Chereads / The Honeymoon Suite / Chapter 13 - Gemini

Chapter 13 - Gemini


About an hour had past since I told Nolan about my mom. We found ourselves sitting down on the floor of the balcony looking up at the dark, star-painted sky. I let the back of my head sink into Nolan's shoulder as my back rested against him. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close. I was beyond embarrassed that he had seen me cry, but Nolan hadn't let go of me since. Normally I'd hate being touched so much by another person, but when it came to Nolan, I didn't mind. The fact that I didn't mind was a little terrifying, I wasn't used to wanting another person's touch. I could feel his slow breathing against me, and his soft breath against my ear. I couldn't think of anything more tranquil.

"It's kind of crazy how fast the sky changes," Nolan spoke.

A small smile formed on my face. Feeling the vibration of his voice laying against his chest brought me peace.

I looked up at the stars filling the sky above us.

"Look, it's The Little Dipper," I pointed.

I felt Nolan chuckle.

"You know constellations?" He asked.

"Well... no, that's the only one," I admitted.

One of Nolan's arms lifted from my waist, to point above us.

"Move a little over the the left, and you can see the Big Dipper, and see that one? How it kind of looks like two people?"

I nodded, and wrinkled my nose, the cool night air beginning to nip at it.

"That's Gemini."

Nolan wrapped his arm back around my waist as it was before.

"When I was a kid, my mom and I would look out our apartment window, studying the stars. When I saw Gemini, I said it looked liked the stars drew a picture of us holding hands. I remember saying it meant we would always be together, even in the sky," I could tell by Nolan's voice that he was smiling.

"I was pretty cheesy, huh?"

"Was?" I teased.

Nolan flicked my ear in retaliation.

"Ow!" I placed my hand on my ear.


I leaned back into Nolan, ignoring the ear flick.

"I like it though..." I admitted.

I felt Nolan's heart rate pick up.


I chuckled.

"It's cute," I sighed, content.

I felt Nolan's lips plant a quick kiss behind my ear which he had previously flicked.

"W-What was that for?" I asked, surprised.

"Because I wanted to," his usual soft and gentle voice had taken a more direct tone.

I felt Nolan rest his head on my shoulder from behind me.

I turned my head, about to speak, when I felt Nolan's arm pull me closer to him as he lifted his hand to my chin, kissing me.

Initially I was shocked, but soon found my eyes closing as I was filled with warmth. I could get used to this.

I slowly pulled away, our eyes meeting. I lifted my hand to his that held my chin.

"Nolan, your hands are freezing."

"I kiss you and that's what you say?"

"Well I don't want you catching a cold..."

I took both his hands in mine and placed them in my hoodie pocket, warming them up.

Nolan's heart beat increased in speed as I entwined our fingers underneath the fabric.

I felt Nolan's head fall forward against the back of my neck. Even though his hands were cold, his face was burning hot. I smiled at the thought of how red his flustered face probably looked right now. I wanted to see it, but figured he was already embarrassed enough.

I gently nuzzled my body against him, he did the same with his face against my neck. My heart skipped in my chest.

What am I going to do with him...


With each day my feelings for Reid grew more intense. What used to be a small crush has turned into real, true, feelings in only a handful of days. After tonight, we only had 2 more days left of our stay in the honeymoon suite. I desperately wanted more time.

Reid had been quiet for the past few minutes, his breathing had become deep and slow. Did he fall asleep?

"Reid?" I whispered.

No response. I smiled, this guy sure has a habit of falling asleep on me.

As slowly as I could, I put my arms under his legs and lifted him up. As tall as he was, I thought he'd be heavier.

I took us inside and laid him down in the bed. I carefully unlaced his shoes, taking them off, and pulled the covers over him - he was out cold. I guess all that crying really tired him out.

Almost as if it were instinct, Reid innocently hugged the pillow. My heart throbbed in my chest.

I thought about climbing into the bed with him, but stopped in my tracks.

Would he be okay with it? I mean we slept on the futon together before, so it should be fine, right? But what if he wakes up and sees me laying in the bed with him and gets weirded out?

I shook my head. Better to play it safe.

I reluctantly got under the covers of the pull out and sighed.

What would it be like to be able to sleep in a bed with Reid, without having to ask?

That would make us boyfriends.

My eyes shot open at the sudden thought.

I rolled over and stuffed my now-warm face into my cool covers.

We're not boyfriends, I know that much. Just like I know it's way too soon to even be asking about it. I mean, we don't even act like boyfriends!

I mean I really like him...

And we do cuddle sometimes...

And we flirt...

And kiss...

And sometimes fall asleep together...

...At this rate, my face is going to melt.

But we don't have sex! So we're not boyfriends!

I stuffed my face into my pillow, hating myself.

What kind of logic is that?

I squeezed my pillow, certain thoughts filling my head.

What would... it be like?

Reid's an amazing kisser, I couldn't help but wonder of he was experienced. I know I am with girls, but despite being bi, I've never been that way with a guy before...

What if I'm no good at it?

I rolled over, flat on my back, my thoughts spinning.

I've been told that I'm "sexy" before, but I don't feel like it.

Reid on the other hand...

His tall, lean body is always covered by his hoodie, leaving what's under it up to imagination, which somehow only added to his allure. His lip ring fits him so perfectly, and feeling the cool metal against my lips when we kiss was a sensation I'd never felt before, but I liked it a lot. His slim and long neck is somehow so attractive to me, sometimes I can't help but fantasize about kissing it...

Damnit, why does he have to be so hot?

I peaked my head up from the pillow and caught a glimpse of Reid, still fast asleep.

I wonder if maybe he thinks the same things?

I laid back down, and closed my eyes, sleeping felt impossible with so many thoughts running through my head, most less than innocent.

Then I came to a conclusion: I'm just horny.

I took my feelings and slapped the horny sticker on them, hoping it would resolve all of my problems - it didn't.

Even after writing off my desires as pure stimulation, I found myself wide awake and constantly thinking about it.

What a pain...