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The White Grimore

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In the world of Lotov, magic is obtained through grimoires' which appear after one's 12th birthday. They tell what level and skills the person has, and can only be read by the owner. Supposedly, the darker the color, the more powerful the user is. The color white is known to be a curse and is associated with the "demons." Had anyone with white hair be found out, them and their entire family would be burned at the stake.

Chapter 1 - Luciel

"Bye mom, i'm heading out to the store." Luciel put on his fur coat and ridiculously big hat on. His parents always told him to hide his hair, though they never told him why. To him his hair looked quite nice.

"Wait right there," she said sternly, "take this for you and your father to eat during your break." She handed him a wicker basket full of a loaf of bread, some grilled salmon, and two poached eggs. He smiled and gave his mom a big hug before thanking her. Opening the door and looking outside, he looked at the sky and thought to himself, "today is going to be a great day."

After closing the door, he locked it with his key and then put it back in his pocket. He started making his way towards the shopping district. While doing that, he watched the as the people shuffled threw the streets in the cold snow. There were also carriages driven by horses that were mostly only used by the nobles, roaming the cobble streets.

After walking for a few minutes, he found his way to the shopping district. He stopped upon seeing a shop with a sign sticking out from the wall. The sign had a piece of leather, and a needle and threat on it. Looking in threw the window, there was a sign that read, "closed". There was also a display of a few leather clothes and different types of furs. As he opened the door, he heard the familiar sound of the bell attached to it go, "ding."

His dad looked up to see who came in only to see it was his son. Soon a big smile erupted on his face. Luciel smiled back at him while he took off his coat and put it on the coat rack. Though he made sure to keep his over-sized hat on. He noticed that when most people saw him, they tended to start laughing. Being a mere 12 year old, and an optimist, he didn't think they were making fun of him. He would laugh with them, getting weird looks.

Luciel went to the back room to put his uniform on. It consisted of a plain pair of wool long-sleeved shirt and wool pants. There was also a long leather apron and tool belt that went with it. Though Luciel normally didn't wear the tool belt as he usually only made small things that weren't for the shop. "Oh yeah, mom made us some food for lunchtime." Luciel partially yelled from the other room while holding the basket up for his dad to see.

His dad walked over and looked inside the basket. "This looks as good as always." Another smile spread across his face seemingly nostalgic. He took the basket and put it behind the desk. Clapping his hands he faced Luciel, "I think its time to open the shop now." Luciel nodded and flipped the sign so that it now said Open.

After a few hours, the sun had started to set. This was the time when most shops started to close. After a days full of work, Luciel stretched and went to the back room to change back to his clothes. His dad had gone to turn the sign so it said, "closed," again. Then proceeding to change back to his original clothes as well.

Luciel put his coat back on, and picked up the now empty wicker basket. He walked back home with his dad admiring the setting sun. It had turned the sky to a very pretty pink and orange color. While walking, he soon started to feel the cold snowflakes fall on his face. He stuck his tongue out trying to catch the snow. His dad laughed when he saw this and put a hand on my shoulder. "I guess your still a child at heart, even when your so close to getting a grimoire. I mean you turned 12 just a few weeks ago."

When he mentioned a grimoire, Luciels eyes lit up. "What color do you think my grimoire will be?!" He said excitedly, and started to walk with a skip in his step. His fathers smile disappeared, and didn't answer, for a moment. Until finally he responded, "I feel yours will be a very pretty color."

Not noticing his fathers grim face, he thought of all the pretty colors is could be. Seeing the familiar door of his house, Luciel ran towards the house and unlocked the door. After holding the door for his dad, he closed it and then locked it. Then proceeding to take of his coat and letting his curly white hair free from the hat he deemed "evil."

Running up to his mom to hug her, she stepped back being slightly started from the sudden hug. She then curled her arms around him to hug him. "How was business at the shop honey?" She asked in a soft manner. This time the husband responded with, " it was good, we got a few silver and bronze coins today." He then also joined the group hug.

His mother released them from the group hug and the proceeded to say, "oh right, the neighbors gave me some apples today for sewing them a nice set of clothes. I was thinking of making some apple pie."

Apple pie was Luciels favorite type of pie so he always asked his mother if he could help her make it. She had always said yes. He had also always helped his mother with cooking sense he always liked to help people. After they had cooked dinner, his father set the table. They then all sat down and enjoyed their dinner which consisted of mashed potatos, a few roasted game hens, green beans, and an apple pie.

After dinner Luciel had suck over towards the window while his mother and father had been getting ready to go to bed. Luciel was never aloud to look out the window without something covering his hair, even at night. Though tonight was suppose to have a meteor shower, from what he heard from some of the nobles walking on the streets that day. "Its not like anyone will out be outside this late," he thought in his head. Pulling back the curtain, he watched the sky in awe as he saw bright glowing lights go across the sky. This stopped after 30 minutes. Luciel then retreated and went to bed.

Unknowingly, someone in a dark and cold alleyway, had been watching him for the time he was looking out the window. They appeared to be someone from the town guards as they were wearing a set of armor and sword that was given to every town guard. Falling back into the shadows they then started walking back to the barracks to report about a white haired child.