RYU Cortez: Blossom, can we meet tomorrow? I have a favor...
Blue stared blankly at her phone screen. She and Ryu aren't very familiar with each other, and he's there, casually asking her for a favor.
Blue didn't know how she should respond, but she still sent him a reply.
Sorrow Blossom Qin: May I ask what favor it is?
Ryu replied a minute after Blue sent the message.
Ryu Cortez: This... Is it fine if I just tell it to you tomorrow? I think that we should discuss this matter face-to-face.
Blue wanted to ask him to just tell her the matter or give her a heads up but she thought it was very impolite, but isn't Ryu also impolite?
Sorrow Blossom Qin: Meeting place and time?
Ryu Cortez: At the breakfast house in your subdivision. For the time, what time are you available tomorrow?
Sorrow Blossom Qin: My work starts at 9:00 AM and the time I get off work is indefinite.
Ryu Cortez: Then is 7:00AM fine for you?
'You idiot! I'm still snoring loudly at that time of the day! I might just have slept. What an inconsiderate a***ole!' Blue cursed Ryu in her head.
Then she thought, how did she like this man years ago? He's even her first love! She was blinded by his looks and didn't have the chance to know his personality.
As someone who liked Ryu, Blue was very disappointed.
Sorrow Blossom Qin: It's fine with me :)
Blue replied, but at the bottom of her heart, she wanted to die in frustration. Blue wasted her youth liking this unfavorable man!
She closed her chat conversation with Ryu and clicked on the group chat where she, Alena, and Pepper are the members. She took a screenshot of her conversation with Ryu and sent it to her friends.
Sorrow Blossom Qin: I know that the two of you are still awake. What do you think would his favor be? [image]
Her friends bombarded the group chat with messages when they saw Blue's message.
Pepper Mint: He'll ask you to pretend to be his girlfriend :p
Alena Cervantes: He realized that you weren't an awful choice.
Pepper Mint: Oh, I remembered that he recently debuted, it's possible that he'll ask you to be his fashion consultant...
Alena Cervantes: Ah! I heard that he will participate in a singing reality show for stars. He might ask you to design his outfits for him.
Pepper Mint: You should agree right away. It would be a formal business and he'll give you a colossal amount of money.
Sorrow Blossom Qin: These are the only possibilities you've thought about?
Pepper Mint: Young lady, we're not someone who can foresee the future...
Alena Cervantes: Yeah, yeah. The least that we could do for you is to come with you when you meet him.
Pepper Mint: Yah, who knows? He might be a scoundrel in a blink of an eye.
Alena Cervantes: Don't trust handsome men.
Pepper Mint: Don't trust Brian Gene Baltazar.
Sorrow Blossom Qin: In what part of his body or in what angle is that person handsome?
Pepper Mint: In his heart.
Sorrow Blossom Qin: ...
Sorrow Blossom Qin: @Alena Don't trust Thunder Kin :p
Pepper Mint: Haha, hello top fan!
Alena Cervantes: The two of you should shut up. I'm going to start my livestream in just a few minutes. If you're not going to write tonight, go and watch.
Sorrow Blossom Qin: AHH! I've been abandoning my story for a while ㅠㅡㅠ
Pepper Mint: What 'for a while?' You haven't updated it for weeks! And you left us, readers, a ####### cliffhanger!
Sorrow Blossom Qin: Why are you so mad? I'm engrossed with my new job. It's fun.
Alena Cervantes: Shut up, you find it fun because you're working with a handsome man.
Pepper Mint: Hah, what would it feel like if I work beside Editor Brian?
Sorrow Blossom Qin: Yuck.
Blue stopped chatting and turned on her computer. She can't abandon writing!
She started to type furiously on her laptop's keyboard and in three hours, she was able to write two chapters of her ongoing web novel published on Words by You. She posted it immediately and shut down her laptop. She doesn't like to pile up chapters, so she posts the chapters immediately after writing.
She lay on her bed and slept.
BLUE woke up and glance at the clock. It was already 6:00AM, and she still has to meet Ryu at 7. She stood up, did her morning routine, and left her home with her car because she's going directly to Light's house after discussing matters with Ryu.
