Chereads / I'm the Actual Villainess / Chapter 19 - First

Chapter 19 - First

"Have fun girls!" Reinhardt loudly exclaimed as she drove off, leaving the two girls to venture through a large variety of shops.

"What to do, what to do…" Reinhardt muttered under breath as she drove onto upcoming traffic. She sighed at the sight, as she pressed her forehead onto the wheel. It'll be a long wait for the lanes to clear up.

She looked at the empty passenger seat. Salem wasn't with her. This would be the longest distance she had left Salem, for where she was going was somewhere far, far from the city's heart and away from the Deaor's borders. Reinhardt did say she pay Owen a dear visit, for what? She herself isn't too sure, he never did specify what he wanted to talk to her about over the phone. A mist of suspicion lingered over her after the phone call leading her to where she is now.

On a busy highway, filled with heavy traffic, dreading the choice she made by leaving her daughter. Though this wouldn't be the first or only time she had left Salem alone, it would however be the first time she lied about her whereabouts, the first time since they first met.

Her first promise towards the juvenile would be the cause of so much pain and guilt that weighs her down. Like a monster growing with every passing day, this monster grows with every thought, with every time she remembers her very meaningful first words that would change the young girl's life forever.

"We'll find her"

That's what she told the six year old girl.

They never did find her.

It isn't even the fact they couldn't find her that weighs heavy on her, it's the fact she couldn't care less about her. They didn't try hard enough to her or the other missing girls. It's not like they didn't care, it's just that they had other things to focus on. Like the current victims and people they could help!

….Had they tried hard enough, they could in fact have found her if they even tried. Salem wouldn't be the way she is if they had found her. Reinhardt could have been taking care of three little joys right now at this current time rather than two if she had even tried.

What even was her name? What did Salem say it was? Ari? Nara?

Reinhardt sighed as the car behind her honked at her to pay attention to the now progressing traffic.

Well, there is no use dwelling on the pass now is there? All she could do now is drive and focus on the road ahead.


"So, what was so important you had to take me out of Novas? Ya' know, like miles away from the safety of Deaor?" Reinahrdt asked, quite unnerved.Just right when she arrived at their meeting point, Owen had asked her to take them out of Novas and to some countryside.

Owen peered around their surroundings. Reinhardt had parked the rented car on the side of the road. She leaned on the car as she waited for Owen to answer her question.

"I wanted to talk about the case with the Third with you, without Deaor supervision" he finally answered.

"And why is that?" Reinhardt asked, despite being tense and a bit on edge, she was willing to hear him out. The case and many conspiracies revolving around the current situation with the Third is astounding. Upon hundreds, thousands, millions even! There is much unknown about the current situation going there besides the facts released to the media by the First. Not even the people with the highest ranking among the government within the Second or Fourth are unable to get any information of what's going on nor get any updates on the Third. All that is known is that the Third is currently under investigation for illegal human experimentation, a problem so large that the First began to intervene.

At least, that is what they claimed.

"With the current things going on, we can no longer ignore the current problem with the Third. The Vanishing! Millions of people among the Second, Fourth, and Fifth combined have gone missing. Just up and gone overnight, seemingly overnight! Not just that, a majority are a bunch being people with great knowledge of neuroscience, ophthalmologists-"

Reinhardt interrupted him to give her input, after all that was the reason Owen brought her over, to help point out any holes in his thinking, she may not be good at it but she helps, "But that was a very small percentage, less than five percent! If that was the basis for what every victim had in common, then what about the countless minors that have taken from their parents! Those who had to give up their future to support their families! What about them?"

"The human experimenting! That is the reason Third is undergoing lockdown" Owen had restated before asking Reinhardt , "Do you know why the First still remains as the most advanced of the ten and bursting with power over the nine?"

Reinhardt thought for a moment, that was a question she never gave much thought into. Living in Deaor you're taught to never question the authority of your superiors, and by superiors they always mean Deaor itself. However, the authority Owen wanted her to question wasn't Deaor, it was the First. And everyone knows, no matter where they lived, no matter the planet the resided in, no how much power they gained over their lifetime, they all know, we all know, to never question the First, don't speak badly of the First, better yet, don't even think of the First, just don't.

"To answer your question, no, I in fact don't know why and really shouldn't be asking, and secondly, what in your right mind thinks it's a good idea to say such stuff?!" she quickly questioned the man next to her. She really began feeling agitated, a feeling she hasn't felt since she first began working in her line of work.



Owen nodded, "Perspectives is the way we see, think, process things. What happens if we somehow change the way people see the world, if so, how would that affect the mental state of people, skill set, you get the point. You see, that was the exact question the 'First Saint' asked himself when the First began to be domesticated. So along with him and thousands of others began the ALUEROUX Foundation-" before he could continue, Reinhardt had once again interrupted him.

"ALUEROUX…..! As in ALUEROUX Hospitals!"

ALUEROUX was a healthcare company originated from the First that spread towards the five along, dominating the healthcare industry until it was on top of all other companies. Since ALUEROUX was a First established company with otherworldly technology, medical care there could be quite expensive. As so, only the wealthy could afford such expensive healthcare, the poor, well, being poor meant little money, little money meant you couldn't manage to obtain the best healthcare out there.

The hospital Emi-KRYTA! The hospital Kryta had been admitted, where she had been examined, and the mental health clinic, was all ALUEROUX, the healthcare company that came from the First, the-

It was Reinhardt's turn to be interrupted.

"Correct. ALUEROUX originally came to be to experiment with the brain and vision to get this 'ideal' perspective, and well, as you can see, they succeeded. I don't exactly know how this whole perspective thing works but they use it somehow to advance as a civilization and its key to their success"

".....Perspective you say?" She stretched out, "You do realize you sound like a madman. And hypothetically saying if what you say is true…. How did you even obtain such information from such a heavily guarded place!?" Reinhardt exclaimed in confusion.

The First was basically Deaor, but more protected, strict, with more limitations in place, and established thousands of years prior to the domestication of Second! Not only that, the only way to enter the First is with permission of the council and the last time anyone was ever granted permission was more than a decade ago! So how did Owen obtain the knowledge he did?

Owen paused for moment, thinking carefully how he should answer his companion, "Well-"

But before he could speak, the ground shook. The sudden movement beneath Reinhardt caused her to fall to her knees, Owen grabbed onto the car.

"O-OWEN!?" Reinhardt shouted over the loud noise made from the planet tearing itself apart

As soon as it came, it stopped,