Chereads / I'm the Actual Villainess / Chapter 18 - The BookStore

Chapter 18 - The BookStore

"So what next?" Salem asked Kryta, who was whining a bit having little stamina to walk half the half the mile with the weight of the doll in her hand.

The two girls had made many detours since visiting the antique store. Picking up some snacks, little knick knacks, some charms, ect. Kryta took it upon herself to take the bags from Salem after seeing how tired she had gotten. The only thing keeping Salem from gaining a guilty conscience for using Reinhardt's money is the fact Novas has everything at a relatively low price. Why that is, is something Salem isn't gonna be too happy to learn about.

Kryta stopped to wait for Salem to catch up before answering her question, "We could head towards the bookstore like you suggested earlier?"

Salem nodded in agreement and sighed at the thought of how far the store is.


"Wow, it's quite tame…" Salem said under her breath to no one in particular.

The bookstore they had entered was, in Salem's words, quite "tame". It looked to be like every other bookstore, with their seven to eight feet shelves, two floors, colored in a cream pink color scheme, bright tinted lights giving a vibe of comfort.

Despite Salem's bit of disappointment, Kryta was quite amazed, no, to say that would be an understatement, she was rather astonished and surprised to see so many books at one place. The library at her little tower of isolation was nothing in comparison. And to hear the small mellow girl say this is nothing makes her wonder, "are there larger places than this? That would be absurd! This place is already huge as it is", she thought.

Once again, the little princess is lost in thought, and once again she is startled by a sudden tap on her shoulder. She looked down to see Salem squinting her eyes, "Care to look around? I got money"

Kryta looked at her with a rather surprised face, before chuckling to herself to see how small the girl is as she nodded.

The two girls stop hogging the entrance as they venture deeper into the bookstore.


Deeper they go, past the little gimmicks the store sells, past the little coffee stop in the center of the store, Deeper and Deeper, all over the first floor and onto the second floor.

Into Mystery twisted with Dystopian Colors and Societies. Many books, many ties, many stories, stories telling a tale full of the unknown, the hidden secret that may lie in the very open. A book of Mystery…. Is that what this is? No, this is certainly not a mystery novel! At least, not at my standards.

"Over here Kryta!" Salem quietly called out towards Kryta while holding a book, "This seems like a good read, no?"

Kryta who has been right across her, scouring the book titles for the search of interesting read, walked over to Salem as she peered over her shoulder to glance at the book.

"A Tale of Two…" Kryta read aloud, "It seems like a bland title to me"

Salem looked behind her to glare at the girl before turning to read the description, "A tale of two complete opposites, justice versus crime, crime versus justice, Justice versus Justice.

As a disiplined detective, a man of law, investigates the murder of a man, he connects the dots to a string of violence brought upon criminals and corrupt politeceans alike. It seems as if a vigilante began taking justice into their own hands.

With the backlash of media supporting said vigilante, and many copycat crimes coming to light, the detective is hit with a moral dilemma. Give into presure and side with the media, or stick to law and arrest the murder.

No matter which path he'll take, Justice will be served..."

"So?" Kryta shrugged.

"So? SO!? It seems interesting, no?" Salem said in shock.

"I mean, I guess"

"Screw you, I have money-"

Out they go into a variety of sections within the store,


"'For Tomorrow"

"Ha! It was written in 2008, none of that happened!"


"That's a thing?"

And with a wonder combination of dark horror, mystery,

"Hmm….That hits a bit too close to home, no?"


"I'm taking it"

And finally they reach the part store, Salem just dreads the most.

The one filled with Romance.

"Oh, it's romance!"

"Can we skip over this one?" Salem whined.

Kryta patted this girl's head, "Who knows, maybe we'll find an actual well written one?"

"You think?" Salem whimpered out.

Kryta sighed, "I really do think so", she said walking off to venture through the maze of bookshelves.

Salem groaned as she followed suit.

Like Kryta has stated, the amount of books for each genre is flabbergasting. Thousands and upon hundreds of books litter the place. It's not so futuristic design gives off a feeling of fiction, fiction within the real world. Something like this is something she would never have seen or thought back to her birthplace. This new era is so different from her own, it still shocks her to the core despite the many days of adapting she has gone through.

Strolling past the selves, glancing at the variety of book titles, grazing her fingertips upon the many book's spines. They say that a book's title is very important, maybe it has a hidden meaning, perhaps it tells an event bound to happen in the future or even in the past, it could even be the name of something or even be a quote said in the book!

Kryta looks at the many books full of romance as she thinks of her past. Back in her life of solitude, she did not have the luxury to obtain many books, even if she could commit many sinful heinous crimes, books were a big no no. It's actually laughable as her old servants would be willing to do many horrible things to the innocent under the guise of her orders. Sure, let's do what the lady wants and do other minor horrible things and blame every little thing on her if someone were to lift the veil. That still doesn't mean she wasn't at fault, she still was the worst, even if she didn't lift finger.

She sighed at the thought as she read and read the titles before she stopped upon one.

One that would bring change.

One with a laughable title telling the whole story plot without the many words.

One that lifted just but a small interest to our darling girl.

One she had no suspicions of.

"I Am The Only Daughter of The Solar King"

Solar King,

Solar King,

Solar King,

Just why does that sound familiar?

As she reached and grabbed hold of the books a loud sound went off.

A loud disant wailing yet booming sound full of red disaster, they were sirens-

Her thought was suddenly cut off as someone yelled, "EVERYONE GET DOWN"

She was about to turn to get hold of Salem, but before she could even turn around,

She blacked out.