Chereads / Mini / Chapter 6 - Wolf

Chapter 6 - Wolf

The next morning I didn't want to leave the bed. I take a deep breath and close my eyes reluctant to move... I need to get ready.

I climb out of bed and shower. Doc said bright and early... it's not exactly bright yet but... I can't wait! I make my way to the medical ward. No one is awake yet.

"Hello?" I say as I enter.

"Wow you are early." Doc says when she sees me. "We're not ready yet... have a seat my team will be here in about an hour."

I sit anxiously waiting... in a few hours I  should be healed!

"You ready Marie?" Doc asks.

"Yes!" I say jumping up.

"Well let's get started." She says with a laugh.

Doc leads me to a room I get ready for the surgery and lay on the bed.

"We are going to put you out for this." Doc says. "Count to ten."


The last thing I remember is Doc and her crew moving around the table.


"How long before she wakes up?" I hear someone ask.

"Any minute now." Is the reply.

"Mmmmm" I groan fighting for conciousness.

"Mini!" I hear Xander call to me. "Doc she's waking up!" I open my eyes.

"How are you feeling Marie?" Doc asks.

"Fine."I sit up still feeling drowsy "did you get them all?"

"Sure did!" Doc says. "How do you feel?"

"Sore." I say laying back.

"You should heal rather quickly now that it's gone." She responds.

"Good!" I smile closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


I feel warmth on my hand. The sparks tell me what it is and I smile.

"You just gonna lay there grinning or are you going to open your eyes?" Xander asks.

"Rude!" I say keeping my eyes closed.

"Come on get up!" He says standing up and pulling on my hand. I look at him.

"What?" He says smileing "you've been asleep fore over a day let's go for a walk!"

"Fine... but you need to go away so I can get dressed." I say.

"You are dressed." He says.

"Hospital gowns don't count... bye bye Xander!" I respond.

"Fine." He groans walking out the door.

I get dressed and wash up in the sink.

"He's hot!" What the?

"Hello?!" I think

"Well he is... about time you get rid of that crap! I've been digging around in here trying desperately to get out!" My wolf says... shes back! My wolf!

"You're back! I've missed you!" I say.

"You too human... I wanna Run!" She says.

"I'm supposed to go with Xander. He wants to..." I start but she cuts me off.

"Mate yes I approve! Run later!" She beams.

"Soooo... he actually is our mate?" I ask.

"Well duh!... I tried to claim him but you messed that up! Every time he touched us I tried to take control... you are not very good at the whole mates thing... I'm gonna fix that!" She says.

"He... he attacked me!... he took me away from my pack! It's not like I can flip a switch! You weren't here! Maybe I would have responded differently if you were. He forced himself on me!" I defend myself.

"Grrrr... you are so stubborn!... he has been kind since we got here! He lost control you can't hold that against him forever!... we hurt him too." My wolf counters.

"Hurt him?!"

"You felt it! Every time you pull away it hurts him!"

"I can't just pretend this is okay!"

"You don't have to be a jerk either! Give him a chance... you admitted he's a good guy. Just let him be that... for me... please?!"

"Fine let's go."

I walk out the door and see Xander.

"About time!" He says when he sees me. We walk down the hall side by side.

"Yea my wolf decided to talk my ear off"

I tell him. He stops and turns to me.

"She's back! Your wolf!" His jaw drops.

"Touch him!"


"Make contact!"

I wrap his arm in mine. I feel him stiffen. He looks even more shocked. I continue walking down the hall.

"Happy" I think. I can feel her smirk.

"So where are we going?" I ask him.

"Umm... well... I... is it safe?" Xander asks looking at our intertwined arms.

"Yea." I blush looking away from him. "That was my wolf trying to break through... now she just yells at me."

"So I can touch you now?" He asks.

"Maybe." I answer.

"Hay you're the one who grabbed me here?" He smiles at me. I push him away and he laughs.

"I had to shut her up somehow!" I yell.

"So your wolf likes me?!... told ya so!" He keeps grinning at me.

"You are so smug! So sure of yourself! Maybe I should just walk by myself!" I tell him.

"And you are... let's see..." he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Embarrassed... confused... happy... shy... a little turned on."

"I think that last one came from you big head!" I say. He loves this! He is way too happy! I can't think with him in my head.

"He knows you like him!"

"Yea maybe... still you want to be around me." He says.

"Maybe." I say and he laughs.

"No maybe about it... but I'll take it!" He says.

We walk outside and down a path.

"Change of plans!" He stops and turns to me. "You've got your wolf back." He looks toward the woods. "Let's run!"

"I haven't shifted in years!... I don't know if I can!" I say.

"No time like the present!" He says taking off his shirt.

My eyes slowly take him in resting on the wound on his shoulder. I am filled with regret when I see it. It didn't heal. It looks awful... I did that! I look away from him.

"Hay what's wrong?" He asks with a hand on my shoulder.

"She was right... I messed up... I hurt you." I say unable to look at him.

"Hay." He says with a finger on my chin he lifts my head to meet his eyes. "This." He points to the mark. "Is my fault not yours... you didn't know what was going on. I did... I should have restrained myself... I didn't... you have nothing to feel bad about."

