Chereads / The Answer. / Chapter 55 - The Attack Begins

Chapter 55 - The Attack Begins

Targeted for capture, those with but a basic relation to the Requiems had no choice but to step aside as the soldiers barged into their homes. Waving their rifles around aimlessly, the barrels firing off tranq darts into the shoulders of the Hunter of Justice's daughters, the visiting Mary and her mother Charlie fell in unison. Moaning sleepily, they fell onto one another, soundly snoring, a duo of soldiers about to carry the duo of mother and daughter out. Though, as soon as they spun around, what they were met with was the slaughtered company of his comrade. Boot against the nape of the massacred Captain, the tearing of bones and blood was heard as a splash of gore dirtied the wooden floors further. Rising with it, the shadow of the sun darkening his face and all that above, Jason's crimson illuminated eyes pierced the souls of the military. Skin cracking, steam emitting off from his limb, all that remained was the truth of his inside. A galaxy-like hand that pulsed a beam of plasma through the chests of his enemy, the crimson nebula implanted on his space-tinted palm losing its illumination. Scoffing as the soldiers fell, hearts destroyed, Jason caught the two girls in his arms,

"I knew it.."

Every single Earth in the Multiverse, those in power will always turn out to be corrupt, no matter the cost. Throwing his wife and daughter over his shoulder, his skin reattached over his bones, giving him the guise of a regular human. Red lightning trailing from his feet, soles burning up as the bottom of his feet leaked off the flesh so that only the bottom layer of epidermis would become visible- Jason Rivera made his way to the Academy. Leaving behind a bloodied massacre, one soldier impaled on the wall to the right of the entrance, another's guts hanging from a propeller of the fan embedded onto the ceiling. Those entrails gradually having mini droplets of blood as they strangled the human they previously belonged to, a whole pile of them in the backyard. Limbs were strewn about as crows came to peck and ingest their exposed organs, the emerald blades' past vibrant green coloration replaced by the dirty ruby red.

Kicking the desk she'd been ordered to stay behind so it'd squish the puppets of the Government against the metallic door, she pushed out her arms and cracked her knuckles. Lavender-like purple aura flowing throughout her soul, extending to her anatomy as her extremities illuminated with that same palette's hue, the Empress of Light whispered,

"It's been too... long!"

Running forward, all that was left behind was a neon streak she created, warping behind the door so she could be thrown into the office's never ending hallway split across into a plus sign from above. There was a whole team of men waiting for her to leave, firing as they spotted her body before they exploded in a ball of guts, bits, brain matter, and limbs from the inside. Ready to grab at the throat of another officer, the edges of her fingers each dug into the throat of him. Frying everything up from his esophagus up to his brain so it'd go flying out from the rear of his skull, she lifted him and threw warped to the right end hallway. Throwing the deceased veteran into one of his unaware allies so the duo of dead and living could go flying out from the glass window, Madisyn heard the wisping of a bullet as it went flying through the air. Widening her eyes, she instinctively unzipped the Blanketed reality she commanded, falling back into it. Shocked by this move, the unnamed man pressed his main fingers against the earpiece so his teammates below could register his voice,

"This is Captain Olmos, requesting backup-"

The audio that related to her power-! Unsheathing his knife, his movements were too slow, he was just fast enough to witness the younger and superior Empress step out from the zipper of her light dimension. A plasma sword puncturing his heart, she released her grip from the handle, watching with satisfaction in her eyes as his body fell. A pool of frosty gore liquifying the clothing he'd worn, Madi knew... this was the beginning of the end for them. Her ear picking up the sound of the elevator slowly reaching this floor, Rivera rose her arms and readied a bow and arrow. Composed entirely of plasma, pulling back the string, the projectile manifesting quickly in the middle of the weapon. Closing her left eye, the words of the mother she'd lost all those decades ago, the moment she'd died-

"Be better than me,"

But how could she ever truly live up to such expectations? In the end, Jessica Rivera was the one who'd raised her, the mother that she'd wished to have lived... would she approve of all of this? Searching for some sort of blind excuse in her mind, the tears in the corner of her eyes pushed out from inside of her eyeballs. Biting the base of her lip, blood pouring to hit the ground, the Empress held her head in anguish. Head shaking from side to side, bullets soaring out from the barrels of firearms hitting the heated air around her burning so they'd revert to ash.

