Chereads / Ovala / Chapter 20 - PA100 Arc: Cody Versus Shaun!

Chapter 20 - PA100 Arc: Cody Versus Shaun!

"Ren, come on you've been in there for ten minutes now," Gilles said as he knocked on the bathroom door. "Your food will get frostbite!"

"I'm not finished washing my hands yet!" Ren shouted from inside the restroom. "I refuse to eat until they're as clean as possible!"

"I give up," Giles said with a sigh. "Alright, just come out whenever you're ready then." He made his way back to the table where Fiore and Xiong were waiting for him.

"So, what'd he say?" Xiong asked with faux curiosity as he scanned through a dessert menu.

"Said he'll be done when he's done, basically," Gilles answered. "Mentor Xiong…you sure you have enough money for dessert after we destroyed that bank?"

"Yeah don't worry, that happens all the time," Xiong laughed. "Our school is infamous for that sort of thing, hahaha!"

Gilles and Fiore both sweat dropped, "I don't think that's something you should be laughing about…" They both said perfectly in sync.

Ren returned from the bathroom and took his seat. "Alas, he returns, the one and only Ren! How we've missed you since your long departure, brother!" Gilles exclaimed as he spread his arms far and wide, smacking Xiong in the face.

"Damn it, Gilles! Watch you're throwing those things!"

"Sorry, Mentor Xiong…" Gilles apologized rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "But man, Ren you're such a neat freak," He said with a playful smile. "You even clean our dorm room two times a day."

"I just can't think properly without a clean space," Ren answered as he threw some soup into his mouth.

"I think it's awesome that you clean all time," Fiore chimed in. "You even cook too! You'd make a great husband."

"Husband?!" Gilles and Xiong both shouted in unison as they jumped out of their seats.

A luminescent blush snuck onto Ren's face as he lowered his eyes and dipped into the soup, "Just let me eat."

Fiore looked around the table in confusion, "What did I say?"

"Oh yeah," Gilles said as a sudden thought had occurred to him. "Junko's team had a Quest here too, didn't they?"

Fire nodded, "Yeah, that's right! I wonder how they're doing..."

Cody made it further and further out of the forest until he could see the castle in the distance. "Finally," The man sighed with relief. "Hang on kids, I"ll end this soon."

"Will you now?" A harsh voice provoked Cody as its owner walked out from behind a bush.

"Shaun," Cody uttered the name of the man who the voice belonged to with disdain. "Looking for a fight, I take it?"

"Well, I can't just let you interfere with the PA100 project, can I?" Shaun smirked as he let his crossed arms fall to his side.

"I'll make you regret not moving aside when you had the chance."

Shaun nodded, "Yes I know full well what I'm getting myself into, 9th Ovala King. But it's my duty to do as King Aadolf says."

Cody chuckled, "Heh duty."

"Grow up! You're supposed to be a role model to all Ovala's!" Shaun shouted in disbelief at the childish man's behavior.

"So I like to laugh? Sue me."

A rapid punch slammed into Cody's palm. Shaun gasped, "He's even quicker than I thought he'd be."

"Wind Palm," A massive blast of wind shot out of Cody's palm. Shaun flew backwards, recovering by flipping back and landing on his feet. A grin crossed over the man's face, "Water Shower!" Needles of water rained down around the area.

Cody dipped and sucked, successfully avoiding every needle that came his way. "Wind Arrow!" Cody shouted as an arrow composed of wind flew out of his hand. Spinning in the air, it maneuvered through the needles striking Shaun in the shoulder.

The Water User winced, "Damn, he got me." A crushing blow to his gut sent the man doubling over in pain.

Cody stood in front of Shaun with his fists ready, "What's the matter? Surprised I got over he so quickly?"

Shaun took a deep breath and smiled, "No, like I said I know who I'm dealing with. I'd use Enlightened State but I wanted to do this without it."

Cody raised his eyebrows, "If you can use Enlightened State, you should. You won't get far against me otherwise."

Shaun shook his head, "I can' I said...I want to do this with my own power!" Slamming his hands on the ground he shouted, "Aqua Bullets!" Bullets made of water launched towards Cody.

The big man simply closed his eyes as they made their way for him at incredible pace. His eyes suddenly shot open, "Wind Barrage!" As if it there a million invisible hands, the wind pulverized every single bullet.

Shaun's blue eyes shook with a flurry of rage, "Fine then, I have no choice! Sharaka's Hands!" Two large body hands made of liquid erupted out of the ground from behind him. "HA! Any last words, Ovala King?!"