"What ever." I pull away. "You want to run let's go."

Xander's POV

"She knows she's mate... she likes us!" My wolf purrs as we walk.

"Yea... I feel it too." I smile to myself.

"We should Run!... her wolf is back! Let's run!" He says.

"Change of plans!" I stop her and smile "you've got your wolf back! Let's Run!"

She gets flustered shifting from one foot to the other she says "I haven't shifted in years!... I don't know if I can!"

She is so cute. I can't wait to see her wolf!

"No time like the present!" I take my shirt off.

I smile as I watched her look me over. She obviously likes what she sees. When she gets to my shoulder she looks away. I can feel how upset she is.

I put a hand on her shoulder."Hay what's wrong?"

"She was right!" She won't look at me "I messed up... I hurt you."

What? No! She can't feel bad about this. I can't handle feeling her so upset... and it's my fault!

"Hay." I lift her head so she has to look at me. "This....Is my fault not yours... you didn't know what was going on. I did... I should have restrained myself... I didn't... you have nothing to feel bad about."

"What ever." She says pulling away from me. "You want to run let's go."

She turns and walks into the trees. I enter a few yards away toss my clothes in a pile and shift. It takes her longer than most wolves but I can't blame her it's been a while.

"Ok... I'm ready." I hear her in my mind.

I sniff her out. Wow!... I can't move. I can't breath. I can't look away.

"What!" She links.

"I...ummm... I... hi." I say.

"Such a poet!... come on!" She pushes me and takes off running. I follow.

I could pass her... I don't want to... she is so happy. I feel her joy course through me.

"You are amazing!" I tell her.

"Actually I'm took forever." She says.

"We'll train you... you'll be up to par soon." I say.

"You want to train me?" She asks turning to me halting our run.

"Of course... I want my Luna to be strong." She cocks her head and stares at me.

"Luna..." she gasps.

"Well yea! I'll be Alpha. You're my mate. You're Luna." I link

"Duh!... I know how it works you dumb jerk! I guess I just was so focused on the mates thing... I never thought that far ahead." She responds.

"Let's head back... you haven't eaten in like two days. You must be hungry."

Mini's POV

I can feel my stomach grumble. He's right. I nod to him and we run back. I shift and dress as quickly as I can.

"You know... I'm really glad we did this." I say to Xander as he finds me and we walk to the house.

"Me too... sooo now that you have your wolf... do you still hate me?" He asks.

"Hate you?... No... trust you?... maybe... like you?... I don't know... I'm willing to get to know you... feel this thing out... fresh slate." I tell him.

"Sounds good... you know... I wanted to do it right... I always did... find the girl. Woo her. have a ceremony. Invite my family. Express my love in front of everyone." He says.

What do I say to that? He is being so honest... I don't think I'm ready for that.

"Woo her? How old are you?" I joke.

"21 and yes woo her! Dates, flowers, and moonlight strolls." He takes my hand. "You're soo little I would ask how young you are but I already know you're 18."

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Your little run... you know when we met... what are the rules again? Touch the tree. Run back. Don't get caught." He says.

"How did you..." I start and he laughs at me.

"Do you really think you guys could do that for this many years without us noticing? When I was little we'd watch and make bets on who would go the fastest." He cuts me off.

"Oh...anyway yea I'm 18." I say.

"You get embarrassed easily." He says.

"Do not!" I stop and glare at him. He leans in close to me and I can feel myself blush.

"Do too!" He whispers then wraps his arm around me and starts walking.

"Get off!" I yell and he stops.

"Do you really want me to?" He grins at me.

"Yes!" I yell. He laughs. Stupid link!

"Didn't think so!" He chuckles. We walk back to the house with his arm draped around my shoulders. "Dinner time!" He calls as we enter the kitchen.

"Hay Xan!" A man comes up and grabs Xander's hand. "Finally making it to dinner on time?"

"Yea yea! I've been kinda busy." He says glancing down at me. "Marie this is Shawn... Shawn, Marie."

"Nice to meet ya... this guy finally decided to be decent?... if he screws up just let me know and I'll break his neck!" Shawn says. I laugh... I like this guy!

"Like you could!" Xander laughs.

"You hurt her and I might!" Shawn laughs at him. "Have a seat you two they will be serving dinner soon."

We go to the dining room and sit down. One end of the table is filled with older wolves. In the middle a few families. Xander sits on the right hand side with me beside him.

"Marie babe so great to meet you!" The brunette from before runs up and hugs me. I push her away. I can feel my wolf growling.

"Get off me!" I yell. Everyone looks at me. I glare at her.

"Yea... I think we got off on the wrong foot." She says smiling. "I'm Gabby, Shawn's sister."

"Your point!" I growl.

"RIP her throat out! She touched mate!" My wolf is screaming in my head.

I feel Xander pull me into him. I continue  to glare at her. His chest vibrates against my back as he chuckles.

"Calm down." He whispers in my ear. My wolf growls.

"Your wolf makes you rather territorial Mini... I think I like it!" He links to me. I look up at his stupid grinning face.