Was... all of this...




A voice on the edge of breaking, a spark lit in the depths of her heart, the memories fading. Her soul lighting aflame with Dark Determination, the ball in the center of her optics, the Empress of Light unleashed a flurry of plasma and dark matter, chaotically moving, tearing their flesh off in droves. Chunks burning as the invisible tendrils charred them, the moment their skulls were revealed- their bodies turned to ash as their skeletons shivered. The epidermis' crimson meat shifting to an ashy blackened shade, there was only one feeling Madisyn could remember in all of her years adrift in this godforsaken abundance of Universes.


BOOOMMMM! Coming crashing down onto itself, the floors twisted against one another, a mix of debris and shards of glass killing several innocents. Bodies squished, some stabbed. The mission was a failure, Madi limping as she made her way up the pale stairs to the entrance of the educational center... she just needed... to make sure... it was time...!

But she wasn't the only one. Standing in a row ready to be executed, Madisyn spotted the remainder of her friends and family with their arms to the sky. Scoffing at this sight, the demands of the soldiers to get into line were disregarded, another wave of plasma emanating out from her body. Matthew Miller could sense the power oozing off of her body, throwing himself over the blonde Priestess, yelling to everyone loudly one word that held so much meaning...


A large barrier of ice swiftly formed over everyone previously held up by the Army, strengthened by pieces of metal from parked cars behind them, and a telekinetic barrier. Mei, Matt J., with Blaire Rivera holding it up- another wave of plasma shaving off pieces of the energy concealing themselves from Mei's mother. Until... the sounds halted, all that remained were the pained groans echoing out from their burned vocals, the shield breaking as soon as this audio hit Miller's ears. The sight was there, the white-haired Requiem Reaper holding his unconscious Empress aunt in his arms, audibly chortling at the sight of everyone uniting... Mei, Beau, Matt Johnson, Matthew Miller, Ella, Sammy, Blaire, Jason, Mary, and Charlie. Those who were missing, he knew their locations, unworried of how they were doing. Beckoning his family to him, August smugly demanded,

"Come in,"

Carrying Madisyn, throwing her onto a bed in the med bay, everyone regrouped in the cafeteria, the situation from the Invasion mirroring itself. Scoffing at this sight, Azazel waved to everyone, standing with Sammy at the front behind a screen- the Major Arcana around situated in tables and sets. It was safe to say from the lack of other supernatural teenagers that they'd been sent to their homes to spend time with their families. Oddly enough, not at the request of the Headmaster, of all people- but none other than the Fool Detective Prince,

"Is this everyone?"

Asked Sammy, stepping over to wrap her arm around the head of her adopted daughter, holding her close to her chest as she pressed her lips against the peak of her head. To which none other than Matt intervened, pushing August from out of the way, so he could explain who they were missing,

"Emma and Gen hadn't come with us, none of us know if they were attacked. And even if they were, they didn't come with everyone else and meet up in front of the Academy,"

"They're still at home, you old dumbass,"

Stated the Reaper bluntly, Miller, infused with the power of both the Smoldering Chariot and his abilities, was about to grab the snowy-haired August. Before he was punched right across the face, leading to the Magician backing away and stumbling as he held his cheek in agony,

"What was your plan if Aunt Madi didn't come and help you all out? What, we were all supposed to kneel over and give ourselves over to those corrupt assholes? Never give in, no matter what, whatever useless bullshit any of these stupid people you call your parents drilled into you; ignore it! They are the enemy, through and through... I thought we all learned that the hard way with Kuno,"

Downtraught by the wake-up call, Karlo couldn't help but smile at his rival's display. The duo staring at one another and agreeing with a simple nod, Sammy dejectedly sighed at the words the Reaper had thrown at them all. After everything, they'd tried to make peace with the Government, after Nyarlathotep, after Kuno... none of them wanted it to be true. They just wanted them to be in the right for once, that was their job, right? To protect those and preserve the security for their civilians.

