My only and first advice in this chapter is:
Love yourself.
You are amazing just the way you are and I do believe that is something that everyone should know and trust in. No matter how fat, thin, slim, short, tall you are just love yourself.
Because at the end of the day all we have is who we are. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Just know that you are whom you're meant to be.
One of our Work Team member in this book had told me that, Loving myself was the hardest thing I have ever done.
Yes, it was true, loving ourselves is something hard to do. Why you may ask? Its because you need to learn how to love everything about you.
Its because you are accepting each and every imperfection in you. Its because you learn how not to care about people judging and assessing looks.
It's okay being fat.
It's okay being thin.
It's okay being slim.
It's okay being unpretty.
It's okay being short.
It's okay being tall.
And most of all, It's okay not being perfect.
Who cares? As long as you don't care, then everything is just fine. Whatever you look, however you're are, and whatever your personality is like then that's okay.
Just love yourself.
Your self-esteem is what makes every boy or girl their own King or Queen.
If you're searching for that
one person that will change
your life,
Take a Look in the mirror.