Chereads / Level One Isn't Weak! / Chapter 107 - An Ignorant, A Sore Loser, And A Little Bit Of Gossip.

Chapter 107 - An Ignorant, A Sore Loser, And A Little Bit Of Gossip.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Adam passed through the hallways with Brandon and Orion.

"Where do I start…?" [Brandon]

Scratching his chin, he made a troubled expression.

"Just start with today." [Orion]

"Really? But Adam won't know the rest." [Brandon]

"Just do it man. No one cares about that stuff." [Orion]

Orion waved him off, urging Brandon to begin.

"Ugh... fine. So I was walking to school with Orion-" [Brandon]

"Hold up. You're not joking with me right?" [Adam]

"...What?" [Brandon]

"You? And Orion? You walk to school with Orion?" [Adam]

"We live literally a block away from each other. It's more convenient. Now can you just listen?" [Brandon]

"Oh… Uh… Yeah." [Adam]

Recovering from being cut off, Brandon continued with his story.

"While we were walking today, we got jumped." [Brandon]

"Jumped? Like… jumped-jumped? Or just jumped?" [Adam]

"Like we were attacked by a group. And we got folded." [Brandon]

"That was only Brandon. I didn't lose." [Orion]

Adam looked up and down at Orion, clearly not believing his words.

("That's some pride you got there…") [Adam]

"So who jumped you guys?" [Adam]

"Some kids from WhiteSeal Highschool. Orion used to beat the crap out of them during middle school." [Brandon]

"And it was amazing." [Orion]

"Amazing until they unlocked their abilities." [Brandon]

"Until they unlocked their abilities?" [Adam]

Adam scratched his head, unsure of what Brandon implied.

"Remember how we didn't unlock our abilities until highschool? Orion used to beat them in middle school with his bare hands." [Brandon]

"Wow. Orion, were you a bully?" [Adam]

"No." [Orion]

Orion denied it as quickly and bluntly as he could, making him seem desperate.

"The truth is… I was bullied in middle school. That was, until Orion came by." [Brandon]

Things began to click for Adam. He was finally beginning to piece the story bit by bit.

"So Orion beat up your bullies, and now they're back for revenge?" [Adam]

"...That about sums it up." [Brandon]

"Can't Orion just beat them up again?" [Adam]

"I did." [Orion]

"..." [Brandon] [Adam]

The two looked at him with blank expressions, but neither of them spoke up.

"A few weeks ago, they attacked us too. That was when Orion won. Today, they brought a new guy, and his ability level was 6." [Brandon]

"Level 6? Isn't that pretty high?" [Adam]

"Apparently, he was the boss of their grade." [Brandon]

"...You're kidding." [Adam]

"I know what you're thinking. It sounds like something from a television show, but even we have one at our school." [Brandon]

"Really?! Who?" [Adam]

"Felix." [Brandon]

"...Should've known." [Adam]

"Well, that's only for our grade. For the second year, we have Flora Evergreen. Third year, Jelia Corus. Fourth year, Yulia Scott." [Brandon]

As he listed off names, Adam found some of them familiar.

("Isn't Flora that one girl who winked at me?") [Adam]

"She's the one that was next to Luis Strotto. The one you fought." [Krino]

("...Was he the guy with a soul weapon that used fire?") [Adam]

"Yep." [Krino]

As Adam thought to himself, he couldn't help but notice the other names.

("Jelia Corus… Oh shit, that's the school president's name!") [Adam]

"Fitting isn't it." [Krino]

("But I've never heard of this "Yulia" person.") [Adam]

"Hey Brandon, how do you know all of this?" [Adam]

"He gossips." [Orion]

"I gossip." [Brandon]

He chimed in as if to confirm the statement. It was the first time Adam has seen them so in-sync with one another.

"Uh… Okay…? So are we going to jump this guy back or what?" [Adam]

"No, I'll get him back later." [Orion]

"What? But you lost." [Adam]

"I lost five versus one. If the other scrubs didn't get in my way, I would've won." [Orion]

"...Wow, not even counting me in?" [Brandon]

"Don't even say anything. You were downed in a single blow." [Orion]

"Chill… Don't fight right now." [Adam]

"Whatever man." [Orion]

He clicked his tongue as he walked. The loss appeared to have put him in a bad mood.

"Orion, over here. Nurse's office remember?" [Adam]

Almost walking past their destination, Adam called out to Orion.

"Hmph. Whatever." [Orion]