These three first chapters will only be an introduction about how the story is built. So this could mean spoilers. If you are not wanting to read any spoilers or get bored. I advise you to immediately skip the first 3 chapters including this one.
Before you start reading, the story is just fan-fiction and everything in this world is none related to other people's experiences, stories, or names. The names are made by me without anyone else's help.
The story will go on with the first narrative until the chapter update will be seen in the future. Please continue to read and seek the excitement of the latest chapters I made.
I have another story called; Systematic Knight.
I have a discord for everyone and you just have to ask and pay attention to each chapter. sometimes I just give it. Please if you like this story in the future, do be sure to support me! Please give it a review and please don't be too harsh on me. I'm a newbie writer and so I have no experience. If you think I have grammatical errors, you can always comment. Although if I think it isn't wrong or your opinion might change the thought of my hand out phrases then I might reply back
Thank you once again and if you don't want to get more spoilers, I advise you not to read the next two chapters.