Chereads / The Answer. / Chapter 58 - An Act of Annihilation

Chapter 58 - An Act of Annihilation

"I... wanted to see if you'd be willing to chat. We don't have to fight, well, at least not now, anyway. So, Auntie, do you mind if I ask- why you'd willingly sacrifice a multitude of innocents for the sake of Humanity's 'True Happiness?' The truth has been wandering around the vastness of the multiverse for three generations. Inform me of this, Charmeine, why sacrifice all those lives- all those hopes, all those dreams. Just for one simple little goal,"

Their positions opposite one another, from a bird's eye view above everything, she was seated at the far right while he was on the left. The blood pouring out from his cut tinting and reddening the table so it'd leak onto the floor at a gradual pace, to which Charmeine exhaled sharply. Pulling at the collar of her robe, the Commander's head sunk as she remembered the goal, the mission her father had given her as an absolute. Unwavering, she began to part her lips, and as she readied to speak, he rose his hand a second time, claws sharpening as they pointed at her head. Knowing she had to choose her next words carefully, the slit throat of one of her comrades spewing out a fountain of blood as they all, at the same time- died. Pupils shaking in fear, fingers tightly gripping the hardened marble material of the table, the monsters returned to the shadow realm. To which, as she helplessly stared upon their bloodied bodies, eyes wide, previously paralyzed with fear. Bloodshot eyes, pupils squeezed out of their souls with pools of their own interior thick ruby fluids on pools to their backs, Char questioned. Stuttering, voice shaky as she intoned of the Demon in front of her,

"What... a-are you..?"

To which, he began to put his hand down, leaning forward before the sparks of electricity sparked her cheek for a split second, as he appeared behind her... His right hand massaging her shoulders, nails sharpening as they dug into her flesh and sucked it in through the tips of his fingers, he asked his question. A mocking mischievous smirk over his lips, face beside her own for but a moment, Jason brushed his fangs against her ear, inviting with a soft sound so she could shiver from his devilish vocals,

"What... did you turn me into?"

Rows of soldiers lined up, armed with the strongest of weapons, eyes shadowed by the helmets they wore to protect their skulls. Their angelic energies registering them as all loyal to the cause, the sight of the hovering Earth to their fronts. A stage with no one there lonely planted deeply into the roots of the realm, Yaldaboath chuckled as he readied to meet up with the rest of Its siblings at the front. Knowing the stage to be either Uraku or their Father's, the Leaders and Children of God readied their stances. From left to right, standing together with their arms behind their backs, Yaldabaoth, Akuji, Sirilla, with the obvious high-ranking missing duo of Angel Commander and Galactic Leader. Their Lord stepped up the wooden stairway of the stage so He could tower over the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all battle-ready for the fight ahead. The silence yelled at them all for the chatter to stop and halt, His arms raising so they could bow their heads and kneel to their Allfather. The Trio of Children stepping forward so they could follow those same motions, visible to the God above them, the Author's movements were gentle. Smooth, and at a gradual pace, He moved his hand through the air so they could stand, reassuming their previous positions. Crossing their hearts, the Author stared upon the nation He ruled, and the forces He commanded.

The sights of Nitesun and its signature rebuilt the golden palace, the tip piercing the skies above to the front of his golden pupils. Residential houses built and engraved into the dirt belonging to the ground, innocents slumbering, their hopes for a better tomorrow- for the soldiers and Government to succeed, motivating the Author forward. To see His people happy, head tilting to the right so He could look upon the neighboring city that held the hospital for treating the mentally damaged and injured.

Icarus' Grave held that infamous Sword-shaped golden monument, the tip of the blade invisible behind the darkened clouds of the night, those beds of grass hovering in air visible from here. Remembering those children that'd played normally in the blades of emerald, their parents innocently hoping for a peaceful life here free. Hatred, war, destruction, free of the corruption sole to humanity's horrific upbringing and evolution. Those people, wishing for normal lives, after experiencing a horrible demise at the hands of the nightmares on Earth- kept Him moving forward.

The Garden to the left, where old souls had stood for generations, preserving their knowledge and continuing to create the best of technology for Heaven and The Author. Eden served as a stronghold for those, treated as if they were kings, there was no doubt that now? They were sleeping soundly in their cottages at the edge of that island. Each of them holding a curved bridge to one another, but they all... converged here.

