Time went by we ended up with a unwanted guess that sorry of an accuse of a mother of his Uncler Williams. I really hate this lady with a passion because she wasn't nothing but drama in her mouth would make you hurt her.
Later that night we went to a family get together out there in the country to see some family members we never meet. Me and Jr was running around having a good time we was playing tag at the moment. This wicked ass grandmother started calling use knowing dam well we couldn't hear over the noise and us playing. We didn't try to ignore her, but we kept playing. She got mad in told our daddy. We was having a blast until it was time to go. As we got ready to leave my daddy had been drinking. We getting in the car to head home he slap's Jr upside the head. In told us we was gone stay up in learn since we was being disobedient to our wicked ass bitch of a grandmother.
We made it we did some cleaning, learning and washing clothes. When we got done it was bath time for all of us until tomorrow work day. The night wine down me Jr and little Ronnie was on the floor sleep and our wicked ass grandmother was on the Sofia. I felt my daddy touch me Erica Erica lets go to the room an drop them clothes. I got up in went in did what he said. I drop my clothes an got under the covers. But this time he didn't crest me he actually went inside me in harmed me. He sticks his fingers in there while he jacks the rest out. I cried till the point I was under the cover wanting to kill my self.
I got up in went in took a bath and laid back down in cried to myself wanting to kill myself I really didn't want to live no more. I was asking God why me why you ain't just kill me. I laid there in played like I was sleep. But I happen to see that bitch get off the Sofia in go in his room and closed the door. I got up in snuck in the bathroom to listen to them talk. What did you do to her? Nothing I'm going to ask you again what did you do to her? Nothing don't lie to me tell me. If something happen I will vouch for you.
He said nothing she said don't mess up your daughters life like I messed up you'll life. He said I'm not mama I didn't do nothing to her I was just talking to her. Oh okay now don't make me regret this. I ran in laid back down in cried until I felt like dying. The following morning my brothers was looking at me strange. I wasn't trying to look at them doe I just wanted to die. I sat there on the sofa. I had done over dosed on cough syrup. I was sitting there bout half way dead. My grandma yell for my daddy while I black out. He grabbed me up in rushed me to the hospital where they pumped my stomach in kept me in the hospital till my mama came.
I hear my mama raising hell mother fucker you tired to kill my child you dumb mother fucker. My mama spazzing on his ass, while I'm lying there wishing he wouldn't have brought me. My mama took me home with her in let me lay in her bed till I got better. I went back to school the following week in started causing trouble because I couldn't tell nobody what happen to me. My father decided to get me out of school without my mama knowing just to molest me. We went out to his house he made sure nobody was able to see me. He took me in his house lock the door in told me to get under the covers. He had his way with me without being notice. He sticking it in and out he started jacking in crest my butt again he fingered me until he nutted on my butt in wiped it off with his shirt. I went in the bathroom in bath before he took me home.
My mama ask me why he got me out of school early I couldn't tell her the truth. All I could tell her is I don't want to go out there no more. I went in my room closed the door in cried the whole day away. The devil/monster continue this harm to me for 7 years I never thought in a million years that anybody would save me from the pits of hell. I had done got to the point I gave up in got expelled out of school permanently in Florida. No secondary schools wanted me because they felt like I was harm to their staff because of what I did to one staff. I felt like nobody cared about me nobody wanted me until this one day.
I finally got accepted into TMI in that's the day I meet my guardian angels at the school. In they rescued me out of the pits of hell I never thought hell would never end it did for temporary. But I can say God did hear my cry out to him to protect me from harm.