"I'm not after Xan if that's what you think." She says and my gaze returns to her. "He's like a brother promise." She says crossing her heart. "I can be a little overly affectionate with people... believe me it makes Cody freak out too but I can't help it its who I am."

My wolf still wants to kill her so I keep my mouth shut and just nod. I get it. She scurries off to her seat.

"Cody?" I link Xander.

"He'll be my Delta... and he's Gabby's mate." He responds. I feel my wolf relax at that. She is mated... no threat. "I really like your wolf... she's feisty!"

"He noticed me! Ha! Told you I'm better at this!" It's like she's wagging her tail I can't believe this! Too many emotions in my head.

"Shut up you!" I think.

"Ouch! Take a compliment!" Xander links.

"Sorry Xander. That was ment for my wolf." I link.

"Well then be nice! She likes me so I feel like I have to defend her." He responds.

"You two gonna eat or just make eyes at each other? Its getting nauseating!" One of the guys on the other side of the table says.

"Shut it Garrett!" Xander yells and I laugh blushing.

I see everyone else has made plates. I fill mine and Xander does the same. Then Alpha Connor enters. A little omega girl places a plate in front of him.

"Thank you Dot." He says sitting down. He takes a bite. "Dig in everyone." The clinking of  utensils and sound of chatter fill the room. Connor turns to me. "So I hear congratulations are in order." I look at him confused. "Your wolf! You did get her back?"

"Yes Alpha...I mean Connor... she started fussing as soon as I got up." I tell him and he laughs.

"They do tend to do that... moody creatures." He says. I chuckle.

"I'm glad to see you two together." Connor says. I feel Xander shift awkwardly beside me.

"Yea... gotta give this thing a chance right?" I say. I feel how agitated Xander is getting so I discreetly put a hand on his knee. The contact calms him. "Besides my wolf would drive me nuts if I left him too long... she seems to think this guy is her mate... go figure!" I laugh as does Connor. Xander is still being awkward but gives a half hearted chuckle.

We eat in peace and the people slowly filter out. Xander stands up.

"Hay." I say grabbing his hand and standing. "Let's go somewhere and just talk." He smiles.

"Yea... that sounds good." He grips my hand and pulls me out of the room. We walk through a maze of hallways and up to the 4th floor before he stops in front of a door and pushes it open.

"Wow!" I gasp as we enter. "This place is amazing!

In front of me is a massive library. The square footage of the room is about the size of one of the bedrooms not gigantic  but decent size. No I call it massive because of the number of books. Shelves are built into every wall. A ladder leads to a balcony of sorts that wraps the room where another layer of shelves are full. The entire ceiling is glass revealing the beautiful night sky. It is cozy, furnished with large couches and plush arm chairs.

"Glad you like it... it's my escape... I can be anyone in here." He plops on a couch pulling me with him. I scoot away. I can't concentrate with him that close.

"So what's up with you?" I shoot straight to the point.

"What?" He asks.

"As soon as your dad mentioned us you got agitated. I thought you wanted this sooo what's up?" I explain.

"Dad's mad at me." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because... he feels bad for you... he won't even look at me... talk to me... he's disappointed in me... it is the worst feeling in the world... I've lived my life for his approval... he always supported me... even when I messed up he took care of me... If I become half the man... the Alpha he is I'll count it a win... but I don't know if he'll forgive me for this one." He throws it all out there like he couldn't hold it any longer.

"It will be okay... he loves you." I say placing a hand on his.

"No... he always talked about me finding my mate... he would get misty eyed. He told me about his ceremony with such joy... he wanted me to do it right. Instead I force him to abduct a member of another Alpha's family... he had to cast us as the villain in front of your pack. Steal a scared broken girl from her home. He had to become something he hates in order to save me. He is the nicest person you'll ever meet... he wanted to add to his family not take a captive." Xander sighs. He pulls away from me and leans forward with his elbows on his knees and hands locked behind his head. "I'm an only died when I was a baby... I think he wanted to have a daughter... a princess to dote on... you should see him with the pups... he's amazing."

I never thought of Alpha Connor like that. He is so much an Alpha. He is the one who made me come here but... I see it. He has tried to be as kind and loving to me as possible. Wow... I didnt realize how much this invading Alpha cares abou me.

"You know... we can still have a ceremony... you know once it's our choice and not just our wolves." I tell him.

"Our Wolves?!" He asks.

"Well yea... my wolf kinda told me she marked you on purpose... it was when I took over that I... well I hurt you." I explain.

"Really... you chose me? Well your wolf but still... it wasn't just a way of escape?" He asks.

"Apparently... in her words "I tried to claim him but you messed that up!"...she's still not happy with me about that." I tell him. My eyes track to the gruesome mark... I can't see it through his shirt but I know it's there.

"Hay I told you it wasn't your fault and I stand by that! Don't feel bad I can't take it when you're upset." He says.

"Sorry" I mumble. He sighs and pulls me into him. His arm around me forces my cheek to rest on his chest.

"No sorrys... clean slate remember... that goes both ways." He says. I place a hand on his chest and we stay that way for a while.