And finally, here, the Battle Station that wielded the weaponry and arms needed for a war of this caliber. The enemies they readied to face were not to be underestimated but overestimated to the most elite degree if any of them were to come close to absolute annihilation. These rows of loyal warriors, ready to give up their lives for the cause... lips parting, more determined than ever to end this cycle of hatred; the Author loudly declared,


Late to the meeting, having been wallowing in self-pity, Uraku quickly jumped out of a nearby gateway already opened by his brother Messenger. About to run over so he could listen to his Father's words, a singular step, at the back of the Battle Station, had sent him back to the city to his rear. There was no denouncing what he felt, the moment he turned around, gradually examining the surroundings around him, Uraku could tell- this was what it'd all led up to. Fear in his eyes, purple optics shaking, the Guardian twisted- glaring with a betrayed look. Energies visible to his Galactic sight, Ryder by the side of the Freedom-Seeking Requiem Emperor, his youngest son rose his head, greeting him with a familiar and friendly tone in his vocals,

"Old man... it's been ten years, Father,"

Stepping forward, Uraku attempted to crack his skin so he could transform and blast away the younger one of the duo at this moment, right then and there. Chuckling at the attempt, Karlo hid his smirk as Ben, at a slow and dramatic pace, rose his arms. Comets zooming past Terra, galaxies swirling around, nebulas glistening with stars illuminating the void of space- Emperor Son was ten steps ahead of his Hierophant Father. Raising from his seat, Ben pushed his finger against the watch he held, staying right behind his father, arms massaging his shoulders. Mocking him with a sinister gleeful tone resembling something like the Outcast's, Rivera watched as the screen lowered from the ceiling,

"Now! Now that we're all reunited and everything, how about we talk? Of course, it's not been 10 years, that's not what I mean by that. I was referring to something I learned that long ago. From you... Father,"

Uraku widening his eyes at the memory was transported to another time where both of them were younger, less tormented by their future and past. Words meant to stab deep to the heart of the man he'd had as a son echoing through time for the rest of eternity, Rivera's present vocals echoed from the outside heavenly realm. Taunting him with a sarcastic inquiry,

"Do you ask yourself why we call you something so 'disrespectful' like 'old man?' Because of such bullshit like this, when I was mourning my son, thinking he'd never return because of me... once again, because of my inaction,"

With his hand on his younger child's shoulder, eyes widening at the information he was given at that moment, Uraku broke down in terror as he held his face. About to cover his ears from the memory, the atrocities he'd committed in the name of 'True Happiness' and for what? The words the Hierophant had spoken out to the grieving Emperor of the past were the following so that Rivera wouldn't 'follow a path of grief and self-hatred' he was told,

"Their destinies were chosen, just as your mother's, Ryder's, and... and your son's. There was nothing you could have done,"

Throwing the chair back, his sobs were louder than a wailing banshee, to which Ben watched with no remorse for his fallen pathetic excuse of a Father. Kneeling beside him, azure optics radiating with a determined look that radiated with disgust for the Being that considered himself his father, Rivera informed the pleading man, his cries being,

"Please... just free me... of this pain...! Everything I've done... everything I shouldn't have done... send me to Hell where I belong... please,"

"What the hell are you doing? Pleading and crying like a pathetic little human man? Aren't you more than that? Fight. You wish to free yourself of this pain, fight for the end of it. Stand... Dad,"

Unable to channel the strength to bend his knee and extend the rest of the limb from there, Uraku let out a weak breath, tears fading to steam to which the Emperor stood with him. Arching his back so his face could be inches away from his Old Man's, constantly reminding and feeding him the past he'd wished to forget,

"Did you truly believe I would accept a future where I couldn't do anything? Did you believe I would allow yourself to be free of the sins you'd committed... the sins you had a hand in making me commit? You'll stay alive because I say so. By abandoning the family that would have cherished and loved you more than any Angels would have, what did you do? By leaving me? Jason? Madi... Mom?

You... started this story, didn't you?"

