Chereads / Ovala / Chapter 22 - PA100 Arc: The Truth Revealed

Chapter 22 - PA100 Arc: The Truth Revealed

The giant bony hands came charging for Cody. A quick backflip saved the heavy man just by a hair. He rose his arms in the air and shouted, "Destructive Hurricane!" The hands were paralyzed by the massive hurricane that had assaulted them.

"Damn it," Shaun grunted in frustration. "Move already, you stupid demon hands!"

Cody appeared before Shaun. A spin kick to the rib cage knocked the Water User to the floor. "Wind Arrow," Cody said as an arrow composed of wind struck the fallen man in the arm.

Cody slammed his foot onto his enemy's stomach, "I thought you said, you wanted to do this with your own power?" The enraged Ovala King glared down at the man.

"Sharaka's power is my power! I put my blood, sweat, and tears into learning this technique!"

"That's a lie. Sharka's Hand's isn't a technique that requires any effort to learn. Just blood."

"Yeah but," Shaun started as he struggled to lift his hands up. "Yeah but Ovalas can't make each other bleed obviously. So I had to use outside methods to attain it! I worked my ass off for it!"

"All you did was use other people's power!" Cody swung his arm to the side in fury. "That's not working yourself at all!"

Shaun clicked his tongue, "What do you know? Someone like the Ovala King couldn't possibly understand…"

The angered man simply sighed, "I'm not going to listen to your whining. Either get up and fight or," A fist to the mouth sent Shaun's teeth flying out. "Shut the hell up."

Shaun moved his toothless move but no words came out. Cody just nodded and started walking away, "Next time, fight me with your own power.

Shaun mouthed the words, "Damn you."

Ashley was still grasping on the bars in tears when she heard a familiar voice, "Hey Ashley, I'm here to save you."

Ashley looked up from the floor and saw a surprising sight. "Fiore," Ashley muttered the name of the girl standing before her.

"Happy to see me?" Fiore winked with a giggle. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here in no time."

Ashley nodded, "Right, thanks Fiore."

"So can you hand me the key."

"…If I had the key I wouldn't be in here right now!" Ashley shouted in disbelief at what Fiore had just said.

Fiore tilted her head, "Why not?"

Ashley's head fell down with a sigh, "Geez you're just as bad as Junko and Riley."

Fiore to put her finger to her lips, "Bad with what?"

"Just forget it," Ashley said in frustration. "Listen the King probably has the key so you'll have to find another way.

"Oh! You should've just said that then, silly. Alright stand back."

"What are you going to do?" Ashley asked with cautiousness coating her voice.

"I'm gonna knock the door down!" Fiore cheered pumping her first in the air.

"It's not that simple!" Ashley yelled, her eyes nearly shooting out of her head.

"Just stand back," Fiore said with a suddenly serious voice.

"Uh…okay," Ashley slowly stepped backed, surprised at Fiore's jarring change in tone.

Fiore took a huge deep breath and then, "Hah!" The metal bars scattered across the room as her fist plunged straight through the cage.

Ashley's eyes deformed to a ridiculously small size as she stared at Fiore, "I don't believe that actually worked…"

A horde of guards suddenly filled the room. Ashley eyes darted around in worry, "Great, it looks like there's around one-hundred of them."

"One-hundred, huh?" Fiore said with a grin. "Ashley, you go on. I'll make a distraction so you can get away."

"Just how do you plan on doing that?"

"Don't ask questions. Just do it!"

"I really hope that wasn't a reference to something…" Ashley shook her head distancing herself from the silly conversation she found herself in. "But whatever, I guess have no choice but to do what you say, sadly."

Fiore nodded, "Good, now let's go!" Fiore pulled her fist back and struck the floor. The concrete and dust flew up, scattering about the room. "Go Ashley, now!"

"The PA100 is getting away!" One of the guards shouted. "Somebody stop her!"

"But we can't see anything!" Another guard shouted back.

Once the dungeon had cleared up Ashley was nowhere to be seen. "Damn it," The first guard grunted. "Forget this girl, everyone look for the PA100!"

All off the guards rushed towards the exit until, "Stone Crusher," Fiore said those words a giant piece of stone blocked the door out. "Hate to disappoint you boys, but you're not going anywhere. But don't worry, I'll make sure to keep you entertained." A wicked smirk crept onto the girl's face, "Great, you've already gotten me started."

