Chan Millie smiled her sweet smile at Feng Chou then she closed her eyes waited for impact. she didn't know what laid ahead but it had to better than what she had experienced she was ready to embrace what was to come. She didn't want to be reborn or get revenge.

She was busy in her thoughts when she landed she knew it would be painful she wasn't wrong that hurt like hell she felt she had crushed every bone in her body her head felt it was split into two half. She couldn't move any of her limps then in a split second the pain was gone she felt her soul leave her body the pain stopped she couldn't feel anything.

Chan Millie hovered above her body she looked down at her splattered body-it looked like a scrambled egg with ketchup around it. She chuckled to her self and thought well that's the end of that then she looked around and thought what next?

A woman appeared she glowed in the light as Chan Millie tried to focus but the light was too bright she covers her eyes with her hand she peeked through the gaps she saw the women coming towards her. It was no other than her grandma.

Chan Millie smiled happily and she ran over and hugged her tightly she had missed her so much. She looked around she saw her mother and her children they were older for some reason she recognised them it was so good she was happy for the first time in a long time. Chan Millie thought this is the best decision I ever made she wished she had done it earlier.

Chan Millie leapt into her mother's embrace she cried her eyes out like little child she had a lot of grievances she wanted to share with her mother held her and let her cry until she had no tears to shed.

Chan millie grandma stroke her back as to settle her Chan Millie's kids hugged her too there was a family reunion it was Chan Millie's family the people that truly loved her wholeheartedly and she loved wholeheartedly. It's all unconditional love it is what she longed for all her life there was no comparison to anything in the world than to be loved and love others.

Chan Millie:" Grandma, Mom I missed you so much it's so nice to see you again! hey little one's it so good to see you I am so sorry I couldn't protect you my babies" she hugged them and kissed their faces.

Chan Millie hugged her grandma she didn't want to let go she felt the warmth that only comes from her grandma. When Chan Millie was bullied at home by her sisters and brothers she always found her Grandma and cuddle into her for comfort she always made her feel her better.

Chan Millie mother died when she was only five but at least she still had her grandma. Then her father married and brought her stepmother who already had three children. When her stepmother came Chan Millie life turned from bad to worst.

Chan Millie father who had an okay relationship with her he now didn't even look at her he stopped acknowledge her as his daughter after grandma died when she was 10 years old that when her life turned in to a big mess. She needed up living with the head chef who took her in as a favour to her grandmother.

Chan Millie lived with the servant in their quarters. At least the servants we're nice to her they would feed her from their meals the head chef gave her money for her lunch at school until she got a job at the local shop as a cashier then she was able to support her self and the leftover she would give to head chef she treated him like a father.

Chan Millie was a lonely child she wasn't close to anyone of her age group. She didn't have any close friend's until she met Fen Jia for a short time but Fen Jia left her like everybody else she cared about soon left her she didn't anyone to call her own.

When she turned 18 years, old she was told by her father she was to marry Feng Chou. Chan Millie didn't meet her husband until at first night after they were married he turned into a monster straight away. He laid down the law of want Chan Millie could and could not do. It was like living in a military camp. But she still didn't complain there was nobody to complain to.

Her life took a turn for the worst at least at her fathers home until she moved into the dorms they just ignored her this torture was unbearable. Only bullied her when they found her she had plenty of places to hide. And most of the time the staff always hid her. But in this house, there was nowhere to hide and if she did she would be punished double.

Chan Millie prayed that he wouldn't come home at night time so she wouldn't be tortured but luck was never on her side.

Chan Millie had a lot to complain about she had a lot to tell them and a lot to ask them she talked for a very long time none stop she had never spoken so much in her life she got a lot of her chest. She felt light it felt like she was floating in the air she light as a feather now for the first time in a long time she was truly happy she was finally free to form the hell she was in or so she thought.

Grandma whispered:" my sweet child Millie my beautiful baby girl it's not your time you have to go back okay. I am sorry you can't stay but don't worry I will see you soon. Grandma winked at Chan Millie she couldn't tell her anything at this moment in time.

Grandma tried to explain them without upsetting Chan Millie too much" I know that they have wronged you but you need to right all the wrongs as well as stand up for self okay be strong learn to say no and remember I love you so much!! We will be watching you okay and don't forget you have family waiting for you that truly love you they only a phone call away he a stern stubborn old man but he will melt when he hears your voice okay please this time don't do anything rash please wait for my baby girl" she patted her head until Chan Millie fell asleep in grandma lap it was the best place in Chan Millie's heart it was like comfort blanket it was the place that all her tension, stress and fear disappeared.

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