Aeolus Zephyr, a young boy, lives in a magical and mythical forest, a forest disconnected from the human world. There's all kinds of awesome, magical and cute things living in the forest. Some things or beings never seen in the human parts.
He has all kinds of marvellous adventures, has the greatest of friends and a happy life in the forest, but is that really what he truly wants?
He's one of the keepers and council of the forest. They keep the forest safe and hidden and make sure everything is going good.
Aeolus is a fun boy, looking at the optimistic pleasures of life. He likes to lay in fields of grass and watch flower petals sink down from their trees. But of course, he has his duties as council and keeper of the forest.
He has a good relationship with nearly everyone he's met. His likeable funny, chill guy character just brings out the best in people and makes Aeolus memorable.