All of the guards stared at the child in confusion, "What's she-" The guard was suddenly sent crashing into the wall.

"Iron Fists of the Earth," Fiore said as she help up her two enormous fists completely covered in rocks.

A guard came charging for the girl. A single right hook to the jaw slammed the man into the floor. Fiore grinned a wild one, "Anyone else wanna come and get some? I could do this all day."

All the men charged her as she swung her huge rocky fists back and forth. The ceiling began to crumble as one guard was rocketed into it.

A squadron armed with swords came flying towards Fiore, wildly swing their blades. "Earth Barrier," A shield composed of sand spun around the girl deflecting the swords into the wall. Fiore quickly picked up one of the metal bars lying on the floor and crossed blades with another swordsman.

"Rock Overshadow," The Earth User said as the bar she was holding transformed into one made of rock. "Yeah, this is fun. This is real fun!" The wild girl screamed in delight. "Come on! Hit me with your best shot!"

Junko and Ashley were running towards the dungeon when suddenly they found themselves on the floor. "Ow," Ashley moaned rubbing her butt. "Hey, who's big idea was-" Her words were cut off as she realized who the girl in front of her was, "Ashley..."

Ashley returned her sister's stare with one of her own, "Sis..."

"I don't believe it," Ashley's sis said in amazement. "It's really you...I haven't seen you in so long.

Ashley was sitting in the cage of the dungeon when her sis walked in. "Hey, mind if I come in?"

"No, but you can't unless you have-"

"-This?" The elder sister held out her hands, keys dangling from her fingers.

Ashley stared in awe at her sister, "How did you get that?"

"It's easy to sneak stuff from under father's nose if you know what you're doing," The mirror Ashley giggled. "Oh and look and what else I brought!" She ran outside the room and came back in within a matter of seconds, holding a plate of juicy red fruits in her hands.

Ashley clapped her hands in joy with a wide smile, "Watermelon yay!"

"Yep," The older sister unlocked the cell door and walked in. She placed the plate down and grinned, "I don't care what our father says, "You're not just some experiment. You're my precious little sister, forever and always."

Ashley stared at the plate of watermelon as water started to fill her eyes, "Really?"

"Of course, silly," The older Ashley playfully nudged the younger one. "You like this stuff after all," She said staring at the watermelon. "I can't stand it. So you're obviously more than just a replica of me." She then wraps her arms around Ashley's shoulders. "And besides, family is family. It doesn't matter if we came in to this world different ways. You're still my little sister and I'll protect you forever."

"Sis..." Ashley sniffled as she picked up a watermelon and bit into it. "Thank you."

"Yeah, it really has been a while, hasn't it?" Ashley said with a bitter sweet smile.

"Why did you run away?" Her sister asked. "I was worried sick about you, you know?" Liquid rolled down the girl's cheeks without hesitation. "I didn't know where you were. I thought you were dead! I thought I had failed to keep my promise to protect you!"

Ashley's eyes shifted to the floor, "I'm sorry but..."

"But what?! I was so afraid I would never get to see you again, Ashley! Why?" The mirror Ashley's tears continued falling down her face as she did nothing to stop them. Why didn't you tell me anything?! You just took off without a word!"

"I had to...I had to get as far away from Aadolf as I could. Otherwise, he would use me to complete his PA100 project."

"I said I would protect you from that, remember?!" The elder sister shouted with her hand on her chest.

"I...I didn't want to get you involved," Ashley's eyes started welling up, "I thought that if you opposed the King, he would just end up hurting you too."

"So you ran away...That's not how things like this work, Ashley." Her sister finally wiping her tears stared at Ashley straight on in the eyes. "You can't just run away from everything!"

Ashley's mouth just dropped in silence as she knew her sisters words were true. That's right...she was always running away. She never wanted to have to face Guarano Kingdom again so she had decided to leave and enroll in Ovala Academy. She didn't know a single thing about the school, all she knew was that it was a place to escape to. A place where she could be at ease.

"And another thing," Her sis slowly walked up to her, her footsteps echoing off the ground as she did so, "Why do you want to kill yourself?"

"Because...I'm not human."

Junko looked between the two sisters in confusion, "What? Ashley, what are you talking about?! Of course, you're human!"

"No," A sudden deep and booming voice came from the hallway. Aadolf appeared and walked towards the three who were paralyzed in shock. "She is unquestionably not human. She is a clone of the princess, Princess Ashley 100."