The broadcast continued with the Author loudly addressing the audience of warriors and His Children, their eyes tilted up at His figure. Arms behind His back, veins popping out from the human-like form He'd inhabited as a vessel, for the time being, pale skin shifting to a shade of light red. As Jason's appearance drastically changed, Uraku fell face-first on the platform as Karlo kicked his twitching body, paralyzed with fear and regrets of the past- and Madisyn surrounded by the old souls. Some of the greatest minds and bravest hearts belonging to this Realm, born as Angels and raised as such, were they truly as innocent as they seemed to be. Lifting a portrait, the Empress of Light's shadow invisible as she stood over the sleeping elder... a picture of their grandchild. The light in her eye dimmed and faded, a straight face over her features, skin cracking, wounds leading down from her forehead to converge on her eyes, the whiteness of the eyeball engulfed by the blackened shadows of hate- Madi readied as her skin fell and cracked like a shell,


Emotionlessly staring at her face, pecking her cheek for a brief moment before he skipped away, he stood right beside her. The wound having lost all of his blood, he widened his eyes, childishly gasping at the sight before cutting his other palm in a diagonal slice. Mocking with the words he mouthed, the last words she'd heard before the slaughter began were,

"Remember, Auntie, this is... all your fault. Because of you all- we will-"

"AN ACT-!!"

"Be remembered..."


"As demons..."


That look in their eyes, heads aiming for the skies, their bolt of thunder came down from the skies, destroying the concrete upper layers the Emperor and Justice were buried beneath. Striking their souls and largening them to exponential levels, the Author could feel the thunderous boom as the lightning crackled through the skies. Throwing the podium to the side in anger, he stuck out his hand to revert them into the skies-- before He realized... they weren't under his control in the slightest.




The moment the ends of the bolts touched their chests, they'd already risen and broken through their vessels- to which, there they were. Standing in the wreckage and charred skeletons of their buildings, all seen from individual directions, for everyone to see with their own eyes. The mushroom clouds polluting the clean air of the Heavens, the demonic appearance belonging to the monstrous form Jason took on emerged from the smoke. Jaw unhinged with a stained smirk over his lips, with a simple step, he crushed a house filled with burnt corpses. Children with dreams had them wiped away in an instant, and as the Demonic Hunter of Justice began his march to annihilate the enemies that'd taken away his home, he held no sense of pity in his eyes.

The Emperor's Galactic Form took after his Father's, the flowing hair whitened and twinkling with stars, the center of the form holding a blue coloration and swirling nebula. Another step, another wave of plasma to disintegrate those damned souls. No face, only the eyes, and behind those, the uncaring pupils of a determined lunatic searching for one thing and one thing only. His movements slow and gradual, standing at over 100 meters tall, he took another step, making his way to slaughter the remainders. And of course, crush the mastermind himself in his hands so his brains could squeeze out of that form he called a brain.

The Empress, holding the most similarities to her brother in terms of power, was shorter and more versatile. In a crouched position, fingers digging into the brick pathway to the bridge as she emerged from the smoke, mouth open and steam as the galaxy was seen swirling around in her forehead. White hair moving with the wind, she rose, beginning to walk before her legs kicked up the dirt. Throwing her legs back, her pace was picked up as she ran faster, the determination in her eyes visible. Breaths steady and continuous, the Warriors didn't even need an order for them to start firing. Sirilla harnessed pure Takyr energy in her arms so she could blast it right at her, to which Akuji pulled her into a shield as the sprawling and curving tendrils hid them behind the barrier. Without mercy, she leaped from the island, jumping and soaring from the platform so she could crush and land on the military. The landing rumbled the floor beneath her, bodies thrown into the air as others bled out, bones crushed under her feet. Exhaling deeply, head bent as she gazed through her eyebrows at her Grandfather, the Author's chosen warriors' blood had covered the left side of His face. Pushing her arm, tightening her fingers so her hands could curve to illuminating fists, the incoming Omni weaponry's bolts did little to no damage as they bounced off her galactic form.

No words needed to be said between the distant relatives, the long-time enemies, the Author simply turning away and disappearing. Swiping His hand, the Empress knew she'd be too weak, even now, to defeat this enemy, so she let Him go... snarling and growling as those who'd survived the crushing hid and took up positions. Staring down at them with the visors she used as ways to peer down at them, she crouched and crushed another frightened battalion of soldiers with her knee. The skull of this form disintegrating and unraveling at a gradual pace, the bones opening up and widening to reveal her human form, the Empress stepped out and yanked her glasses from the pocket in her pocket. Breathing on the glasses, she ripped the sleeves from her shirt so her muscular arms could be seen, and as she wiped the blood that'd managed to get in through the nostrils of that form off her face, Madi rose her fists. Pleading excitedly to get her revenge, the Empress bounced from side to side at the tips of her toes, demanded of the scared warriors and the hiding Children of God,

