Chereads / Mini / Chapter 5 - Xander

Chapter 5 - Xander

Xander's POV

This is crazy! I sware she felt it! I pace the guest room that has become mine. I'm going crazy here! She needs to understand who I am... why is she still fighting this? She felt it!

"And then she nearly passed out... not exactly a good response." My wolf says.

"Yea... I know but I just want her to accept us!" I think.

"Look at your shoulder she already did!" He responds proudly.

"I'm still mad at you for that! She didn't mark us on purpose! You took over and made her hate us!" I can hear him whimper at that.


"Come on boys push! Faster!" I yell to the group as we train. "My grandma could run faster!"

"Proove it!" One teen says "let's see you do better!" I take off my shirt and stand at the starting line.

Shawn just laughs. He is my best friend and will be my Beta. He has trained with me forever so he knows what I can do.

"Ready?... GO!" He yells.

I do the course and come back barely breaking a sweat. Half the time these boys were putting up.

"Faster!" I say to the teen. He stands in front of me slack jawed. "Now!" He takes off through the course.

"You could have slowed down a little." Garrett says joining Shawn and me.

"He was." Cody says running up. "I've seen him do it faster."

Meet my team Shawn- Beta, Garrett- Gamma, Cody- Delta... at least once out Dads step down.

"Hay I know they can do better... if we don't push them....." I cut off as a scent catches my nose.

"Mine!" My wolf takes over running off toward the boarder.

"Where are you going?!" I hear Shawn yell as they follow me.

I see a small group of people cross the border into my territory. The little one is quick. When they see us coming four of them shift speeding back across the border. I tackle the little wolf pinning her to the ground.

"Mate!" My wolf howls as I look down at her taking in her scent.

"Hay little one your friends just left you... how rude!" I say... I can't believe they just left her! I can't believe this. I found her! I hear my boys laugh behind me.

"You gonna let the poor girl up Xan?" Shawn links. I hear the others continue to laugh. Her voice draws my attention.

"Get off of me you baboon!" She yells. That voice! Mmmmmmm.. she is amazing!

"Baboon?! Really... I don't look like a baboon... no little girl... I'm a wolf!" I say teasing her.

I feel my wolf pulling at me... I so want to kiss her... can't hurt right? I lean thing I know I feel my teeth sink into her shoulder. What am I doing!

"Mate!" My wolf says.

"You idiot! She doesn't even know us!" I say.

I feel her wiggle under me and I chuckle. She is so cute...No! I need to get away from her I can't think straight! What am I doing! She is going to hate me! I.. ouch! She... she just marked me! What? She Ahhh! I jump away from her.

"What the!?" I yell putting my hand to the mark. I pull my hand away covered in my blood."What did you do?!"

The little wolf runs off. I stand watching her my jaw hanging loose.

"What was that all about?" Cody asks.

"Our little Alpha just found his mate!" Garrett laughs.

"Shut up you two!" Shawn says then stands in front of me. He looks at the hole in my shoulder. "Why did you do that Xan?" I look at my Beta.

"I... I don't know!... my wolf!... I'm such an idiot!" I yell.

"I won't argue with you there." He says laughing. "I'd hate to be you when you tell your dad."


When we get back to the pack house the boys run off.

"Good luck!" Shawn says as he heads for the stairs.

I stand outside my father's office. I keep feeling the mark. It is no longer bleeding but it's not healing right. I feel the gaping hole in my flesh through my shirt. I drop my hand and knock on the door.

"Come in." Father calls. I walk in closing the door behind me. "So you ran off leaving the teens to themselves... why?"

Father is at his fish tank feeding them. He loves those little water beasts... me? I don't see the draw.

"You might want to sit down." I say. Really I just want the desk between us.

"Just speak boy." He turns to me with a stern look.

"Well... I found my mate." I see him smile at me and look away.

"That's great news! Who is she? Where is she? I want to meet her! My boy found his mate!" He beams at me wrapping me in a hug. I pull away. "What's wrong... you don't seem happy?"

"I screwed it up." I say looking at the ground.

"How?" He asks. I don't answer. Subconsciously I begin feeling the mark again. Father grabs me by the collar and pulls my shirt looking at my shoulder. "What did you do boy!?"

I tell him exactly what happened.

"You What!?" He yells as I finish. He begins pacing the floor. "I can't believe you!... Leave now! I have a call to make."

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Cleaning up your mess!" He says picking up the phone. "Go to bed... I can't even look at you right now." He looks down at the file and begins to dial the phone.

I leave and go straight to my room. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. Stupid stupid stupid.

"She is mate! She can't hate us! She marked us! She is ours!" My wolf says happily.

Maybe he's right.

"Hello?...ummm Xander?" I hear. She knows my name! She is talking to me! Yes!

"Ahhh my little mate speaks!" I link back. I have a mate! She reached out to me!... I can mind link her! This is amazing! She cuts off the link... well it's a start!

"What's your name little one?" I ask I feel fear... she's scared..."what's wrong? Why are you scared? Is someone hurting you? I'm gonna..." I can't control the rage I feel at the idea of someone hurting her. She cuts me off.

"I'm fine... why do you care?" She links... what? Of course I care?!

"You're mine!" I growl through the link. How could she think I don't care?! She stays silent for a while.

"So what's your name?" I ask trying to get her talking.

"Marie.... but everyone calls me Mini." She answers. I laugh. Wow that fits!

"Nice to meet you Mini." I link. She goes quiet again.

I get up and pace my room. Mini Marie... she is my mate. My little Marie...she... she is upset?! What's going on?!

"You're upset again.Wanna talk?" I ask her. She doesn't respond. I can feel her emotional roller coaster.

"I'm not going anywhere little one." I tell her.

"Why?" She asks.

"Why what?" I respond.

"Why did you mark me?" She asks. I marked her. She marked me... I'm a marked man!

"You marked me too babe." I say.

"Don't call me that! I was defending myself!" Her voice hits my mind. She is mad! Defending herself?! I... she didn't mean to mark me... she doesn't want me?!

"I'm sorry...I'm going to bed Mini... see you tomorrow." I say cutting the link. This is not good. She doesn't want me... we are tied together forever... and she hates me.


I look in the mirror. Seeing the mark I cringe. It doesn't look right. Instead of a beautiful scar of my mates teeth I have a war wound. A gaping hole that won't heal. She doesn't want me.

"I hate you! This should be amazing! Happy! I should be able to run my fingers across this mark and be flooded with joy not regret!" I scold my wolf. He whimpers.

"I'm sorry human." He says.

"What ever!" I turn away from the mirror.

She doesn't even know who I am to her... what we are... I mean she knows but without her wolf she doesn't really know... I hate this.

I throw myself on the bed. Tomorrow will be better... it has to be!