Everyone has connections
One person with an idea
Can branch their thoughts
Crafting a faultless structure
From the roots of their mind
Letting their fruit of purity
To be picked by others
The idea carved into the bark
Passed by the eyes of hundreds
For if a scream echoed through a dense forest
no one would hear the creature cry
But if a silent marking is left in its place
Someone will find its wisdom
And the creature will speak
Through a new voice
Until their final words
Are left to dissolve
And the last reminder
They ever existed
Is carved away
if that carving
Is agreed by the people
To weave into reality
An ensemble for change
Will call out
Louder than the scream
Of the creator
And the keys played
On an ethereal instrument
Will craft a melody
Each note pressured
Into a memory
For a single person
Can change the world
An unheard voice
Finding a parent to hold
Whispering to those in dominion
And the hymn for impact
A demand for vengeance
Will shatter what we call normal
With the shards of glass
Falling with the rain
To harm those who are punished
For using creatures
Who were once in pain
As the foundation
For their risen throne