Cody simply glared at Shaun. "" He said with complete hatred filling his voice to the brim.

Junko and Ashley had finally arrived at the castle. Junko looked up at the immense rusty brown building and gulped, "We're gonna have to fight the King, aren't we?" Junko understood that he had to do this in order to help Ashley. But still, he was a little afraid. After all, King Aadolf was bound to be an even stronger opponent than Gu was, so he was sure it wouldn't be easy.

Ashley nodded, "We have no choice if we want to take the PA100 from him."

"You're right," Junko tried to sound confident. "Let's go inside." He walked up to the castle doors and pulled on the handles. "It's locked," Junko realized as the handles refused to budge.

"Turn around," Ashley said as she walked up to Junko.

"Okay," Junko immediately followed her instructions and turned around.

"He didn't even ask why?" Ashley whispered to herself. "What is wrong with this kid…?" She took out a shiny golden key and placed it in the keyhole. The two large doors opened up in response. "You can turn back around now."

Junko did as she said and saw that the castle doors were now open, "Whoa, how did you do that?"

"I just pulled on it," Ashley said in a convincing tone. "It probably worked because I'm way stronger than a loser like you."

Junko nodded his head, "Yeah, that makes sense."

"A true idiot," Ashley said under her breath. "Come on, let's just get inside quickly."

"Right!" Junko followed Ashley into the castle. "So where do you think it is?" He asked keeping his eyes constantly shifting around the golden room.

"In the dungeon," Ashley said with certainty."

Junko tilted his head, "Why would he keep it there? I thought it was supposed to be important to him?"

"It is, but there isn't really any other place he would put her…uh I mean it."

"Oh, I get it now!"

Ashley blinked, "You do?" He really is an idiot, The blonde girl thought to herself.

"Yeah," Junko said with confidence. "Now, let's go destroy the PA100!"

A left hook to his jaw sent Junko crashing to the floor in an instant. His blurred vision returned quickly as he saw Ashley sitting on top of his stomach with a threatening scowl. "What did you say?" She asked with bloodthirstiness coating her words.

Junko tried to get up but all of Ashley's weight was focused on pinning the boy down. "We're supposed to destroy the PA100, remember?" He managed to choke out some words.

The enraged girl's blue eyes grew larger and larger until, "LIES!" She snapped out as hands closed in on Junko's neck. "You stay away from her you hear me! I won't let anyone hurt her!"

Junko brought his arms around Ashley's in an attempt to pull them off, "A-Ashley," He said with what little breath he could use. "I-It was y-your idea…"


Junko fell to the floor and regained his breath. Ashley stared down at the boy who was now caressing his neck, "I knew that loser. I was just testing you is all."

"Testing me on what?" Junko asked as he stood back up.

"On how well you would fight back. And you failed miserably as expected." She folded her arms and faced away from Junko. "Hurry up, we have a PA100 to destroy." She started walking off and then muttered to herself, "Why would you say that, Ashley?"

A merciless knee in the ribcage knocked the spit out of Riley. Then a punch to the gut flipped him to the floor. As soon as Riley returned to his feet, Gu was behind him, kunai ready.


Riley winced in pain as he leaped back. Reaching into his weapon pocket, he pulled out a kunai knife. "Have a kunai!" He yelled as he thrust the weapon forward.

Gu bent backwards, the knife flying through where his had been just a second ago and crashing into a tree. "Here I come!" Riley shouted as his bruised fist connected with Gu's waist.

Gu threw a shuriken up in the air, "Moisture Transportation."

Riley's brown eyes scanned for the shuriken. Then, his back found it as Riley fell face first into the grass. "Crap," Riley grunted in anger. He tried moving his legs to stand back up but they wouldn't budge.

Gu yanked Riley's kunai out of the tree it was stuck in and walked closer and closer to the fallen Fire User until he was an inch away, "Well, you tried your best, better luck in the next life." In the blink of an eye, the kunai came swinging down.

Riley opened his eyes and saw a surprising sight. The knife was lodged into Gu's shoulder and before him stood-

-"Uh, hey dude. You got a little something in your shoulder," The boy who stood with his back faced to Riley said, his hand in front of his chest. Multiple branches swung around the boy like flies on juice as he turned around, "Yo Rile, it's been a while. Heh, rhyme."

Riley muttered the name of the one who had saved his life, "Gilles…"