Chapter 31 - CHAPTER 31

TITLE: I was only an EXTRA but the Villain and Male Lead tries to pursue ME?!






I stretched both of my arms up and yawn after I rise up from my bed.

It's the first official day of class!! We will be sorted into different classes depending on our gifts. I wonder where class am I going to be?

Even though I'm afraid of the what's going to happen in the future, I'm still excited for the first day. There's a lot of events here in the academy.

Like I knew before, there's a compulsory club for every students here. Elemental Club, Enhancer Club, Intellectual Club, Remedy Club, Psychic Club, Materialism Club and Special Club are the compulsory clubs who will be assigned to their respective classrooms.

In my previous life, my school life was pretty boring to be honest. There's few events in my school especially since I'm a twenty-year-old nursing student back then.

I've been using my past knowledge about different nursing managements when my family suddenly caught a flu and all to help them. Just some basics since I'm still a second-year student.

Enough of that. I'm just glad I woke up suprisingly early!

I opened the window of my room and saw a bunch of students coming from our dorm are heading towards the auditorium.

"Hm? Why are they going to the auditorium so early? Isn't still-"

I look at my wooden cuckoo clock I brought with me and saw that it has stopped working. There should be a bird coming out from the small hole of the clock.

The small stone containing mana which serves as a battery here in this world has no light left meaning it run out. I knew I should have changed it before going to the academy!

Gahhhh!! What is the real time?!

I opened the door of my room still in my nightgown and saw lady Daphne fully dressed and spraying a lot of perfume in herself.

"Oh! You're finally awake"

She saw me through her vanity's mirror without looking behind to face me.

"What time is it?"

"It's already 7:45 am, fifteen minutes before the auditorium closes the door"

Ahhhhh!!!! No way! And to think that I woke up early after talking with my father last night without a pause.

"If I were you, I would hurry don't want to be late, right?~ see you later"

She stood up from her seat and walk towards the door.

"You still have a lot of bed hair"

She snickers looking at my hair before leaving and closing the door.

Grrr! Then why didn't you atleast wake me up if you knew that I'll be late! Urghh...

"Hurry hurry!"

I dressed up and wash myself as fast I can and sprint in the hallway.

"Don't run in the hallway!!"

I heard our dorm supervisor, lady Audrey shouting at me.


I replied to her still running.

"That kid...really, when it comes to running in the hallways she reminds me of her father"

She sighed but a small smile forms in her face.

I rushed towards building where the auditorium is located. The door was about to close when I made a stunt that even surprised me.

I slide through the small opening of the large door. If the door closes, you can't enter inside anymore and once you are inside, you cannot get out except if you really need to go to the restroom if the restrooms insides are all occupied.

Phew! My breath is almost out and I heard some laughter of other students who stopped when I gave them a terrified look similar that of my mother.

Copying my mother's angry look is a lot useful than I imagine.

I saw a lot of students already standing in the spot they preferred. I forgot to mention that the auditorium looks a lot like a large theater hall except without chairs.

"Delie! Over here!"

I heard Phia calling out to me waving with Lianne.

"Where's Valerie and Anne?"

I asked them.

"We still haven't seen them, oh wait! There's Valerie!"

Phia pointed at a side far away and we saw Kayle talking to Valerie who just reading a book.

Ohhhh~! Interesting!

What a interesting pair. Hihihi.

"I think we should just let them be alone together for now"

I whispered to them and they seem to realize what I'm hinting and nodded grinning.

It seems that I'm discovering a new potential ship hehehe.

But still I wonder where's Anne?

The empress is a guest today and I can't help but still feel at awe at her. She's so pretty! Her long peach hair look so shiny and her amber eyes always look so lively.

One of the empress' job is to manage the empire's budget. She's also the one arranging important events that needs to be planned. In fact, she has more influence in managing the Bogdan Academy rather than the emperor whose job is to trade, plan buildings and many more.

That means that the empress is also a co-ruler of the empire. Being an empress is also hard.

Why does every male lead's mother have to be so beautiful?! Even the princesses are beatiful too.

The male lead's family really has beautiful genes, no wonder the male lead is so handsome.

"She's really beautiful..."

Lianne and Phia commented as they adore the empress's beauty too.

"I know, right?"

I replied.

'Hey, isn't he the young master?'

'Move over, he might not like it if there's a lot of people around him'

'He looks so scary!!'

These students are so noisy. Whisper there, whisper here! Can't they see that our goddess like empress is having a speech?

It looks like they are looking at the person behind me and saw the villain standing alone. Others are atleast one meter away from him.

Damn, do they really need to make him feel so alone and horrible? I learned myself not to judge him first but I can't still help feel scared towards him since you know, I'll die from his hands.

