From my happy place filled with rosy fantasies

waking into nightmarish reality is distressing,

yet I do it, earnestly prepare myself.

Shiveringly take a step,

to greet my demons who hurt me, not physically.

But inside, they torture me.

I know that I am worthless, talent-less, and more of nothing.

I don't need anyone else to tell me, but then maybe, I do.

I don't know.

I never know anything.

I believed I could fly,

I believed I could touch the sky.

But I forgot I don't have any wings.

Without any abilities in me,

what can I do?

I only wish to be free.


I like to dream

I have a dream.

I don't know why but

what I dream seems beyond the sky.

Do what I now

when I cannot even

touch the sky,

then how dare I imagine

to embrace the wild blue yonder.

Future remains hauntingly unknown,

so does the past lay unchanged.

And the present is hard,

when one feels caged.

I want to scream

I want to shout

I want my voice

to be heard aloud

if not through my mouth

then through my moves,

through my words

I want to alter the truth.

I love it but

am no good, so what?

I will learn because that's something,

I never could before.

If toiling is the key, then I will.

I'll do it hard,

I'll do it well.

Cause I love it immensely so.

It enthralls me like the moon attracts the tide's flow.

A tiny problem,

I am no good at it,

I already know.