Chereads / The Silent Phoenix / Chapter 18 - 17: The Announcement

Chapter 18 - 17: The Announcement

"It's hard to have a heart

when you have stopped so many others."

C H A P T E R 1 7


"You killed Rachel?" Nathan asked, standing up.

"Nathan, you don't understand. I had to, I didn't have another choice."

"Well, then make me 'understand', I don't know why everyone thinks I can't handle stuff and for the record I am older than you. I should be the one protecting you, not the other way round."

"I'm sorry, but I can't. At least not yet. But when I am ready to talk about it, you'll be the first one I'll tell, Nate. I promise."

"I just- I can't-" he said, shaking his head and walking out of the room.

I walked out behind him and saw Amber coming towards us.

"Luciana, I have to talk to you about something, do you have a minute?"

"Um, sure." I muttered absentmindedly, looking at Nathan's retreating back.

I saw Amber looking at me expectantly.

"Oh, right, come in."

I let her in and locked the door behind me.

"Didn't you have a mission a few days back?" she asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I did." I drew it out, not sure where she was getting at.

"How did you kill him?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Just answer the question."

"I shot him. Why do you ask?"

"Are you sure you shot him?"

"Yes, I am very sure."

"Then why did the forensic department declare that Karl Summit was poisoned and then shot in the head with a time difference of almost three hours?"

"How do you know that?"

"That doesn't matter."

"How. Do. You. Know. That. Amber?"

"I went through the police reports, it's kind of my job. Now, tell me, how did you kill him?" she said, rolling her eyes.

"I didn't kill him." I grumbled as I sat down on the bed.

"Then who did?" she asked, looking confused.

"I wish I knew. He was already dead before I got there. Poisoned."

"Does Marcello know?" she asked, already knowing the answer.



"I feel like I shouldn't be telling this to him, and even Nate didn't want to tell him. I can't explain it, but it's an instinct and I always follow my instincts so I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone."

"Of course I won't tell anyone. Who else knows?"

"Just you, me and Nathan."


"I don't think I should tell him." I said, looking at the floor.


"Didn't you ask me enough questions already?" I tried to avoid answering her question.

"Luciana, why?"

I sighed. "You know Alex knew about me being alive right?"

"I do, but what does that have to do with-"

I cut her off. "Nathan knows too and he's not very happy about it. He thinks that I have a higher regard for Alex than him because Alex knew and he didn't. So, I think it's better to not let Alex in on this."

"Okay, then. But why did Alex know about you being alive anyway?"

"The night of the mission, I got back to the agency, bruised and bleeding and it was Alex who helped me get to David's office."

"You couldn't have helped that, it wasn't your fault that Alex saw you! Did you tell that to Nathan?"


"Why not?"

"Because I want him to blame me, I want him to take his anger out on me. I told him what I had to do to get out of there and he didn't blame me because I'm his sister, at least this way he can take his anger out on me for it indirectly."

"Oh, Luciana you didn't have to do that." she said, feeling bad for me.

"I know, but I wanted to."

Suddenly my phone buzzed, making me jump.

It was David.


"Hey David, what is it?" I asked.

"Nothing that important. I wanted to let you know that tomorrow, while you're training the recruits, I will be coming to make an announcement."

"What announcement?" I questioned him.

"You will find out tomorrow."

"Did you call only for that?"

"Well, yes. Alright then, goodbye."

With that he ended the call.

"That was weird." I said, keeping my phone down.

"What did he say?" Amber asked.

"He said that he's going to make an announcement in the training room tomorrow."

"Why did he have to call you for that?"

I sighed. "I don't know."

I glanced at the clock. it was getting late.

"I'll leave then. Good night, Luciana."

I didn't realize I'd said that out loud.

She stood still for a moment and opened her mouth, as if to say something but decided against it. turns around and leaves, locking the door behind her.

I picked up the pill bottle and took one pill out. I just looked at it for a while, thinking of how such a small thing could make my nightmares go away.

Just a small pill.

And bye, bye nightmares.

It was all in the small things. The little details. How David always sent a note through someone or sent a message, but he never called. He hated calling people for some reason.

But he called me today.


Thinking about this, I placed the pill in my mouth and waited for the darkness to consume me.


"Good job, Cole, but with a little more practice you could do better." I said, crossing my arms.

Right now, I was in the training room watching Cole spar with Alex and pointing out his errors. And also waiting for David to come and make his mysterious 'announcement'.

I looked around and saw that everyone tired and sweating. Maybe it was time to call for a break. David will anyway be here in a little while.

I was about to message David and ask what was taking so long when I heard the door open. I glanced at it and saw it was David.

"Guys! Listen here! Take a break."

David made his way toward me and everyone else headed off to the corner of the room where the water bottles and a few snacks were kept.

"Hello, Luciana, how was training today?" he asked, folding his arms in front of him.

Something that he never did.

"It was fine. What was the announcement you were talking about last night?"

"Patience, Luciana."

I have to admit, my temper rose a bit when he said that.

"Do you want to announce it now or later?"

"Preferably, now." he said, looking down at his watch.

He never did that either, he thought it was wrong to look at your watch while talking to someone.

"Everyone, get here now! David has an announcement to make!"

Within a few minutes, everyone gathered in front of us, forming a semi-circle.

"What I am going to tell you now is very important, your training skills are going to be evaluated and the recruits with the top two positions will be allowed to go on," he paused and looked at me.

"The next mission with Luciana."