Chereads / Ovala / Chapter 17 - PA100 Arc: Purpose

Chapter 17 - PA100 Arc: Purpose

The blonde girl held onto her weakened spot and reached into her weapon pouch. "You really haven't changed a bit," She snarled at the King before chucking a kunai at him.

Strands of the King's hair fell to the floor. "That was a close one," he laughed. "Accuracy was never an issue with you after all."

"Save it," Ashley growled. She pulled her hands back, a ball of water forming in between them. "Water Ball," Ashley yelled as she released the attack. She quickly pulled out another kunai ready to throw it. A sudden tight grip on her hand stopped the girl from doing so.

Aadolf smirked, "Too bad that accuracy doesn't compensate for all of your numerous faults." He brought Ashley's hand to her shoulder in an instant, stabbing the girl with her own kunai in an instant.

The King struck her shoulder again, this time with more ferocity, and again, and again. With each stab, the strike grew ever fiercer. Until finally, he stopped and let the kunai rest in the girl's shoulder.

Ashley winced as the weapon continued to dig deeper and deeper into her flesh, "Darn you..."

"Hate me all you want," The King whispered maliciously in Ashley's ear. "It won't change your fate. Just hand me the envelope and we can do this the easy way."

Ashley glowered at the King, "In your dreams." She sunk her teeth into the man's arm.

"What exactly did you think that would accomplish?" Aadolf asked, his voice full of irritation. "Such a simple attack on me, the King of Guarano Kingdom?!" He smacked Ashley to the ground with the back of his hand. The kunai rolled around around until it came to a stop. "I was trying to be hold myself back. But now that you have insulted me like that, you are in a whole world of trouble."

Aadolf's knee struck the girl in her rib cage, sending her doubling over in pain. Before she had a chance to recover, a powerful fist dived into her abdomen. "Mist Blade," The King uttered in rage. A blade composed of mist formed in the man's hand as he swung down at Ashley.

The Water User fell and rolled and rolled until she was hastily brought to a stop by Aadolf's foot. She reached into her weapon pouch for a shuriken, but the King's blade knocked it out of her hand in an instant.

Ashley's eyes filled with rage, "I don't care what you do to me. You can't have it!"

The King raised his eyebrow in confusion. His confused face quickly melted into an entertained one, "Hahaha, how adorable. You think you actually have a choice." The mist weapon dug its way into Ashley's knee.

She yelped as Aadolf rapidly yanked it out. She couldn't move anymore...even so she had to think of something. For is she didn't, Aadolf would get what he wanted. And that was something that she refused to let happen, no matter what she had to do. After all, she knew what the PA100 really was. That was why...she wanted to destroy it. But for that...she needs Junko's help.

Ashley was suddenly sent flying into the sky. The King was holding his sword in the air with a malevolent grin on his face. "Water Pressure," The King said as he closed his free hand.

Ashley screamed out in agony as the vapor in the air condensed in on her. She plummeted to the ground in a matter of seconds.

Aadolf now standing over her, slammed his foot onto her skull, rendering the girl unconscious. "Finally. Geez, you're just as stubborn as she is," The King said with a sigh. "Although, it is your purpose. So I suppose it makes sense."


"Darn it," Junko grunted. "I don't even have enough time to counterattack." Before he knew it, Junko was suddenly pinned to a tree by four kunai knives.

"Aw, what's the matter, kiddy?" Harold asked as suddenly appeared on the other side of the tree. "I too fast for ya? Here let me give you another shot," Harold punched the back of tree causing the large plant to shatter into pieces.

Junko fell to the ground as the kunai dispersed around him. The Shadow User breather heavily as he slowly returned to his feet. "I have to fight back," Junko said as he wobbled from side to side. "Even if it does nothing, I have to get a hit in." Junko quickly picked up one of the kunai lying on the ground.

In a split second after that, Harold was clutching onto the boy's head, "Miss me?"

Junko thrusted the knife forward but it was diverted away to a tree in an instant. "Now, Shadow Punch!" Junko swung his fist enveloped in shadow forward, managing to knock the man back a little. "It worked!" So then…he just had to make one diversion attack and then quickly follow up with another attack. That was his strategy to victory. Junko reached into his weapon pouch and glared at Harold, "I can do this."

The Shadow User quickly reached into his weapon pouch and pulled out a shuriken. He chucked the weapon at Harold who dodged with ease. "Shadow Ball," Junko shouted as a ball of dark matter was hurled towards Harold.

Harold grinned and deflected the ball back at Junko, knocking the boy to the ground. He appeared right in front of the fallen boy in an instant. "Did you really think that would work twice?" he mocked Junko. "You caught me surprise the first time. But it's about twenty years to soon for you to even think about catching up with my speed.

A crushing kick to his jaw stopped Junko from being able to respond. The boy got up and wiping his cheek, "Darn it. Even that plan wasn't good enough." In an attempt to think of something to do, he scanned his surroundings. His eyes soon landed on the bag of Shadow Fruits that were about a yard behind him. Junko smirked, "That's it. But I can't just walk over there...he'll definitely try to stop me otherwise. So..." Junko charged towards Harold with his fist pulled back, "Take this!"

"Pathetic," Harold sighed. Kicking him in the gut, Junko went flying even further back than before.

Junko grinned as he had landed right behind the bag of Shadow Fruits. "Perfect," He said as he picked up the bag and started stuffing all of the fruit into his mouth at once. The bag dropped to the ground in a matter of seconds followed up by a loud belch.

Harold just stared blankly at the small child, "What is this kid? A human vacuum...?"

As Junko wiped his mouth, he felt an immense pressure welling up inside of him. An intense amount of dark matter began to swirl around him. Junko stared at Harold straight on, "I'm sorry about this."

Harold chuckled, "Don't think just because you had a little snack means you're still not far out of your league, kiddo."

Junko held his hands behind his back, put one foot in front of the other, and bent his knees. He launched off his feet in the blink of an eye. A swift swipe of the leg sent a tree tumbling over. Making his way over to another tree in instant, he chopeed that one down with his leg as well.

The two trees came crashing down, ready to fall on Harold. A speedy leap out of the way saved the man. Just as he turned around, the sight of another falling tree put him into a panic. Sliding out of the way he saved himself once again, then down came another plant domino. Whacking him on the head, he fell over.

Junko appeared before the man with his hands pulled back and said, "Shadow Ball!" A ball composed of shadow was immediately released from his hands as he brought them forward.

Harold wiped his bruised face as he rose to his feet, "Damn you, little punk." He came dashing for Junko in a flash.

Junko kept his eyes focused on Harold's movements, "I can keep up with him now." The empowered boy quickly sidestepped to the right, as Harold missed his target.

Turning around, the man scowled with fury, "That's it! Normal Style: Chaos Punch!" His hand suddenly became nearly invisible as he shot off his feet. He swung his fading fist at Junko with a stressed yell.

"Shadow Punch!" Junko shouted as he threw his fist enveloped in darkness forward. The two attacks collided, causing a wave of energy to be released on both sides. Junko felt his arm starting to strain as the collision persisted. And then, "Shadow Kick!" Junko swung his shadowy leg into Harold's crotch."

The attack suddenly stopped and Harold was left with a shocked look in his eyes. Then, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The orange haired man fell to the floor clutching his injured manliness.

Junko bowed as the darkness energy around him dispersed, "I'm really sorry about this. I hope you'll be okay." And with that the polite boy ran off waving goodbye to his defeated opponent.