Without me realizing it, I've been staring at him for about ten seconds now. He felt someone was looking at him and almost caught me staring at him.

He glanced at my way but thank goodness I took away my gaze from him at the right time although I can still feel him staring at my direction from behind.


I can't concentrate on the empress's speech since I can still feel the villain looking from behind.

"That's all! Good luck first years!!"

And with that, she removes the carbon microphone from her mouth and claps. Everybody claps too including me.

After we went out from the auditorium hall. I somehow manage to get the villain out from my sight and saw Kayle marching towards me hurriedly.

"Delie!!! I've been looking all over you! You're actually very near to us!"

Kayle's nostrils are getting wide and you can see puff of smokes coming from his ears. He resembles that of a bull huffing at a muleta.

"Sorry hahaha"

I just thought Valerie and Kayle make a cute couple hahaha.

I noticed that his uniform's buttons are undone and his red necktie are loose.

"I thought you like being decent? Why did you let yourself look like that?"

"Why? Is it wrong? I want to try a new style, of course!"

He proudly said.

"But does the school even allow that?"

I asked him narrowing my eyes.

"Pshh, I just won't let myself be caught!"

"Fine, if that's what you want"

I sighed.

"I guess we should head to the bulletin board to see our designated classroom"

I saw a bunch of students gathered at a large bulletin board. I guess the names of the students and their clubs are pinned there.

"Where's my name? Hmmm..."

Kayle shoves himself between the crowds even when there are a lot of students complaining. He doesn't care about them and confidently told me to shove myself in too.

The other students glared at me when I attempted to do the same like their eyes are telling me that I shouldn't dare so I just went past them slowly.

"Alright, I won't!"

We managed to get at the front of the crowd to see our names.

"Here's my name! I'm sorted in the Psychic club or class whatever"

Kayle pointed his name under the Psychic Club list and is on Section one out of five sections.

"Valerie's here too!"

I saw Valerie's name too, a few names under Kayle's name. They are even in the same section, wow~!

"That bookworm is not only in the same club as me but also the same section?"

Valerie said behind us looking at her name.

"Stop reading my mind without permission!"

Kayle told Valerie.

"I hope my studies won't be affected since bubblegum head is the same section as me"

Valerie murmured.

"What did you say? Who are you calling bubble gum head?"

Kayle asked her angry but Valerie is just smiling calmly reading her book.

'Hurry up! We need to see our class too!'

We heard students shout at us from behind for blocking the board.

Oops! We've been here for a while and all we do is talk.

I need to find mine quick!

"My name's here! I'm in the Intellectual Class!"

Lianne happily said pointing at her name.

"As expected, I'm in the Remedy club!"

Phia cheered.

"Anne's name is here! She's in the Materialism Club"

Lianne pointed.

I'm right! My guesses are right!

"Where is Anne anyway? Why is sh-"

"Wahhh!! Let me in!"

We heard Anne's familiar voice behind us and see her trying to shove out from the crowd.

Kayle laughs since Anne did the same as him.

"Anne! Where have you been?"

I asked her and she whispered to me.

"You see...I really need to go to the restroom earlier, so..."

I nodded. She did some business in the restroom so she didn't have time to attend the speech.

Daphne Il Viva is also in the Materialism class! Well she makes new materials (poisonous ones) so it is not surprising why she was designated there.

"I wonder where's my name?"

I look around the classes that were sorted but I can't seem to find my name.

"Looo! There's your name!"

Kayle's eyes pointed at the lower-right side of the bulletin board.

"Extra club...?"

What the?!

Was there even an Extra club in the first place?!


This stupid novel really want to tell me that I'm only an EXTRA!

No fair! Why are my friends sorted in normal clubs while I'm in the EXTRA club?!

I raise one of my fist gritting my teeth, Kayle looking at me confused at why am I so angry.

"You know, you made me remind of Aunt Inanna right now"

Kayle said to me looking a little terrified at me.

"I didn't know there's an Extra Club?"

Lianne commented when she saw me and the only few students selected.

"I think this year will implement the first batch of the Extra club...I don't know why the emperor made a new club though"

So it was the emperor who sort students where club or class they belong? Why do he even make a club like this?

Although I'm aware that there is an Extra club mentioned in the novel, but my friend's novel made them seem like they are less important than the others. Cordelia is sorted in the Elementalist Club by the way, they are the second most important club after the Special Club where the villain and male lead are designated.

The Special and Extra club are the same when it comes to the number of students. Of course, the Special club are the students who are the best students while the Extra club are the students who has indirectly has useless gifts.

Why was Eros even sorted there? The male lead hides his true power, right? Hmmm...I wonder.


I went to the Extra class/club and opened the classroom. It only has one section since there are only about a dozen of students here.

