Chapter 25 - CHAPTER 25

TITLE: I was only an EXTRA but the Villain and Male Lead tries to pursue ME?!






A short silence enveloped me, I suddenly closed my mouth using both of my two hands as soon as I realized what I just blurted.


The man I just called villain scratched his head like he was processing what I just said.

He suddenly stepped forward, a little bit nearer to me.

Oh no! So he heard me after all! He heard that I called him villain and now he wants to kill me!

But I won't just let myself be killed!

I raised my two fist up infront of my face and squeezed my eyes shut. It's like I'm doing a martial arts pose. I even grit my teeth.

Hiyyahhh! I'm ready to fight!

If I die today atleast I'll die fighting back even though I'm a coward. I can feel my whole body shaking.


A minute had passed and there are still no signs of him killing me. I slowly opened one of my eyes and saw the villain opening the door before saying something without looking behind to me.

"I didn't know they teach noble girls to act like delinquents"

He said that before closing the door and still not looking at me.

"Who are you calling-!"

Ah, what the heck! Nevermind.

But I'm glad that he didn't kill me! Yipee! Alright!

Just then, I heard loud bell sounds. The huge bells around the center of the whole academy rang at the same time.

Everytime it rings means that there is an occasion in the auditorium.

Oh no! The Welcoming Ceremony!!!

But where is the auditorium? How can I find its building in this huge academy!?

I went around the buildings of the academy. I don't even know where am I right now! Why are there so many huge trees around the academy?! Is this a forest or a school?

There's not even a single student here anymore! How can I ask for directions?! Also, I was chased by some magical chickens when I accidentally went to the academy's farm.

Me and my friends decided to meet each other at the middle of the academy so we can go to the auditorium together but because of that flirty good-for-nothing male lead who interrupted my walk inside the academy, I was lost! Although I'm still thankful that he went to take me to the infirmary.

Wait! Did he carry me there? In bridal style?

Agh! Enough Delie, you're lost!

My mind is going insane!!

"Tch. All of the restroom in the auditorium are all occupied! I even walk all the way here"

My ear twitched at the sound of a familiar voice.

I think I know that voice! I went to peek at the young man. I was hiding in the bushes looking at him.

As usual, he has this exasperated look whole wiping his hand using the handkerchief I embroided.

Awww! He kept it! Kayle kept it!


I teased him with a cold but a little louder type of whisper.

He glanced at my way and was shocked to see me.


I gave him my widest eye and most stretched grin. Some strands from my hair are even infront of my face.

"Eek! What the?! Delie?!"

He goes to me slowly with a scared expression.

Do I look scary?


I jump away from the bushes that I was hiding from to hug him with my stretched arms but he avoids me as swiftly as air which almost made me lost my balance.

"Hey! I was just trying to hug you!"

I pouted at him.

"Who would hug someone who looks like that?"

He told me before tucking the strands of my hair that is infront of my face and remove some leaves that were caught by my hair.


Ack! Why is my heart beating so fast?! He's Delie's cousin! My cousin!

But his face is so close! I can even feel his breathe in my face.

His breathe smells unusually good too! I wonder what he is using? Mint, I guess?

"Your breathe smells fresh"

I complimented him. He laughed for a bit at my compliment.

"Hahaha! So you noticed that but didn't notice my face?"



"Oh nothing, I thought I can finally make your heart skip"

He said sounding disappointed that he even put his hand on his nape.

"Anyway, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be in the auditorium? And why do you look like you've been chased by dogs"

"Actually...I am lost and I was chased by chickens not dogs"

I told him remembering how the chickens look so angry at me for accidentally stepping on their eggs. Those chickens even shoot lasers from their beaks, does that mean animals can have gifts too?!

"What did I expect from an idiot..."

He sighed.

"What do you mean idiot?"

I frowned at his words.

"Let's go back to the auditorium...I don't even want to ask the reason why you got lost"

He suddenly grab my hand and walk infront of me.

"Wait! I can just follow you! No need to hold my han-"

"Shut up. You'll get lost again"

Jeez. Am I a five-year-old?

I was about to protest but I saw his ears are red. This kid...ha...don't tell me he has a crush on his own cousin?

Or maybe just a simple cousin-complex thingy?

"By the way, I saw you using the handkerchief I gave you last year! You know, the one I embroided?"

The light pink handkerchief with small yellow flowers embroided in it.

I saw him flinch and replied to me stuttering.

"Well...I think i-it's a waste n-not to u-use it so..."

But he said that it looks ugly the first time he saw it. He has a bunch of handkerchiefs too but I'm glad he kept mine.

Kayle An Theodore, one of the heroine's love interest. He met the heroine when she saw him vandalizing some school property and began scolding him after that he targeted her and tries to bully her.

Of course, Cordelia is the heroine so she brushed it off like it was nothing. He was the first one who cried infront of someone which is Cordelia after Cordelia saw him crying infront of his mother's grave, Aunt Illiana's grave.

