Chereads / I'm the Actual Villainess / Chapter 22 - Stitched Sleep

Chapter 22 - Stitched Sleep

"Ah! OW! Watch it!" Salem winced in pain. Kryta was holding her leg in place as she did her best stitching Salem's wound. The act alone erupted some liquid out of it. Kryta could barely keep her composure as she did this but alas, she sucked it up and continued to do her best in closing the wound.

Salem grimaced at the sight of all the red all over Kryta, hardly believing it to come from her, "Have you ever had any practice with with this?"

Kryta stopped her work for less than a millisecond to take the time to glare at her acquaintance before going back to work, "No, not quite. I do have experience in sewing some very difficult pieces in the past if that makes you feel any better,"

Salem said nothing, instead groaning in pain and annoyance in response. Leaning back into the broken wall, Salam gave away to pain and looked up into a hole up in the ceiling and ceiling above and the one above that, and so on, she peered through it and up into the night sky. The moon shined ever so brightly down on them, that was the reason Kryta was able to see her work.



"What happened back there?" Salem's words got quieter the more she spoke.

Kryta paused once again, hardly noticeable if they weren't in such a tedious place, she opened her mouth as if she was about to speak, if so, the words never left her mouth. Kryta's eyes narrowed as she gripped Salem's leg tighter and continued her work.

Salem frowned and fell back even further into the cold cracked wall. She sees Kryta doesn't want to talk about it either. But what else is there to talk about when in such a disaster? So, Salem keep pestering the girl.

"Kryta…..Do you know what that thin-"

"No, no I don't" Kryta abruptly said, "It was the first time in my life I ever saw such thing"


"Do you want me to finish or not?"


The rest of the night was just Kryta finishing stitching both sides of Salem's wound and fading off into thought with Salem humming some tunes and reminiscing of the past.

"You know, I once had a sister" Salem said out of the blue, "An older sister to be precise. You see, before I met Reinhardt, I had my 'family'. My deadbeat father, cowardice mother, and my sister who was always full of conviction. We lived in a city, one completely opposite of Deaor, one full crime and scum of the earth. With that being said, one day my parents did something awful, something no parent should ever do. What they did caused me and my sister to land into the hands of a very mean man. Things happened and the next thing I knew, there were loud bangs and the sound of screaming. During the chaos, some of the man's men grabbed my sister and some of the other children that were with us. That was the day I met Reinhardt"

A moment of silence went by before being broken by a girl with bloody hands.

"That's unfortunate?....." Kryta said in an attempt to console the girl, albeit very confused.

"Unfortunate? Wow you really have no social skills do you?" Salem chuckled.

"Hey! What am I supposed to say? 'Sorry that you got separated from your sister that you may as well sentence dead'?" Kryta said to defend herself from such serious allegations.

"Na-NOTHING! HAHA!" Salem laughed out loud, "You know! I would usually get mad if someone said that to me but the way you said it!"

"What do you mean the way I said It" Kryta grew bitter by the second, "Look at that! You're laughing so hard you can't even speak!"

The two bickered for the rest of the time while awake before resting in the rundown arts and crafts store from the cruel elements outside.

Kryta dreams were filled with pastel green and with nice hueful sunflowers. Salem on the other hand, were filled with little snippets of the past

Salem woke up in the middle of the night. Sleep always came hard for her and sleeping on such cold rocky flooring wasn't helping either.

A sigh escaped her lips as she stared at the girl next to her. She looked up at the hole in the ceiling to see the moon. It was very bright tonight.

"Th-the shadow?" Kryta mumbled.

The monster turned around to reveal it's form from under the black cloak.

Salem turned towards Kryta in confusion, "Shadow? Kryta! Do you know-"

Kryta pushed her down. The 'thing' turned to look directly at them. Kryta had a look in face, one of fear and familiarity. Salem was about to say something before Kryta curled up and held her head. She seemed in pain.

Salem trembled from the cold gust of wind that brushed against her feet. Kryta shifted in response. Blankets would be nice….Oh. Salem just remembered, the store they were in was a crafts store, any good one would have large amounts of fabric.

Salem slowly began to rise from the uneven floor and stood up on her legs. She winced at the flash of pain and aching at her right calf. Limping over towards the fallen shelves, Salem leaned down and pushed some of the rubble out the way to search for some fabric. Any thick fabric would do.

And….There it is! She pulled some soft warm fabric off some pole. It was much more than she needed but more is better than nothing.

Salem coughed as more wind snuck through the gaps in concrete. Her shaking got worse. With that, Salem pushed herself back to where her companion was laying and draped the makeshift dirty blanket over the girl then herself.

Not the most perferable method of sleeping, but hey, it works either way.

"How is it that we didn't think of something so simple!?" Kryta groaned into her palms, "Of course the store would have cloth!"

Salme slightly grinned the girl's misery, "Well, we were in a such a predicament"

"....I suppose you're right. Hmm, Were did you get the fabric anyway? I could use some to patch up my skirt and make some kind of coat or shirt, being seen in a camisole isn't desirable at all" Kryta asked with a flushed look on her face.

Salem pointed towards some fallen shelves, some pushed over reveal some rather dusty fabric.

Kryta whispered a quiet thank you and made her way towards the fabric's location. She pushed some stone out of the way with ease and took her time choosing what to use. White, Green, Black, and Blue, these were colors that covered her skin.