"Good day! You're from a student of the Extra club right?"

A jolly student with glasses handed me a badge with words EXTRA imprinted on it.

"What's this?"

I asked him.

"Since I'm the first one here, a teacher gave me a bag of these badges and told me to hand it to Extra club students since it label us what club we are in"

He explained to me.

"I see..."

"Put it on the right side of your chest since our left side has a pocket"

He teaches me.


I put it on the right side.

I'm still bitter at the word EXTRA. Am I really just an EXTRA here? They really want us to be labeled as an extra haha...curse this novel! If I can choke my friend right now, I already did it.

"Excuse me..."

Someone entered the room after me. He has orange hair and gloomy gray eyes with a tan skin.

His hair reminds me of a carrot.


Wait! I think I know someone in the novel who was always called by others as 'Carrot'...

I remember now!

He is Derrick Ki Kirschster! The right-hand man of the male lead! He came from a fallen baron family but was given an opportunity by the emperor to enroll on Bogdan for the behalf of the male lead.

He is extremely loyal to the male lead and will do anything he wishes without any doubts even if it opposes the orders of the emperor.

"Is there something wrong with my face?"

He asked me when he saw that I'm staring at him while he is putting on the EXTRA badge that was just given to him.

"No, sorry!"

I should stop staring at people too much! Even I will feel creeped out by own self.

I sat on an empty chair, everyone also did the same since there's so many empty seats. The setting is the same as a college classroom.

"Can I sit beside you?"

Someone asked me on my right side. He is already in the middle of sitting anyway so what's the point in asking me?

"Sure, I do not own this room so you can sit wherever you like"

I told him.

Out of the many empty seats, why did he chose to sit beside me?

Derrick Ki Kirchstar is also an extra like me except that he was named unlike me who was only named at the end when I died. Cordelia thinks of him as like a cute puppy dog to the male lead and often called him 'Carrot puppy' but their relationship is that just of a acquaintance.

Derrick is just made to have the male lead have a right-hand man. Did my friend, the author really have to go far to put him up on the Extra club like me?

"I'm sorry class, I'm late...I just scolded some students who are not properly wearing their unifo-"

Our adviser who was suppose to meet us up turns out to be one of the person I don't want to meet.

She stopped talking when she saw me and gave me a slight glare as usual.

"Good morning, ma'am"

The glasses boy earlier greeted our adviser.

"Good morning, I'm glad everyone is neatly dressed. Let me just take your atttendance, tell present if you are here"

She called each student's name including mine.


"Delie La Eclaus!"

Ummm...I just said present.


"Is Delie La Eclaus here?"

This crazy lady!! She's trying to ignore me on purpose!


I said almost like a shout which made everyone look my way surprised.

"Good. I was about to absent you, please speak a bit louder"


I should calm myself, I'm still a student and she's still a teacher here so I need to respect her even if I know that she's just trying to get me in trouble.

After the attendance, she introduce herself as Audrey Gu Hartfelt whom I already know and told everyone that she's in-charge of the first year girl dormitories. She was assigned as an adviser to the new club that the emperor made.

Her task is one managing our grades and announcing the events that should be done and all.

"That's all, you should meet your Gift History Teacher in fifteen sure to be polite alright? If you embarassed yourselves means you embarassed me too. See you again"

She told us before leaving. about being put in the EXTRA class and not only that, the she-beast is also my adviser! The male lead's right-hand man is also here!

Maybe the male lead will even told him to spy on me!

Every teacher that met us made us introduce ourselves and explain our gift.

The Derrick boy said that he can breathe fire, the glasses boy said that he can change his eye color. Some even had gifts like twisting their head in 360 degrees, make their nails glow, can have extra fingers and toes.

Haha...really, I can see the reaction of every teacher who feels more disappointed at us when they knew our gift.

After all the classes, they gave us a small typewritten pamphlet schedules since there's no such thing as printing here yet and only use typewriters. Today is the first day so we mostly do is introducing ourselves so they cut the classes into half.

For first years, it is more about the history and introduction about gifts. I already know some of it because of the novel so they thought I was smart when I answered many of their questions earlier.

The introduction of sparring starts when you become a second year but third year is the year where sparring is focused.

Earlier, they told us that we can join sub-clubs for additional points. I'm currently heading to the maroon building where the sub-club rooms are to see if many club interest me.

I was reading the pamphlet and the direction says that the cooking club is near me which made me feel hungry. It is already lunch time and I was about to bump into someone again before he called my name.


I raised my head and saw him wearing a purple frilly apron and black v-neck t-shirt. I knew it, so that's why his voice is so familiar!


It is Arthur! And why is here wearing an a purple frilly apron?