"August's right. We've been hoping for things to change, but that's just not the case. As long as we remain more powerful than them, we'll never be accepted by them. Suck up the bullshit and remain vigilant, they're not our friends, they never were, and they never will be. This world is twisted and ridden with horrible people. And believe it or not, we're that same sort of people. We've all killed, some for right reasons and some for 'wrong' ones. But the result remains the same, we fight for justice and each other; no matter what, and despite our differences, we must reach the clouds and eradicate the angels above. Not to mention... anyone else who comes in our way-"

"I'm so glad to see you all unite for such a common goal; no matter how feeble and horrible it must be,"

That voice belonged to none other than the President himself, everyone gasping and widening their eyes in shock. About to question how this occurred, now he'd been able to eavesdrop on everyone and hack into such secure communications. That was; until she entered the room, Artemis, falling over as she entered the cafeteria short circuiting. Her nape bursting and revealing her overridden controls, Ella sped over, whispering to the AI,

"Are you okay?"

"Need... new... vessel..."

Now, with El escorting Artie to the Headmaster's office so she could be suited with a new body, everyone went back to the President. The oddest thing was... August recognized the environment he was surrounded by, not the White House's office. Taking Azazel by the arm so they could be transported across the world, their spirits were dropped in none other than...

Ben Rivera's Penthouse.

Appearing beside the master bed, the Reaper, with the Detective could see the whole sight the man in power had censored for them. Seated at the left edge belonging to the mattress, the muscular Official examined the Emperor's unconscious body. Vitals steady, heartbeat regular, Jason was seen dragging his feet into the room holding his sisters on his back. Skid marks burning the carpet, Cecilia throwing herself onto her son so she could cry and sob into his chest...

"He's been like this ever since I got here. Tried hitting him, he didn't kill me. Tried burning him, it didn't do anything to the bed or him. It seems like he's dead but... his vitals are fine,"

Karlo widening his eyes in surprise, recognizing the phenomenon to be the same thing the rival by his side had explained just a few hours ago- there was no doubting it. None of them would wait any longer, and Ben had taken the first step to eradicate humanity's enemies,

"Parkki, my baby brother... has gone to Heaven on his own... to slaughter them all,"

Jason informed the man, to which the President sighed, fingers rubbing his eyes and rising as Alex stared having last appeared with everyone else crowding the room. Raising a finger to stop everyone from killing Leon Parkki right then and there, August had come to a quick decision,

"We need to come to a truce-"

"What do you suggest we do, Augustus?"

Everyone had turned to him, the President's question becoming the precedent for this event, with him in the spotlight- he realized; this was the same thing Kuno had informed him, Genesis, and Azazel about 15 years ago. Someone with more power and influence, or maybe someone braver than everyone else, will always lead those weaker. Clapping at a theatre... and the President was the first one. Though this was not the time for such mind games, all he needed to do was... unfortunately, do what was needed of him. Madi and Jason sending their nephew a confident nod, August suggested strongly, Dark Determination flaring in his eyes,

"We help him. Kill them all without hesitation, and take back everything they took from us. That is... our destiny,"

And with that, The United State's President and the Requiem Reaper formed a truce among the Requiems and the World. The Extinction Task Force couldn't wait, and there was no time to waste on petty rivalries so that one side could have more power and lose to the enemies. Though it was true that they hated one another, the Superhumans and the President agreed on one thing...

Heaven's Repent.


Above the clouds, where freedom was thought to lay, there were entities far beyond human comprehension. Angels disguised with devil's faces, thought to be just, had waged a secret war on the humans from afar. Having slaughtered thousands for the sake of The Author's false ideals, they now dealt with their conflict, free of their manipulations but a result of a blind and stupid decision made three years ago when the demons were unleashed. Though they were unleashed onto Earth as planned, the wave first leaked onto Heaven, with Uraku fleeing down below to the humans to regenerate from the overwhelming horde of monsters. However, those were past events, and here, in the present- they'd finally been ready for a counterattack.

Their jaws chomped down on the souls of those Angels who'd attempted to come here on their own, trying to free their proud homeland of the demonic tyranny. Their efforts were for naught, their immaterial bodies absorbed by a yellow golden light, shifting its shape to a simple stream. Zapping and twisting as it zoomed into the sky, the body was given to another proud Angelic soul from Earth, as the soul that slid down the throat of the atrocity was sent down the fiery depths of Hell. To forever be gnawed and chewed on via the new Queen's commands.