"Don't run now... demons,"

The tendril shield that'd protected the remaining trio of members had sunk into the ground, and as Akuji slid on a continuously-building path of tentacles into the air, he cracked his index finger with his thumb. Leaping off, he pushed away from the hair from the front of his vision, swaying in the wind as he shined in the night, he readied to stab through her heart. Maniacal giggles exiting his throat, his dove straight downward, thrusting his fingers through the shield of plasma she formed around herself so it'd break and shatter to pieces as if they were shards of glass. Smirking at his attempt, she retreated to a zipper that led to the pocket dimension of light he controlled, the debris that flew into the air, and blood splashing up from their bodies getting into his eyes. Wiping it away with an irritated snarl as the thick fluids got into his eyeballs, a kick originating from his left had sent him skidding and sliding back against the pile of damned souls. Bodies split in half, sliding around in intestines and guts to his soles, the Messenger rose his arm- the katana's tip stabbing through his limb. The squishing and dripping of blood had entered his ears, to which he moaned at the feeling, a punch to his right cheek burning away his dark-skinned flesh so only his skull would become visible for a moment. Emerging from her dimension, Jason ripped the blade out from his arm, spinning it around and digging it deeper to the shoulder of their enemy.

Gore spewing out from the arm, immobilized from the bladed attack, once more, with incredible speed, Jason ripped his weapon. Following that, another attack came from the knuckles of the Empress as she threw an aimed blow to his throat so he'd throw out more of his entrails to the floor. The brother and sister wielding sadistic and happy smiles over their lips, Akuji weakly rose his head at a slow pace, that same ecstatic smirk plastered over his lips. Excited for what they'd do, some of his primal instincts he had as a human showed as he rose his arms to block his head from more frontal blows. After every hit coming from Madi, there came another from her Justice Hunting brother, a kick from the Empress to his knee so it'd break- him falling to his left knee. His wrist being sliced off so his hand would fly off, the skeletal hand heard breaking off from the host body, the Empress threw a kick to the back of his skull. About to fall forward face-first, another punch was thrown to his features, nose breaking as the lightning coursed through their opponent's nervous system- the Empress throwing another kick so she could break his spine and fall onto his face. About to both throw a simultaneous knee to the top of his figure, the Messenger whispered to himself,

"I... feel his... power..."

Widening their eyes at the last second, Jason recklessly went for the frontal knee to the noggin as Madisyn turned around, slicing through the sharpened tendrils that aimed right for her body popping from the piles of destroyed corpses. Raising to the sky, the elongated tentacles readied to come after her from their previous still positions, as Jason's hands were as fast as light itself. Each new slice he made with the Ketsueki leading to more of those damned tendrils popping from the ground, the kanji near the edge of the katana radiating the signature crimson red so the blood around their feet would levitate. The lightning around him popping out from his veins, bolts hitting and sparking against his surroundings, Jason thrust the blade forward- spinning it around his body with style. Cackling as he did this move, he stabbed the ground with the tip of the blade, eyes closed, beginning to state in this slowed dimension he inhabited dramatically,

"Absolute Concentration," Breaths steady, steam pushing out from the edges of his rows of teeth, the lids he held closed over his optics began to lift. Through this world of cruelty, hatred, and discrimination, he alone- held the harmony inside... he was true, at peace, "Strings of Blood: Hole!"

Digging the katana deeper into the ground below him, a surge of negative energy had unleashed from his chest, spreading around his body in a visible flow of a blood-red aura. Giggling maniacally, psychotic chortling echoing this realm inhabited by spirits, the stench of blood haunted this human-made Battlefield.. Intestines were drenched of their gore, leaking out from their insides as the squashed bodies and damned souls of those who'd died for the cause rose. Their lifeless bodies rising with their chests drawing the most blood, limp arms to their sides, the Hunter of Justice watched in happiness and ecstasy. The blood lost its thickness so it'd sharpen and transform to spikes, heading right there for the limp and destroyed body belonging to that of the Twisted Messenger. Though, as Jason was turned, a tendril burst through his chest, and not just his chest, but everywhere on his body except for his head. Raising his hand so the tendrils could protect him, Sirilla jumped in to take all of the stabbings in her body, the dress she held over her body ripping, hand slicing off as she turned around and threw herself over her Messenger brother. About to fade to unconsciousness, the light in the center of her eyes was a symbol for something, the siblings staring at one another as she lifted him and threw his arm over her neck. Limping away and turning so she could escape through a portal, Akuji, the Replacement Messenger, and Sirilla, the Daughter of the Demon... both had that look in their eyes.

