Chereads / Mini / Chapter 3 - My New Home

Chapter 3 - My New Home

Inside the car I see Xander beside me the Alpha in the passenger and the third man in the driver's seat.

Catching my gaze Xander introduces me."That is our Beta Chris... Chris this is Mini."

"I believe her name is Marie." The Alpha says.

"Everyone calls me Mini sir." I tell him.

"Hmmm... not a very dignified name for a Luna tho is it... Mini... it makes you sound... less than... oh and you can call me Connor... or dad if you want. you're family now." The Alpha says.

"That seems disrespectful sir... you are an Alpha... and a powerful one at that." I whisper the last bit. He laughs.

"Its not disrespectful if you have permission Marie... I don't want to be the big bad wolf in your story so please don't treat me as if I am." The... Connor responds. Little does he know his son has already secured that position.

I don't respond I just watch the trees pass as we drive away. I feel pressure on my hand and the buzzing reaches a painful level. He pulls away.

"Marie are you ok?" Xander asks me.

"What's wrong?" Connor asks from the front seat.

"Its nothing." I say holding my head. "Just this buzzing in my head."

"Did I make it worse?" Xander asks.

"What makes you think that boy?" Connor asks harshly.

"Well it hurt her when I took her hand." He answers

"Hmmm... your brother told me about your condition. I was worried... but not so much now... do me a favor Marie. Move to the middle." I reluctantly scoot to the middle pressed against Xander's side. The buzzing spikes again and I scream in pain.

"What the crap dad?!" Xander yells moving me back to my seat. Once he lets go the pain lessens.

"Just a test... I think our little Marie will be whole again soon." Connor responds

The rest of the trip was taken in silence. Xander and I pinned ourselves to opposing doors avoiding all contact.

"Here we are!" Connor calls as we pull up to a massive mansion. "Home sweet home."

As the car stops Connor and Xander jump out. Connor opens the door for me as Xander grabs my bag. I step out and Connor closes the door. My jaw drops as I see the building in front of me. It is massive and beautiful.

"I take it you approve?" Connor asks.

"I've never seen someplace this big." I answer.

"Our pack is nearly 400 strong... we need the room." He says and walks inside.

"Does the whole pack live here?" I ask Xander as he comes up beside me.

"No the elders have a wing, the omegas as another, the third is for ranking members. Each rank has their own floor so we are on the fourth." He explains.

"We?!" I say.

"Well yea?! You would be on the Alpha floor... you're my mate what did you expect?" He says. I don't get a chance to respond as a tall skinny brunette grabs him around the neck kissing his cheek.

"Xan baby where have you been?" She says.

I can't explain what happened next. I had no control over my body as I threw her off of him stumbling backwards my back hits Xander and his arms come around me holding me up. The buzzing maxes out and I fall into black.


I wake up in a hospital bed.

"What happened?" I ask slowly sitting up.

"Take it easy little Luna." A teenage girl says.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"The hospital ward... in the pack house. Xander brought you. Said you fainted then left... how are you feeling?" She asks.

"Better." I say swinging my legs off of the bed "humiliated... so much for first impressions." She laughs.

"Don't worry about that this is a good sign." Connor says as he walks in with Xander.

"Alpha!" The girl yelps and backs away bowing.

"Hows that?" I ask head spinning.

"I'm gonna guess that jealousy did not come from you." Connor says and I feel my face get hot. I wasn't jealous... was I?  "That's what I thought... your wolf however seems rather territorial when it comes to her mate." I look away. I can't handle the smile on Xander's face. It doesn't help tho when I feel all of his emotions.

"Its a good thing... the more time you spend with my boy the more your wolf will heal... we will have to monitor your physical contact tho... don't want you to pass out all the time." Connor says smiling at me but ignoring his son.

"Do you really think it will help? I haven't heard her in over three years." I ask.

"It should... the mate bond is strong... but I still want the doc to check you out... come on boy you can wait outside." With that they leave.

"Hello Marie I am Doctor May." A middle aged woman says offering her hand. I shake it.

"Nice to meet you Doc." I respond.

"So what exactly happened to you when you were kidnapped?" She asks.

"I covered this with my doctor back home when it first happened. Why do I need to tell you anything?" I ask.

"Well Alpha asked me to look into it... maybe I can help you. Think of it as a second opinion... your first one hasn't served you too well." She says. She's right... I guess it couldn't hurt.

"I think it was hunters... they were trying to get rid of my wolf and keep my human side alive... that's what they said at least. They hooked me up to an IV and pumped a silver solution into my veins. I was unconscious most of the time. I would wake up with fresh cuts every so often. They had me three weeks before Uri saved me killing them all." I tell her.

"Hummmm... I want to get a full body scan and some bloodwork." She takes some blood then continues. "I'll schedule the scan for tomorrow. Don't want to keep Xander waiting too long. Be careful tho Marie."

I get up and walk to the door.

"Everything alright?" Xander asks.

"Yea... you know I haven't eaten today... can we go get something?" I say.

"Yea no problem!" He says with a smile "follow me!"

I was determined to hate it here. They stole me! He marked me against my will! No one even gave me a choice in all of this... but on the other hand. They seem kind. They are trying to help me. He seems to care about me. I don't know what to think.

"So what do you want... dinner is over but there's plenty of left overs." Xander says peaking in the fridge. "How about pizza? A classic left over meal!"

"Alright toss me a slice." I say.

"Don't you want it heated up?" He asks.

"Reheated pizza are you crazy?! Its better cold... well it's better fresh. But on the scale of deliciousness it goes fresh, cold, half mauled by wiled man eating turtles, then reheated in any form." I tell him taking a slice.

"Man eating turtles?!" He asks.

"I couldn't think of anything then because its pizza ninja turtles came to mind so Yea turtles! What you don't like turtles?" I taunt.

"I like turtles just fine... great in soup!" He jokes. I laugh and punch his arm. On contact I get dizzy. "Hay careful. No contact remember."

"Yea." I say catching my balance "I remember."

"Hay let's get you to bed." Xander says leading me to an elevator. "I usually take the stairs but... I don't want you to over do it after earlier."

"I'm fine Xander!" I insist. He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Do you really want me to dispute that little one?" He asks. Remembering he can sence my feelings and emotions I relent.

"I hate it when you call me that! It makes me feel like a child." I say.

"I know... but its true. Come on you are like a foot and a half shorter than me... are you even 5ft?" he asks.

"Yes!" I yell at him and he chuckles.

"And embarrassed." He responds



"Maybe!... how long is this emotional link going to last! I so want to block you out!" I say.

"Well... we probably won't be able to control it until we are... umm... fully mated." He says as we approach a door and he stops. "In here." He says and opens the door.

"Oh heck no!" I yell and try to get out but he is blocking the door and I don't dare touch him again. "I'm not staying in your room!" It is obviously his. His scent is everywhere. The bed is unmade  but the room is clean.

"You are... it's the safest room in the house plus dad thinks it's a safe way to try and draw your wolf out. I'll be in the next room down if you need me. Bathroom's through there." He says pointing at a door on the far wall. "See you tomorrow." And he walks out the door closing it behind him.

Well at least he is not staying in here... even tho he is my husband/mate what ever I'm glad he is not staying the night.

"Relieved I left... that hurts Mini!" Xander links.

"You may not be able to block my feelings out but you could be a gentleman and pretend you don't feel them... calling me out is kinda rude!" I link back. I feel him laugh.

"Good night Marie" he says still laughing.

"Night Xander." I respond.