Chapter 33 - CHAPTER 33

TITLE: I was only an EXTRA but the Villain and Male Lead pursues ME?!





No matter how many times I tried to think about it. I kept remembering the villain who saved me from the three men who tried to kidnap Daphne and me for ransom.

I screwed up when I forgot that their gifts might be unlocked because they are criminals. Thankfully, the villain saved me! Even though I have to admit that I'm still scared of him, he did save our lives after all so I need to thank him or I'll become a jerk if I still try to run away from him without thanking him.

And I like how he loves chocolates too! If he wasn't the villain in this novel then we might become friends!

Wait! In this time, he is still not the villain right? Just only when Cordelia enter the academy that he really became one.

"Wait, he is coming this way!"

I hide myself in a large nearby bush when I saw the villain walking towards my direction. Everyone is trying to avoid him, not even daring to have an eye contact with him although it looks like he doesn't care either.

Yes, I'm currently following! Not stalking the villain! I still need to apologize to him though so I'm thinking of a way to properly apologize to him and maybe because of it he won't kill me in the future hehe.

I saw the villain sighed and seat on an empty steep bench and close his eyes, I guess he is sleeping?

"Hmm..? Why are you hiding here?"

Someone beside me asked me a question.

"Shhh! Be quiet, I'm following someone!"

I put my left hand's index finger pressed on the top of my lips.

"Oh! You're stalking Cain?"

He sounds amused.

"Shh! It's not stalking and be quie-"

I quickly closed my mouth when I realized who I'm talking to. I can even feel him smiling beside me.

I can feel my face darkening and sweat begins to drop from my face rapidly.

"Don't tell me you have a crush on Cain?"

He grinned.

This sadistic male lead! Why won't you just leave me alone?

I've been trying to follow the villain since the past two weeks but I was always blocked by the male lead who tries to pop out of nowhere.

"No! And why do you care? Get out of here"

I don't care if I sound rude but he really does get on my nerves!

"What, you're making a prince leave? How about we call Cain? Cain!!"

He fake pout before shouting at the villain even waving to him. The villain immediately opens his eyes and saw the male lead waving to him and see him turning to look at me after a second.

Eek! I think he saw me!


"Stop it!"

Without thinking, I put one of my hand to his mouth to shut him up! We lost our balance which made me fall on top of him.

"Be quiet!"

Since I already touched him, his disguise is gone again. His silver hair and purple eyes are back.

He looks surprised and I can feel his heart beating fast before he nods.

"I hope he didn't see me!"

I tried to peek outside the small hole in the bushes. It seems that he didn't see me since he already stood up and walk away looking annoyed.

"Are you not even aware of our situation right now?"

The male lead smiled hinting a tone of amusement because of the position we are in now.

"Gahhh! Eww!"

I swiftly remove myself from him.

OMG! I was on top of him and he is below me smirking!

"What 'eww'? That hurts you know~"

He also stood up, his disguise is back and tries to approach me again. Of course, I avoided him as usual.

"Why are you always avoiding me? I'm shock that you don't even look flustered earlier..."

He asked me looking confused and sounding disappointed.

"Why you ask? I don't like flirty guys, you know! Seeing you is a torture to me"

You think I'll blush for someone like you?

I crossed my arms.

I saw him looking down after I said those words.

Sh*t! I think I said too much! That was quite rude.

"I mean--I..."

Before I try to apologize to him, he suddenly hugs me.

"Aww! Are you trying to comfort me?"



"Ohhh! Your heart is now beating fast and your face is red!"

What?! So he hugged me just for that?? To see me flustered?

"Get off!"

I pushed him as hard as I can which made almost made him fall on the ground.

"It's Eros! Eros Uy Apollo!!!"

I yelled before running away from him even pointing at him.

"Kyaaaa!!! There you are, Eros!!"

I heard a bunch of girls heading towards the male lead.

"Oh no!"

I heard him said.

I ended going to the maroon building where the sub-clubs are using the large rooms for their clubs. I heard from my friends when we all met at the Picnic area that Phia joined the First-Aid club, Lianne joined the Animal Caring club, Valerie is in the Books club and Anne in the Arts club.

You can join up to three sub-clubs as the maximum limit. My brother told me that he is in the Gardening club while Arthur is in the Cooking club. Both of them joined the Swords club by the way.

Me, who still doesn't know what club should I join is already deciding for two weeks! Should I just join a Food club, if there's any?

I flipped through the pages of the pamphlet that I always brought with me but there's none. Welp, time to think again.

As I was walking towards the hallway of the first floor passing through many clubrooms, I saw Daphne staring at the door of the Writers Club.