In the wreckage of the once-great Capital, it wasn't just one of these otherwordly creatures, no. A plentiful amount was wandering about, some freakishly tall as their feet stomped and crushed survivors hidden in abandoned locales. Abruptly, one of these Giants was met with a familiar stench that crawled up its nostrils. The energy that belonged to that of a Child of God; Omni, the most delicious meal a demon could ever come across. Some of their abominable allies were thrown and crushed, bodies and bones reforming as they cracked back into place. Following the Giant, a singular demon using its wing to hover beside the Giant, branding a trident previously belonging to the slaughtered Demon King- a mindless pure abomination tore off the roof of the abandoned destroyed building the scent had been coming from. And there he was, blackened flowing hair moving around with the energy around him, the Giant readied to squeeze out the Omni from his insides- until the Temple's Guardian revealed the cut on his flat palm. Recognizing the slice with a slowed reaction time, the Giant, along with the Archangel turned winged demon, covered their heads so they wouldn't immediately burn up.

From what, you ask? Of course... none other than the explosion. Purple pupils glistening with the galactic vigor within him, Uraku's immaterial spiritual form was broken down and destroyed as the truth was unveiled. A shockwave was unleashed from his soul, the skin cracking, with steam emitting from the bones as all that remained was the true form of the Temple's Guardian. Most of the demons in that area were charred and wiped out instantaneously, their charred immaterial bodies swiftly decomposing as their souls descended quickly to the realm below. The piece of the city detached from the anchors it was bound to on the cloud, watching as it fell from the Heavenly realm, the Giant and the Winged Demon watched as they rose with one another. Glancing as the smoke began to clear, the burning buildings and embers hovering to the sky, hitting the clouds to the peak of his head. Legs moving with his arms by his sides, Uraku strutted, with every strong step he made, another wave of plasma was sent throughout the wreckage. His snowy flowing hair attached to the top of his 'skull' visible with stars in the white tint, the Hierophant creepily and lazily moved forward. Carelessly crushing any would-be survivors in the city he was stomping through, demonic bodies launching into the air before they were caught in his palms. Staying in his palm ready to crush its bones and send it right back down to hell, he took a step back, pulling his arm back, the emotionless glare on his face visible. Throwing himself forward for but a moment, the crushed immaterial form of the demon had been chucked with extreme force. The Red Giant scoffed at this sight of the projectile heading its way, roar echoing throughout the location, Uraku readied his fists. Knuckles radiating with that signature lavender-like tint belonging to the plasma he'd thrown out from his heels- the Giant widened his eyes at the sound coming from behind it. Twisting back quizzically, the abundant army of demons crawled out like cockroaches from the corners of the wrecked city. Gazing at the sight of a bullet heading for the ground, movements slow as the flames deliberately spread throughout the entirety of Its body- the Aether slammed with an intense force to the ground. Burning up the remains of the destruction so it could fly out, the Demiurge's crazed laughter entered the spirit realm. Commenting signature from someone like the ambiguous Watcher,

"Did you... truly think, we'd let scum like you keep moving around? Your disgusting race was born to be destroyed... abominations!"

The Giant's primitive intelligence was shown in this movement, its nape destroyed, the projectile of its inferior demon destroying the neck from the rear. Pentagram pupils widening at the hit from the back, Uraku took another step forward, the winged demon momentarily distracted with the two angelic enemies coming from both sides. Without a way to choose, it accepted its fate, a foot-stomping and crushing its bones externally showing no sense of hesitation for the soul of this pitiful chosen one. And now, with the giant falling, about to face plant on its front, the Demiurge's vocals declared loudly,


The punch that came into contact with the left side of its face leading to its flesh sliding onto the knuckle of the ambiguous Demiurge, a slip of its crimson skin pushing onto Its fist. Closing Its extremities, and chuckling at the sight, the Aether watched in excitement as the proud candidates followed in Its footsteps. Descending from the skies brandishing golden weaponry they were given especially for this assignment, their bones snapping and twisting their spines in half. Leading to wings popping out, blood at the tips for each of the feathered levitation devices, the angels cleansed and wiped their dirtied tools prime and ready for war. Multiple zipping past the Children's faces, some breaking the sound barrier as they cut up a mindless pair roaming the destroyed streets. A singular slice from the tip of an Omni-energy imbued blade cutting them right in half, that same angel spread out his wings. Halting his movements, yellow eyes darting to the left and right in a quickened manner, he rose and elongated the sword he held. Using it to drive the tip into the right cheek of the incoming mindless monster from the left, fusing the other that came at a later time from the right. Others weren't as skilled, getting a simple stab through the brain as they came in charging from above- before they were caught by the side of the neck. Landing on a nearby piece of debris aimed at the back of Uraku, the monster bit down on the flesh, sending the soul to Hell before another experienced soldier came charging in. Bursting through the creature's insides from the outside, the soldier was momentarily covered with the gore and fluids belonging to that thing's insides. A beam of fire lighting that angel aflame, she was sent clawing at her face and crying loudly in agony before dropping dead, burns seeping to her soul as they engulfed that spirit wholeheartedly.

