My head is tilted
Careful not to be caught
By the black eye
Glistened in the lights
Of modern castles
Where people come
To play their act
A desire to be the ones
Sitting in the audience
Laughing in pity
People are in denial
They care little for the etched sight
That watches their every move
Deciphering what hides in their palms
When they shake hands
Searching for silent deals
Crafted with a simple gesture
No matter what rules
Are enforced to shield
The inevitable arrival
Of anarchy and nihility
When they form the hands
Of a divine monster
There will always be
A path around the fortress
An army for the entity
Swarming to a hollow citadel
Knowing little of the desire
The storm has for malice
as it swallows the war
The people fighting on either side
Chasing for the innocent
Hungry for those yet to be born
We created this monster
We were the ones
Who had awoken this creature
Staring back at the eye
Of a face made of glass and wire
I'm aware
That I am the monster