She parked the car in front of the breakfast house and the flowers affected her mood. She felt lighter and cheerfully entered the building.
She went upstairs and saw a familiar guy, sitting silently at the corner of the place. But the thing is, he's not alone! He's with a little boy who's about two to three years old.
She walked towards the two's direction, and Ryu raised his head to glance at her. Blue just noticed that he's wearing sunglasses and face mask. Oh, he's quite popular now, that he needed to wear sunglasses and mask to conceal his identity?
Blue sat on the chair in front of Ryu and she glanced at the plump little boy sitting silently beside Ryu. Blue wanted to pinch the boy's chubby cheeks, but she restrained herself.
Her eyes widened when her gaze landed on the kid's face again. The little boy resembles Ryu a lot. Is this...
"Blossom, this is my son, Liam Hawthorn Cortez." Ryu spoke, pertaining to the child who sat beside him.
Blue gave out a smile and cheerfully glanced at the little boy. "Hello, Liam! I'm Sorrow Blossom Qin, but almost everyone calls me Blue."
Liam's eyes widened, then he tapped his Dad's arm. Ryu bent a little so he can hear what the little guy will say, and he nodded at the child.
Ryu spoke to Blue, and none of Pepper and Alena's guesses about Ryu's favor were right.
"Blue, the favor... Can you take care of Liam for a while? I know that this is a shameless request, but I lost contact with my friends, you're the only person I can rely to..."
What? They weren't even friends!
"How about Liam's mother?" Blue asked Ryu with an irritated tone and the man sighed.
"I raised him all by myself... We're just waiting for the divorce papers to be approved..."
"What? You're married?" Blue can't take everything into her mind! Ryu is married, but he's a single dad? And he and her wife are going through the process of divorce...
Then that only means one thing!
The wife didn't want the little child and also didn't love Ryu. Blue wanted to pity the man because of his very cruel fate.
"Well, with my parents, everything's a business deal so the eldest daughter of the Wu family was married to me." Ryu explained patiently and Blue gave him a firm nod.
"How long am I going to take care of Little Liam?"
"Well, I'm going to join the singing reality show to build up my image and I can't take care of him for a while, but I'm sure that I'm free during weekends. Sorry for troubling you. It's just, the nanny I've got for him used violence to discipline him."
"Hmm, I'll take him in for a month. Is that enough time to look for a new nanny?" Blue asked Ryu with a serious tone.
"It's more than enough! Thank you very much! If you need me, just give me a ring or send me a message." Ryu said and he wanted to hug the very kind Blue. "Liam, you'll stay with Auntie Blue for a while, okay?" Ryu spoke to his son.
"Mm, Auntie Blue!" Liam said enthusiastically and smiled at Blue. The girl's heart melted and she wanted to keep the little guy in her pocket.
"Just call me 'big sister.'" Blue told the child and stood up to pinch his cheeks. She wasn't able to resist anymore.
"Big sister..." The child said with a small and cute voice and Blue's nose wanted to bleed badly. Aah! She's really soft when it comes to cute kids.
The three ate first before leaving the breakfast house.
Blue carried Liam in her arms when they stepped out of the place. She opened her car and put the little guy in the child seat. It was a good thing that Alena randomly gifted her the child seat. She didn't expect that it would suddenly become handy.
"Baby, say bye-bye to your Dad." Blue told the little guy and Liam obediently bid his goodbyes to his Dad.
Blue waved at Ryu and entered her car, then she realized that she still has to go to work at Light's house.
She imagined herself taking care of the child while drawing, and it was not a beautiful sight.
Ah, whatever! Where else could she bring the child?
She drove to Light's residence and just like when she first went to the place for work, the family driver was waiting for her. She handed her car keys to the man and then picked up the little guy and her things from the backseat of her car.
The family driver stood still with his widened eyes when he saw a child in Blue's arms.
Blue and Liam walked towards the door of Light's house. Blue pressed the doorbell and Mrs. Lim opened the door for her.
She was about to explain why she brought a child with her when Liam struggled to get out of her hold and when Blue released him, the little guy ran towards Mrs. Lim's direction and hugged the woman's right leg.
"Grandma!" The little guy shouted.