That was when a single soldier had landed gently beside the female soldier, to which his lengthy locks moved with his soft movements. His palm against her cheek, he threw away his weapon, raising his fists and readying for a simple brawl with the incoming fiery demon. Pushing his teeth together, blood leaking from the recent wound he'd gotten on the right side of his head, his ear hitting the ground as it fell out from his palm. Fists illuminating with the determined spirit of a soldier fighting for justice, there was no mistaking the look in the center of his optics. This was no soldier, not anymore, at the very least; but a warrior readied and hardened by the spoils of war. Monsters leaping and emerging from the ground to perch on some of the rubble, fangs leaking the sun's radiation from the shine of their teeth.

Determined to see this through, so he could return home to his destined land, the warrior angel let out an echoing warcry to the spirit realm. Charging forward, a singular flap from the feathered wings on his back sending him forward, a gust of wind launching him like a projectile. Bending his body, twisting it in mid-air so the latter half of his anatomy would charge into the chest of the fire-breathing creature, destroying its build and then skidding across the charred debris. Gasping in surprise, he jumped back for a brief point, then raised his foot. The knee and higher impacting the features of the demon so it could perish instantly, the warrior spun with the kick he'd thrown. Landing perfectly, he raised his arms in an X-like shape to block an expanded ball of fire that spread across the Omni-energy infused barrier. Edges of the wings sharpening, feathers replaced with a metallic sharpening as they entered the chest of an ambushing abomination. Cackling loudly, he created a spear in a closed hand gesture so it'd destroy the fireball-throwing demon, burning away the immaterial vessel so the soul could once more descend. Twisting around quickly, wings slowly removing themselves from the spine they'd grown out of, the warrior angel could hear the burning nature of the demons running on the air. Catching the demon he'd impaled from behind, he slammed him into the air and charged forward hearing the growls and endless screams of the damned continuously grow nearer.

The figure of the demon breaking and cracking the city's platform to the soles of the angel for a moment, the Warrior threw it to the side, brass knuckles infused with Omni popping over his extremities. Locks moving with the artificial wind of Heaven, he readied as those otherworldly monstrosities went straight for him. Though, the Guardian utilized his strengthened space-like form, his foot ready to crush and stomp those damned souls. And just as he did with those mindless creatures before the Elite arrived, they were crushed to pieces, attaching and sticking to the bottom of his foot before the spiritual vessels immediately burnt away to steam. Crouching down, arms hovering against his knees, the Ginormous Uraku snapped his head back gazing at the tiny Warrior. Pushing out his hand so the Angel could march into his palm, the Children of God stared at one another from across the destroyed cities.

Uraku and his sibling shrunk their bodies to their usual shape, the Warrior Angel following the duo of Children entering the clouds. The Guardian and the Aether pushed their feet onto the artificial sky, the Temple's Hierophant watched as the skin cracked, attaching to his star-glistening limbs, exhaling deeply as the Demiurge yawned, arms into the air as It'd just woken up,

"That was pretty fun. So, sis, how'd we do?"

Charmeine stepped forward, standing straight, the golden weapon evaporating to circles before disappearing to nothing. Uraku, with his sibling, stared at the Commander of the Elite Guard, to which she rose- the Warrior kneeling at her presence. Then returning to the usual position, Meine watched from above the clouds as the slaughter continued, determining with a simple calculation,

"Half of the army here should be slaughtered, but the remainder of the demons should perish if they're as capable as they seemed... all in all, the Allfather should truly be- quite pleased,"

To Be Continued!

Synopsis for Heaven's Repent; Chapter 55: Three years have passed since the truce between the Government and Superhumans, with conflicts and tensions ramping up above the clouds. Following the capture of Nitesun, the Author assembles His Children to discuss the next move they should make regarding the Requiem targets on Earth.

Next Chapter - Angels and Devils

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