Miyuki Ogawa is a junior high school girl who lives in a block of high rise apartments with her
two parents. One morning in June, Miyuki decides not to go to school because of a typhoon.
Her parents soon leave the apartment to go to work. Left all alone in the living room, everything
around Miyuki suddenly reminded her of the heavy rain outside. She began to imagine what
it was like. The crowded train she usually took to school in the morning was probably lled
with the same rainy atmosphere - someone's wet umbrella soaking someone's skirt and legs,
businessmen cramped together with their clothes smelling of insecticide and the air conditioner
turned on too high, making all the damp clothes feel even colder...
After having only a yogurt that morning for breakfast, Miyuki returned to her room to resume
her work. She was writing a novel that no one knew about yet. It wasn't complete yet and even
if she did nish it, Miyuki didn't know what she was going to do with it afterwards. Miyuki
stretched a little and began manicuring her nails. "I probably just want to leave a trace of myself
behind in this world."
Miyuki soon noticed the wind had picked up outside her window as it howled through the gaps
between buildings. Sirens could be heard. Pressing her ear towards the window she could hear
the trees violently swaying in the wind, trucks running through water and a sign being thrown
violently onto the ground. Scenes of the raging rain outside made their way into Miyuki's mind
again - roofs exposed to the roaring typhoon winds, the rusted cable cars, the empty crossings,
the deserted buildings, creaking lights and her classmates taking lessons quietly in class...
Staring at the white notepad before her, Miyuki thought about the possible future ahead of
her. She'll be taking her annual exams soon, wearing a new uniform and if it all goes well, she'll be
attending a private senior high school that only takes forty minutes to get to by train and she
will probably join the basketball club again. She'll be working part-time and maybe go out with
a few boys. "After graduating from high school, I'll go to university," thought Miyuki to herself.
"Hmmm, university life... After that it'll be a career and marriage for me but that's not
something that I can really imagine. Anyway, this novel I'm writing now shouldn't have any
eect on my future. But then what am I writing this for?"
"...No, my novel has nothing to do with any of that," thought Miyuki. "There's nothing I
want to be just now. I haven't done things I want to do yet. First I'm going to write this novel
because I want to know more about myself. I'm sure there will be a whole new world that I'll
be able to reach out to once I'm nished."
Miyuki noticed the wind had stopped now. Silence hung peacefully in her room. Looking up
she could see how bright it had suddenly become outside. Rays of sunlight were bursting through
the clouds... The sound of Miyuki's sandals echoed as she opened the window and stepped out
onto the veranda. What a world that laid before her eyes!
Just moments ago the town was drenched in rain but now, it was glowing brightly as dazzling
rays of sunlight illuminated o it. The clouds above were breaking up and dashes of the blue sky
could be seen. Small black clouds were being whisked quickly away by the strong winds overhead
in the sky.
"This is the first time I've seen anything like this. Yes, this must be the eye of the storm..."
Looking at the sky from the high veranda, Miyuki thought the blue colour was a sad one. It
was so far away and so high. Even though she knew she couldn't reach out to touch it, Miyuki
stretched out her hands. She didn't know why but under that powerful moment of time, she
broke down in tears.
It was a bright sunny morning the next day. Miyuki was walking down a side lane in between
buildings as she made her way to the station. Stopping, she turns round to look at the town
hidden away by the blue sky. "No one would believe me if I tried to tell them what I saw
yesterday," thought Miyuki. "I don't know why but it's been bothering me... It's impossible to
leave any traces of my life behind in this big world."
"So yet why do I continue writing my story?" Miyuki looked away from the sky and continued
to walk again.