I panted, sweat running down my face.
"How to you expect to fight Zachias and his goons if you can't even summon a decent shield?" Lana said, waving her hand at me in a dismissive way.
"I'm trying!" I spat, holding my hands up. In front of them, a glassy texture glittered in the air in front of me. But it was a weak glitter and it constantly flickered.
I concentrated and tried to strengthen the shield. Lana launched a volley of pure magic at me. The first was absorbed by the shield with a flash of silver-gray light, the second made a crack appear in the air, and the third pierced the shield and slammed into my chest. My concentration broke and I was hit with several balls of pure magic, leaving even more bruises on my chest.
"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!" I said angrily. "I'm concentrating and the shield is forming, but it's integrity just won't hold!"
Lana shook her head. "Two reasons, one, you're letting your anger cloud your mind, and it's affecting your magic. And two, you lack purpose. You don't need to try to summon a shield because I told you to, you need to summon a shield because you're trying to protect yourself and anyone behind you."
Lana prepared another volley and I tried once again to summon an effective shield. I imagined my little sister behind me, and the shield actually took 3 hits before breaking, but all that matters is that it broke.
"Damnit!" I said. "Can we take a break?"
Lana sighed and shook her head, but walked to a weird box, and, with a flash of light, pulled a canteen out of it. She handed it to me and I gulped the water thirstily.
After I drained the canteen, I locked eyes with Lana, and I felt a jolt of what felt like electricity suddenly hit me and send a visible shudder down my spine. And based on Lana's shudder, the same happened to her.
"Oh hell to the motherfucking no," Lana said, throwing her arms up angrily. "Him?! Of all the suitable and actually skilled males in this base, it had to be him?!"
I was super confused."Say what now?"
"Ah, it appears you two have formed the Silver Bond," a wise voice said from the doorway to the gym/training room. I turned and saw Professor Leon stepping into the room "Ah, don't be sad Lana, he has potential in magic." Leon gave me a quick look up and down. "And he's really not a bad looking young man."
I felt a tug in my mind. "And a quick peek into his mind says he's quite experienced in bed."
I was about to speak on why Professor Leon was peeking into my sex life, but I was interrupted when Lana, her face tomato red exclaimed,"I don't care about his experience in bed, nor his physical appearance. I don't like the aura I'm getting from him."
"Aura?" I said, confused. "Kinda like my vibe??"
Lana rolled her eyes, her blush fading a little. "Yes, kinda like your vibe. I don't like it."
I looked down at myself. "What's wrong with my vibe? I mean, like, I'm not perverted, I'm chill, I'm not a genius, but I'm not stupid. And I try to be a respectful guy."
Lana rolled her eyes again. "I don't mean that kind of vibe, I like your personality mostly, but you're just so ridiculously insecure, and you try to be perfect when you don't have to be."
Goddamn, this girl got the wisdom and perception of someone much older than that, like holy shit. I thought, confused at to how easily Lana was reading me.
"We're done for the day, go back to your room and get some rest." Lana said, she left without another word.
I looked at Leon. "Why did you have to bring up my sex life?"
Professor Leon smiled. "Because, when Lana opens up, she can be quite the freak even though she's a virgin."
I laughed at this, and walked to my room, laughing to the thought of such a stoic and wise girl being a freak.