It being all the brother and sister from Earth needed to know, another attack was coming, seeing as how Jason had been stabbed with a bunch of arrow-like lean tentacles- he was in no condition to go after them. Phasing through the projectiles that'd pierced through his skin and flesh, he tumbled forward for a moment, widening his eyes. Doing a flip backward from the ground and landing on his feet- Jason stared up at the monument in front of him. An upside-down cross illuminating with a pentagram forming into existence behind it, the flying and following root-like projectiles chasing after the Empress had suddenly fallen. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, she descended and landed beside her brother, both of them gazing in confusion at the lackluster stale attack this seemed to be. Turning their heads at the same time, Jason easily and swiftly tore off the head of this enemy, as Madi's hand drove through hers' chest. The duo of opponents they'd effortlessly slaughtered had been none other than copies of the weak Akuji, to which Jay nonchalantly commented, facing his baby sister, he rose his arms and laughed. Having achieved a small victory, he yelled loudly with his sword to the air,


Just in the middle of his chaotic celebration, they'd noticed something in the corner of their eyes, turning at the same time. The blade centimeters away from his eyes, tilting and curving the steel so the tip would be pointed forward. Jason quickly himself, "Where the hell is this thing?" Searching around, and then his eyes locking onto the ball-like target. Oozing some sort of oil-like substance, Madisyn's purple Requiem lightning surged around her body, primarily her fists as a bow and arrow formed around her fingers. Pulling back the string and preparing to fire three pure plasma projectiles at this unknown object, the disgusting liquid that'd acted as a shield for It had been broken through.

Arms pushed out and ready to fire pure Omni at them, about to cleanse their souls of the tainted corrupt nature they held in the depths of their hearts, Yaldabaoth's Galactic energy formed and flowed around Its figure. If it had a mouth... you would see It perking up, forming a psychotic and blood-lusting sneer. Just like that boy, Doctor Kuno had manipulated all those years ago, Jason and Madi readied to weave and dodge. Lightning formed around his legs and building up as he readied to flee, and a slice in space destroyed the realm so she could Blanket herself- there was another sound both of them were familiar with emerging and flying past their faces. As the wind pushed through the coat, many of the living soldiers watching the battle and shooting at the incoming Giant the Emperor was still inhabiting had heard as an angelic wing was heard zooming through the air. Their heads flying off, bodies destroyed as their backs were used as surfing boards, the white-haired Reaper yelling as the blood splashed over his face, emerald lightning forming around his fingers- he'd easily warp from behind his previous abuser so his rival could get an easy hit in from the front.

In response to believing the attack to come from the front, Demiurge tilted Its head to Its rear so It could examine and stare at the whereabouts of this unknown attacker. A hand used to cover Its neck so they wouldn't cut off Its head as It searched, the Detective was seen flying over the Empress and Hunter of Justice's heads, getting his eyes out with a clean cut to the front. Screaming in terror at the sensation, It held Its face in terror, wrists exposed and everything. Passing right by his Fool Detective friend, he came in right for the hands.

Watching August's soles drag against the platform beneath him, coming in right for another blow to Its center, a smug smirk was seen over his lips. Ready to tear out his neck, electricity surging between his fingers as the wind dragged him back toward his opponent, Azazel turned around. Facing his torturer with a determined look of disgust and fulfillment, face dirtied with blood and gore from the Angels he cut through. Black wing popped out from his spine, a singular feather hovering away from the device he used to hover and going adrift into the space below them, the Requiem Reaper and the Fool Crow sent themselves forward to destroy their enemy. Once. And for all.

To Be Continued!!

Synopsis for Chapter 58 of Heaven's Repent - With the soldiers and warriors of Heaven demolished in the assault, Uraku with Charmeine out of commission, and the Author out of the picture as His forces battle it out with Earth- new allies emerge from the pure and destroyed souls of the old. To battle these new enemies made from the depths of Hell, old allies come to help the Emperor in his quest for revenge.

Next Chapter - Our Secret Savior

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