Chereads / I'm the Actual Villainess / Chapter 26 - Why was my Sister?

Chapter 26 - Why was my Sister?

"Hey Salem! Don't I just look absolutely divine in this dress?"

A loud clicking sound could be heard in the hallways of the facility.

"I do believe I did well. I mean, if I didn't, why did the audience clap louder for 'my' performance?"

They got louder and louder as it began to pick up pace.

"Must be something you did, he never picks favorites in the pen"

Lying in the infirmary was Kryta in what appears to be an everlasting sleep.

"Why didn't I help you? I tried! It isn't my fault I'm too good for him!"

Her head is in pain, she can't see, hear, or think. What a strange yet familiar state she was in. It wasn't long after that did she slip back into unconsciousness.

"Let me tell you a story…."

"I'll love you for an eternity, to the future, past, and present. Even if it didn't seem like it, I really did my best to keep you safe…."

A monster was nearing or should I say she was nearing a monster. Salem was walking down towards where the facility held their prisoners.

"No matter what happens today, we'll be together for always, I mean, just look at my eyes! Cyan, just like yours!"

Oh how it hurts to think of her last words, her words without her vanity. How cruel she was for leaving her in doubt. She left her in guilt. Was she really that bad or was it all in her head.

"I forgot my bow! He gets mad when I-" Salem yelled out in panic causing the two to halt their escape.

"Silence," Närrin said in a tone so empty it scared the young girl, "I'll go get it, just keep running and don't stop no matter what. You need to go find the woman who carries the light"

"What about you!"

"I'll meet you there," Närrin told her weeping darling sister, "remember what I said this morning?"

Salem shook her head.

"We aren't sisters" Närrin once said in time so long ago, "I'm First! You're Second!"

The parents were there to hear Närrin's words yet said nothing. They couldn't slip, not for one second.

"You're gonna die!" Närrin said mockily," You're gonna die Salem"

It was only when their daughter was crying did they say something.

"Närrin!" the father said all while grimincing for the face she had was in disappointment.

"What? It's true, everyone dies someday!" the girl scowled , "Oh my little baby sister! Be happy! She dies before you do! Who am I talking about? I don't know!"

Närrin was never a good sister. She would always make Salem cry. In all of her memories with her sister, there never was one where she wouldn't cry. It wasn't the best feeling but even after all that they were after all still sisters.

"We'll always be together no matter what. I'll follow you to the ends of the universe to find you, I'll go back to Old, Middle, and New just for you! Just look in my eyes!"

Salem didn't say anything but cry a bit more. Crying was all she did when the two were together.

"I promise"

Närrin was never a good sister but she was never the worst. She helped her escape that place. It was also at that very moment did Salem see right through her, she was confused, confused about what Salem wasn't sure, all she knew was that her sister was confused and that made her cry harder.

Salem tried objecting, trying to say that she'll go herself but Närrin had already pushed her away and ran into the flaming tunnel.

Salem was never a good sister. She did not hesitate when Närrin pushed her to run. Not once did she turn back in worry. Even when she grew tired she still ran through the labyrinth of tunnels. The only thing that kept the young child from faltering was the hope she would see the light her sister promised. I mean, her sister never did lie, right?

She only ever lied once that Salem was aware of, Närrin never did come back. Reinhardt was unable to find her nor the dozen other children. Why did she go to retrieve the bow? She was so much smarter than that to now doing so would only cause her demise. What did she see?

The clicking intensified and grew louder and went on in no discernible pattern.

The man behind the bars awakened the moment they stopped right in front of his make-shift cell. A short shadow full of fear and anger loomed over the man, but those feelings dissipated the moment a flashlight turned on illuminating the cell.

"You aren't Daisies…W-Who are you? Wh-why-" Salem stuttered out.

"Daisies? And what is it that you're going on about?" the man asked, "Listen, I just happened to see my daughter and freaked out, so why don't you go to that officer lady and tell her it was all a misunderstanding."

Salem's breath hitched as gazed down at the kneeling man with a contorted look on her face.

"A M-Misunderstanding? Is that what all of this is? Just a misunderstanding? There was a mass kidnapping, a disater happended, there was a monster, then Reinhardt came back smelling li-like-like daisies. Who are you?"

The man just looked at her, "I might be able to answer your questions 'if' you let me out"

"An-and why would I do that? Reinhardt looked you up for a reason! Kryta isn't waking up."

He whistled and chuckled at the mention of Kryta and asked, "Is that what you call her, Kryta?"

Salem didn't say anything as she stepped back and away from the cell. She overstayed her visit long enough, she wasn't even supposed to be here in this part of the facility. This man was not going to be any use to her anyway.

"I sho-should go…"

However, before she got to leave, she felt a hand on her leg. She turned around and saw the man's hand stretched out, holding on to her leg in place.

"Le-Let go!" Salem loudly demanded all the while the man tried getting a better look at her face.

There was a moment of silence as the man just stared into Salem's eyes, " …Blue eyes….Wait! You're that girl's little sister aren't ya? What was her name? Närrin?"

Salem froze when she heard her sister's name being said aloud but that wasn't the reason why she looked so upset. Närrin's eyes, their eyes are the color of pure cyan, they were never blue.

He let go of her leg and began to speak, "She was quite the awful one don't you think? She was one of few who he saw as equals, despite being so much younger than him"

"You know my sister? Do you know where she is? Does Daisies have anything to do with this?" Salem finally let out all her questions to this man.

It's been so long since Salem had heard any news relating to her sister. Maybe this man will give her the answers she longed to hear. She'll tell Reinhardt and then they could find her at last.

"I know her all too well! She was the one to help Noah and I take the other kids outta that damned place for good. Place was swarming with Police from Deaor, we never did find how they found us though."

"Please answer my other questions"

"Listen here kid, I don't know where your sister is. Last time I saw her was a few years back in Fourth, she, Noah, and I were planning to go to Fifth to sell some 'things' there. But as luck would have it, the two left me stranded there with dozens of kids while taking every bit of our resources. I'm telling you kid, there is a reason that the entirety of Fourth is nature preserve, animals there are nothing like those from Old." the man stopped for a second to think, "I don't know anyone who goes by 'Daisies' though… Were you one of the kids that escaped that day?"

Salem didn't say anything but the answer was quite obvious.

"The only ones who worked for Noah were me and these other guys but they were never around the kiddos, Noah wouldn't let them. Besides, there is no way Noah would ever hire some guy named 'Daisies'...Unless….."

"Unless what?"

A veil of tensity and uncertainty covered the facility's prison hall as the man thought.

"What is your name?"

"W-Why do you need to know?"

"Noah was the type to have favorites and he in particular happened to really like this one little girl…Did you know her name was Salem? Do you know her?"


Salem wasn't sure what to say at this point, was Noah the one she feared her entire life? And what was that about her sister with that man? Why was she with him when she knew more than anyone the pain and horror she had to face because of that man?

"You know that I know who you are right?"

Salem didn't say anything, that was enough to answer all the man's questions. This girl was the sister of the small lady made up of nightmares.

"I'm going to go now…"

Not even a millisecond after Salem finished her sentence the man spoke up once again, "Let me out, I need to see Emily"