You see, in the original novel...Aunt Illiana was supposed to die very early but since I gave her some tips on how to take care of her health more, she recovered some time later and ended up giving birth to Kaylette a year after.

The original Kayle was supposed to grieve at his mother's death, he and his father didn't really communicate well compared to now that I told him to open up to his father more. Delie who was only mentioned as Kayle's cousin who first hurt his feelings didn't reconcile with him even after they saw each other at aunt Illiana's funeral.

Cordelia comforted him while he was crying and they became friends. He fell inlove with her and died to protect her from an ambush that was set up by Daphne.

He died never confessing his feelings to Cordelia. And that's how it ended for him.

I feel guilty for accidentally ruining the plot of the story but I'm glad Kayle grew up with more happiness that he deserves unlike the Kayle from the original novel.

Don't worry Kayle, I won't let you die this time!

Because you are my precious friend...

"Hurry up Kayle!"

I took off my hand from his and link my arm to his.

"What are you doing?"

"Come on! Let's go!!"

"What got into you so suddenly?"

He murmured smiling.


"We're here"

Kayle said while we are standing infront of a large door in the back of a building.

Damn that's a lot of walking!

"You know you can just teleport us, right?"

I told him.

"No way, I wouldn't waste my mana like that"

He said before opening the door of the auditorium.

"And that ends our Welcoming Ceremony! Again, Welcome first-years to Bogdan Academy! Please go back to your respectice dorms after this, the regular classes will start next week"

Every student cheered after the speech.


"It's done?"

Kayle wondered.


I screeched in dismay.

"I'll go to my dorm now, look! your friends are waiting for you"

Kayle told me before he pat my back and walk away. The students are already heading outside to head to their dorms.

It ended! Noooo!

"Delie! There you are! We've been looking for you!"

I heard Valerie's voice calling and rushing towards me.

"We were worried!"

Lianne also came to me.

"We want to look for you around the academy but the guards won't let us go out as soon as we entered the auditorium"

Phia said.

"Whoa! What happened to your face?! You look like you were chased by dogs"

Then I saw Anne who looks like she was about to laugh at my despaired face.


I tried remembering my friends in my previous life.

Valerie, Lianne and Phia who were all named after my friends in my previous life somehow matched their personalities here except for appearance of course. There's no way there's someone with pink hair and pink eyes like Phia or green hair like Valerie.

Anne who was named after my friend Beatrice Anne, the mastermind of this novel I'm inside in is a lot different from her appearance here! Like since when did she become the tallest in our group of friends?! She's actually the smallest and come to think of it, she's the only noble girl that came from a marquis family here!

Now I know why Anne feels like she was favored by the author because she was a character inspired by the author herself!

Not only that, her character is a potential love rival of Cordelia! Because she will be engaged to the seventh prince of Aidel who will also be infatuated to Cordelia!

"What's wrong?"

Anne asked me wondering why I'm staring at her intensely.


I quickly remove my gaze from her.

Everyone of us has a respective room that was given to us when our uniforms were sent to us. There are a lot of dorms here, the boy's dorm is located at the opposite side.

There are total of five dorm buildings here, one each for first years, second years, third years and fourth years. The fifth one is for all the female staffs and faculties here. That also goes for the boys.

Each dorm contains about five-hundred large rooms, you are also partnered with someone in that room.

"Well then, see you again later!"

Phia waved her hand on us when she saw her room number.

"Yes, let's meet at dinner later!"

We waved back at her before went to our respective rooms.

"See you"

I excused myself to Lianne and Anne and open the doorknob of my dorm room. Valerie already saw hers before mine.

Room 232...this is it!

But it won't budge!

"The key! I forgot! Silly me, hahaha"

I tried taking the key from one of my uniform's pocket but I didn't feel anything.

"Maybe I put it on the other pocket"


There's no sign of the key...




I search all around my uniform. The other girls are already heading inside theirs.

Maybe someone is inside.

I knocked on the door quietly.

" someone already here? I forgot my key so can you please open the door?"

But no response.

Ughhh! My roommate is still not here.

I guess I need to find my key! Now where should I start finding it?

To the infirmary!

I went to the infirmary to asked about the key but they said that they didn't saw any key.

"Is that so...? Thank you"

I told them before heading outside the infirmary and closing its door.

Where will I find the key?! I literally went a lot of places today! Don't tell me I left it in the farm! Those chickens will chase me again with their laser beaks but I have no choice but to go there, here goes nothing.

As I was about to walk away from the infirmary, someone tapped one of my shoulder from the back lightly.


I turned to look behind me and saw Eros Uy Apollo.


He suddenly grabbed my hand before I can escape from him which of course turns his hair and eye color back to its original color.

"What do you want?"

I asked him hinting my annoyance.

"That's quite mean~"

He smiled at me.

Too bright! Stop smiling at me like that, the impact of the male lead is too much for an extra like me!

"What? I'm in a hurry to look for-"

He raised his hand with a copper key danggling infront of his face. It has a number written 232.

"Looking for this?"

He gave me a smirk before winking at me.

Why does he have the key?!