Chereads / Ovala / Chapter 15 - PA100 Arc: Guarano Kingdom

Chapter 15 - PA100 Arc: Guarano Kingdom

Junko, Riley, Ashley and Cody were all sitting down at a table as they prepared to leave. Ashley sighed, "Hurry up losers, we won't be able to get anything done if two keep eating all day."

Cody nodded, "Ashley has a point. If we don't finish our Quest in a decent amount of time, I'm sure the King will be dissatisfied with us. Plus my bill probably already high enough as after that fight yesterday. Cody thought to himself as sweat dripped down from the side of his head.

Riley quickly stood up, slamming his hands down on the table with a waffle in his mouth, "Yeah? Well if I don't get my fill, my stomach's gonna be dissatisfied with me!"

"Riley, sit down," Cody sternly demanded. "That's an order!"

"Orders are meant to be broken!" Riley barked.

"I thought rules were meant to be broken!"

"Aha, so you admit then!"

"I admit to nothing!"

"Will both of you just…SHUT UP!" Ashley screamed at the top of her lungs drawing the attention of everyone else in the dining area. "And you," The blonde pointed to Junko, a strict look on her face. "You hurry up too."

"Yes Ma'am," Junko replied with a kind smile as a waiter was handing him a new plate of food. The brown haired boy shoved his other ten plates aside to make room for the new one.

Ashley groaned, "You have got to be kidding me…"

"Patience is a virtue Ashley," Cody said while his body unnaturally started vibrating. "Patience is a virtue."

"Uh, Mentor Cody," Ashley started. "You're vibrating."

"Patience is a virtue," The Ovala King repeated himself once again while continuing his strange actions.

"Ahem," The innkeeper tapped Cody on the shoulder. He handed the heavy man a slip of paper with a disgruntled scowl, "Here's your bill, sir."

Cody took the bill and reluctantly looked it over, "Patience is a virtue…Patience is a…oh screw it! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"You know, it would probably be lower if you didn't destroy most of the inn yesterday," Junko said with an awkward smile.

Cody snarled, "Half of it was because of you!"


The King ran his fingers through his blonde hair as Shaun walked into the room, "Ah Shaun, have they arrived yet?"

The ponytailed man simply shook his head, "No, but I'm sure they'll be coming soon."

"Really now?" The King rested his chin in his hand, "What makes you so sure?"

"Simple Sire," An evil smirk slowly crept upon Shaun's face, "The PA100. The Ovalas at Central Ovala Academy pride themselves on always accomplishing their objectives. The School's Quest fail rate is under 5%. A lot of skilled Ovala's choose to attend that school."

"Then that begs a new question," The King realized. "Why allow them to come here?"

"Not to worry, my King. They think this a simple D-Rank delivery quest. As such, the school has sent out their absolute worst, aside from their teacher anyway. Again, watch out for him."

"Dully noted," The King replied. Suddenly a knock was heard from the outside of the castle walls. "Well then, shall we prepare to continue with the PA100 project?"

Simon nodded and bowed, "Of course, Sire."

"Very well then, go gather the rest of the soldiers while I have a little chat with the mailmen squad."

"Understood," Shaun said before standing up straight again and exiting the throne room.

"You may now proceed into the castle," The King's voice boomed. It was so loud that it filled the inside and the outside perimeter of the castle.

Junko and his team slowly walked into the castle. Riley looked around at all the gold in awe, "Wow, this dude is living it up! He's so cool!"

Cody grabbed Riley by the arm and glared at the boy, "Don't refer to a King in such a way, you numskull."

Riley rolled his eyes, "I'll call him whatever I want."

"What was that?" Cody threw a sharply intimidating glare towards Riley causing the Fire User to cower in fear.

Riley averted his eyes away from the frightening sight, "Uh…nothing."

"Good, now keep it that way," Cody said, transitioning back to a friendly smile.

"Kneel," The King commanded as the four had reached a decent talking distance from him. They are followed the man's command, aside from Riley who had to be pulled down by Cody. "Now please inform me, do you have the PA100?"

Cody nodded, "Yes we do, Sire."

"Bring it to me."

"Of course, your majesty," Cody got up from his seat and walked over to King Aadolf. He took out the envelope in his back pocket and handed it to the man.

Suddenly a kunai struck it out of Aadolf's hands and into the wall. Cody turned back, furiousness coating his face, "Which one of you did that?" His question was immediately answered as he saw Ashley running for the envelope. "Ashley Yiu!"

"Sorry, Mentor Cody!" The Water User said as she managed to swipe the envelope before anyone else could get their hands on it. "But the PA100 must be destroyed! Right Junko?!"

Junko instantly nodded and smiled a bright one, "Right! I made a double promise after all!"

"What?! Cody shouted. "You two have been plotting against our Quest?!"

Ashley shook her head, "No, it's not like that at all! You see, King Aadolf is planning to use it to brainwash every citizen of this section!"

Cody grunted, "No way, we were on a Quest to help this madman? Why did you wait until now to tell us?!"

Ashley shrugged her shoulders, "Because plot?"

Cody stared down a grinning King Aadolf, "I don't believe this…wait what?"

"Don't worry about it!" Let's just get out of here before it's too late!" Ashley exclaimed as she started running out the door along with the rest of her team.

The King laughed a haughty one, "That's great, make this project all the more entertaining, girl! Shaun!"

Shaun immediately ran into the throne room accompanied by three other soldiers, "Yes, Sire? What do you ask of me?"

"Split up, and track down that D-Rank team."

"Understood, Sire," Shaun said with a nod and a bow. "You all heard the man. Split up and search!"