Felix Collins: Felix has blonde hair with red highlights and his eyes are grey. He's 16 and tall for his age.
Felix has social-anxiety. He finds it hard to make friends. His life at home is boring and not much happens; it's like a loop.
Finick Fields: Finick has jet black hair and his eyes are blue. He's 16 and quite tall for his age.
Finick's parents are strict. He has to be home by a certain time. And if he's late, he has to do EXTRA chores.
Grayson Redish:
Grayson has red/orange hair and his eyes are hazel. He's 16 and average height.
Grayson is Felix's best friend. He's the person who suggested the idea of going on the trip.
Olli Frostet:
Oli has brown hair and bright green eyes. He's 16 and short for his age
Olli is Finick's friend. They do everything together.
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