Should I sneak up on her? Well, we are not friends but we are roommates so maybe I can do that to her.


I tried surprising her.

"Ahh! What the-? How dare you do that!"

She was expectedly surprised and her whole face became flustered.

"Sorry! It looks like you want to join the Writers Club, huh?"

I sneered teasing her.

"No! Why would a duke's daughter like me even want to join this cheap club!"

Oh come on, just admit it already. I can see you trying to hide your drafts so many times.

"Lady Daphne!"

I heard the familiar voice of her followers.

"Lady Daphne, are you planning to join the Writers Club?"

One of her followers, Xera asked her.

"No way, someone as high as me isn't suited for something like this!"

Lady Daphne does her villainess laugh trying to hide her nervous face.

"I know right? There's no way she'll join this trashy club!"

Then, the three of them laugh at the same time.

"Why is she here anyway?"

The other follower, Helen asked her. She narrowed her eyes on me and look at me from head to toe.

I hate it when people do that.

"I want to be here, do you have a problem? How about you, do you have somewhere you should be going instead of following lady Daphne around?"

I crossed my arms and raise both of my eyebrows.

I can see Daphne being surprised while the other two looks angry.

"Why you-!"

"Alright, stop it...I don't want my day to be ruined by you! Let's go girls"

Lady Daphne tried to stop us from fighting by telling me that I'm trying to ruin her day so she just told them to stop and left.


Helen glares at me while I stick out my tongue mocking her.

Daphne Il Viva, I know you just did that to stop the fight. You don't really like fighting, why can't you just be true to yourself? Maybe that's why people usually misunderstood your intentions.

Although her love for the male lead made her become a true villainess instead of a proud and spoiled girl today. How did you even end up like the Daphne in the novel?

In the novel, Daphne really wants attention. Even if her father gave her everything she wants, she always eats alone or celebrate alone. The one time she ate together with her family is when her parents exposed each of their extramarital affairs. Her older brother is even cold to her and she's afraid that he might kick her out after he became the new duke.

The male lead is her only hope since she doesn't have any TRUE friends when she realized that her friends are only using her. People gave her attention whenever she does something bad so it's okay for her, she just snaps into the villainess mode when Cordelia took her last hope.

Someday...I hope I can help her become true to herself and not go the path of becoming the villainess.


I went to the Books club since this is the nearest room and as a visitor to Valerie.

"What? You don't have the newly published BL book?"

I asked Valerie since I'm hoping that our favorite BL author's novel is already here.

"This is the Books club Delie, not a book store"

Valerie sighed.

Even though it looks like one.

"Is that only the reason why you went here?"


"What do you even do in the Books Club?"

I asked her while she's busy sorting out some books.

"Well, we collect books that are interesting and show it to school. They can come here to read it, we also offer poems too"

So it is like a mini library?

"You know, I've always wanted to know what you are thinking using my Telepathic gift but I guess it won't work on your Negation gift"

Valerie muttered quietly but I heard her.

"Wait, so you've been trying to hear my thoughts all this time?"

I asked her almost standing up from my seat.

"Yes...and depends"

She replied.

"Can I borrow this?"

I saw a book about the Imperial Family of Bogdan.

"Sure just don't damage it, there's only a few of that made here in the empire"

She told me not even looking at me.

"Alright! Let's see..."

Maybe I can see the name of the emperors here! Hehehe!

So the first emperor's name is Primus De Abel...about a thousand years ago, they called it here BBA or Before Bogdan Academy. Then the emperor named Nova De Abel was the one who established the Academy even though the statues in the academy are statues of the first emperor. This era ABA or Bogdan Academy is why the years is only almost four hundred years.

"Valerie, why is there a BBA anyway?"

"I think it's because it is the Era where the saintesses lived"


"You see...every time a saintess dies, a new saintess from the same clan is born as long as the child has golden doesn't need to be passed from parent to child, there are even male saints you know"

Whoa! I thought the saintess is just one person and a female, so if one saintess dies...a new one is born!

"Why did the appearance of saintesses stopped?"

"Hmmm...I think it's because of the calamity where the whole village of the saintess was burned down while the last saintess is away. I don't know the rest but I heard that it was because of the man she loved and after that, no one was born with gold hair meaning there are no more saintesses"

"But...didn't we saw the only daughter of the Si Flora family? She had golden hair right?"

I asked her.

You know...Cordelia Si Flora,the heroine? The novel didn't even state Cordelia's whole backstory, that's why I feel like there are a lot more going on than in the novel.

"I don't know about that, but maybe it's because she doesn't have saintly powers? And maybe it's a coincidence that she has golden blonde hair?"

She's right, Cordelia only have nature powers like my brother which is not considered a saintly power.

