Chapter 4 - Two

6 days before Jisung's death...

More time to practice, Woojin hasn't contacted any of us and Minho is pretty worried and it makes me sad, I hate seeing Minho like that.

(Minsung is alive idc what your opinion is on that)

I called jeongin and he didn't pick up which isn't normal what's going on?

I head to Mijin which is like my favorite noodle shop ever and I totally don't have what you would call an addiction just cause I go there for three meals a day everyday.

(text between jeongiin)

today 1:00 pm

Jisung: Dude where are you at?

Jeongin: I'm at practice with Seungmin

and Woojin, why?

Jisung: Minho hasn't been able

to get a hold of Woojin and I

tried to call you earlier, what are

y'all practicing?

Jeongiin: Something is that really any of

your business.

Jisung: Listen here Mr. Sassy pants, I need to know where y'all are at least because Minho is thinking of the worst and I'm worried myself.

Jeongin: Ok bye bye.

Jisung: JEONGIN!?!?


Call failed

Call failed

Messages not sent, please check connection.

Call failed

Messages not sent, please check connection.

(out of text)

What the hell is going on?

(text to jeongin)

Jeongin: Dude you spammed me.

Jisung: What am I supposed to do your scaring the living shit out of me?

Jeongin: Video call me you idiot.

Jisung: Shut up and fine.

Video call online


See hyung I'm fine.


Didn't you say you were with Woojin and Seungmin.


Oh right my alibi


So your not with them?



I should just come there and beat you now.


Ah, no no no no.


Ok bye.

I slip my phone in my pocket and look around and I see a glimpse of a person yet again. I quickly walk and continuously look behind me. I'm scared and I'm being watched...I need to be careful.