"What do you mean by saintly powers?"

"From there, I don't know anymore..."

She told me.

Okay, so the three academies where established when the last saintess died. Before, the emperors and the saintess ruled the three Great Lands together but after the last saintess died, the emperors became the sole ruler of the Lands.

"Wait, how did you know about this anyway?"

I asked Valerie suspiciously.

Even the Imperial Library doesn't have those informations.

"I read my grandfather's mind when I asked him about this, he just told me he doesn't know but when I read his mind, some scenes flashes"

"You just read your grandfather's mind?"


Sometimes Valerie is creeping me out, you know since she likes to do unexpected things. Thank goodness, I have Negation gift or she might already be reading my mind.

I continue to turn the pages of the book when I saw a bunch of crown princes and princesses. So there are female emperors too!

"Huh? Wait, this is! The current emperor, His Majesty Luther De Abel is not here!"

The latest crown prince aside from the male lead is the late Duchess Elainne! The villain's mother! She was the crown princess?!

"Yes, didn't you know that? It was taught to us when we are kids!"

Really? It seems like me daydreaming in the middle of the lessons is not a good help.

"The original crown princess was actually the late Duchess Elainne El Blanc and true heir to the throne...the duchess was actually the child of the empress so it was expected she'll become the new regnant but a woman who works as a former palace maid went to the previous emperor's birthday to introduce their child, His Majesty Luther De Abel...the empress was so angry at that time but she doesn't feel threaten since she knows that her daughter has more power...but growing up, the previous emperor obviously favors his son from a maid than his daughter from the empress after he realized that the child has so many talents compared to his only average-talent daughter..."

Valerie finally finished sorting the books she's organizing and went to sit infront of me.

"The late Duchess Elainne who is the crown princess Elainne at that time lost her father's favor completely so when the empress died and it was revealed that she has a low-ranking noble as her lover, the position of the next in line to the throne went to his son who married a marquis' daughter, the current Empress Cybelle for power since the two of them got along for having both commoners as their mother. The empress originally was the fiance of the Duke Gedeon El Blanc but was engaged to the late Duchess Elainne both are forced in to the marriage. After the new emperor's coronation, the princess married the new Duke of El Blanc leaving her baron lover behind..."

"Who's her lover anyway?"

I asked Valerie who leaned closer to me and whisper.

"This is just a rumor but...they think it is the late Baron Si Flora because the man has golden blonde hair"


What a small world! The villain's mother used to be a lover of the heroine's father? It was not mentioned in the novel!!

"The Baron one is not taught to us by the way, I just read my grandfather's mind again hihi, he is a former scholar of the empire"

Valerie proudly said.

Yeah...Valerie's Ul Katerinn family is known to have many scholar heirs and every members of their family are very intelligent maybe that's why Valerie is so smart.

"Please don't tell anyone about that, my grandfather's life is at stake...the emperor doesn't want any information about them coming out"

"Really? I promise! But why did you tell me?"

"Well...I've been keeping from myself all this time, I just want to tell it to someone but since I trust you, you won't tell anyone right?"

Valerie looks worried and serious.

"I promise..."

Me and Valerie looked at each other with ease.

"Now get out of here, I need to sort out more books"

She smiled at me.

"Hahaha, fine..."


I came back to my dorm room where Daphne was busy taking notes since the first exam is already next week. These people are really serious when it comes to studying.

In my past life, tomorrow is already the exam day but I still did not study a single page. If you study so hard, of course you'll expect that you'll get a high grade right? But what if you don't? Then your efforts will be in vain right? Then how about not studying, you expect to get a low grade or even fail but how about getting a high one?

See? It's better to not study and expect a low grade maybe you know, you'll get a high one instead of studying so much only ending to having a low grade, you'll just hurt your feelings by expecting!

Earlier...I didn't think that the original first in line to throne was the villain's mother! Maybe that's why the emperor doesn't like him too much since the villain himself has the right to snatch the throne back. The villain can become the emperor!

But I don't think he will get a lot of support since a lot of people fear him. Not only that, Cordelia's father might be the lover of the villain's mother! I didn't expect that since in the novel that Duchess Elainne was forced by her father to marry the son of Duke El Blanc which made her broke from her original lover.

While I was changing in my nightgown and thinking, I heard a knock on my room door.


"Someone is looking for you"

It was the voice of Daphne.

"Thank you, I'll be out"

I buttoned the last button of my purple nightgown before heading to the door where someone is looking for me.

I went out my room and head towards the door. Daphne looks pissed and I don't know why, maybe she doesn't like the person who is calling for me?


I opened the door and saw Anne looking down outside the hallway with a book in her hand.

"Delie...can we talk?"